
The Civil Litigator's Mentoring Page

We in the Litigation Section are committed to closing the knowledge gap between the more experienced members of the Bar and our newer members. Many of our members are not associated with firms and have little opportunity to ask questions of other lawyers.

Our mentor project is an attempt to fill this gap. If you are a lawyer, and have a question on procedures, ethics, or any other aspect of civil litigation, please email it to:

Your question will then be sent by email (without your name) to a panel of approximately thirty experienced Utah litigators.

We'll attempt, but cannot guarantee, that we'll get an answer for you. Then the question and answers will be posted to this web page for future reference.


There are several caveats:

First, this project is designed to provide advice for lawyers on issues of civil litigation.  It is not intended to answer the layperson's questions about the law or procedures. We simply won't answer questions from people who are not licensed members of the Utah bar.

Second, we will do our best to have your questions reviewed by a panel of experienced litigators. However, we don't want to burn out our panel on questions whose answer can be found if you read the rules. And we won't do your legal research for you. We will give you the best off-the-cuff insights and advice available.

Third, if we're wrong... well, we're wrong.  We will do the best we to provide non-binding advice to other lawyers. It's not legal advice and no attorney-client or other relationship is created by use of this service to the members of the bar.

By using this service, you agree to our conditions.

Good luck and keep those questions coming!



Contact the Section:
