Banned From Argo -- Er, The Filk Circuit!

The Original!

NEW FILK AS OF 1/21/02: Filked From Argo

  What's "Banned From Argo"?
"Banned From Argo" is an astoundingly notorious filk unleashed upon an unsuspecting world by an equally unsuspecting Leslie Fish.

  What's A "Filk"?
Hmmm. Better go read up on it -- come back when you've got the idea. If you're feeling brave, you might brush up on the injokes while you're there, too.

  Why I Am Going To Burn In Hell For Creating This Page
Filkers hate "Banned From Argo." Filkers loathe "Banned From Argo." Filkers have been known to bludgeon neos to death with the nearest mandolin for requesting a rousing round of "Banned From Argo."

  Why Are You Creating This Site, Then?!?
Because it hasn't been done. Because it was fun. Because I'm fascinated by the insidious spread of this little tune. Because parodies are an amusing insight into fannish life. Because maybe if neos get their BFA fix here, they won't pester a filker for it at the next con. And because my only exposure was a scratchy tape pirated from Dr. Demento, so I haven't been traumatized on the con circuit. (Note: I also run the Mary Sue Society, a page devoted to another fan-reviled concept, which should give you an idea of how mad I am. MAD I tell you!)

  So...Whatcha Got Here, Anyway?
Links to fan-made versions of the filk. Links to filks written about BFA, be they in disgust, protest, or amusement. A collection of random BFA-related quotes and mentions. A fervent wish to not run into Ms. Fish in a dark alley...

  Do You Take Submissions?
Yes indeed I do. Links are welcome, but I'm also happy to archive versions that can't be found online. C'mon. Don't be shy. I know you've got 'em. ;)

Handy Dandy Disclaimer Thingy: "Banned From Argo" is owned lock, stock, and barrel by the lovely & talented Leslie Fish. All parodies on this site and linked elsewhere are the creations of their respective authors. No harm is intended and no profit is made via this little tribute project.

The Original!

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