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Tuesday, April 1, 2003

Halliburton's Boomerang
Vice President Dick Cheney has displayed a remarkably thick skin about his coziness with the energy industry, even going to court rather than allow Congress to find out who was at his energy commission meetings in 2001 and what was discussed.

Campus Free-Speech Tests
War invariably puts stress on the tenuous boundaries between free speech, good taste and common sense. Fortunately for the health of this democracy, American college campuses roil with debate about where the lines should be drawn.

A Crisis and a Calling
The outnumbered troops hoped for cooperation from the civilians they had come to liberate. But instead of hugs and flowers, they got shrugs and scowls. Behind locked doors and barred windows, wary residents weighed options: remain tacitly loyal to those who rule by fear or speak up and risk a bullet in the back of the skull?


Back Diplomacy With Force to Bar Iran From Nuclear Club
By Bennett Ramberg
There is little doubt that Iran, which for the moment has neither a bomb nor nuclear weapons material, has learned much from North Korea and Iraq.

'Terror' as the Ultimate Excuse
By Robert Scheer
The word is being used by the U.S. and its enemies to condone savagery.

A Brief Remission
By Brian D. Johnston
With fanfare, L.A. County has scratched up some funds, but it hasn't even begun to address its health-care crisis

Casualty of a Ratings War
By Jonathan Turley
NBC's sacking of Peter Arnett over a critical analysis plays well in Baghdad.


U.S.-Led Coalition Assaults Iraq to Save It
Another weekend of unending coverage of cities in Iraq being bombed to kingdom come. Then there is the suicide bombing and killing of the four American soldiers at a checkpoint (March 30). My gut instinct says President Bush has gotten us into something from which we will not be able to extricate ourselves easily.

The Kiss Seen Round the World
Re "On Oscar Night, a Kiss Is More Than Just a Kiss," by Drew Limsky, Commentary, March 28: Lighten up! Adrien Brody's gesture was the highlight of the show and surely not meant as a diminution of Halle Berry. I choose to believe he would have done the same no matter the presenter's racial origins or beauty quotient. Please allow the man the exuberance of a moment he earned through hard work and dedication to his craft.

Bombing of Civilians in World War II
Perhaps Jorg Friedrich has forgotten a few things in his account of the bombing of Germany in World War II ("Beyond Slaughter: Memories of '45," Commentary, March 28). First, it was Germany that started the bombing at the beginning of the war, when German bombers flew over England every night for months on end and bombed the major English ports and cities, among them Coventry, whose center was razed, including the great medieval cathedral, and London, whose entire East End disappeared. It was called the Battle of Britain, in case he has forgotten, and thousands upon thousands died in it.

Effect of Tax Cuts on the U.S. Treasury
Your March 28 editorial, "A Bad Time for Tax Cuts," was right on. Mention could have been made that President Reagan's failed "trickle down" fiscal policy during his administration resulted in increasing the national debt some $2 trillion. To this day that debt remains unpaid and the interest payments each year of about $100 billion remain as a millstone hanging around taxpayers' necks. One wonders if the voters will ever wake up and realize that the Republicans' "it's your money" campaign is nothing but a con job that loots the public treasury -- just as George W. is continuing to do every day of his administration -- and in the long run makes more taxes necessary.

 Editorial Series
L.A.'s Parent of Last Resort
Follow three-year-old Leticia and her siblings' two-year odyssey into the county's labyrinthine child welfare system.

Standing Up to Street Gangs
California's leaders need to stop the war in our own backyard.

Helping People Off the Streets
A Pulitzer Prize-winning Los Angeles Times editorial series on homelessness and the mentally ill.

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 Featured Columnist
John Balzar
Murderous 'Containment'
Robert Scheer
'Terror' as the Ultimate Excuse

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Healthcare Job Fair, April 8th