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 Hosted by Aaron Brown
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•  NewsNight
AIRS: 10 p.m. ET Monday-Friday
Friday, August 01, 2003  

Fast-paced and story-driven, "NewsNight with Aaron Brown" is a unique look at the day's headlines and the issues you are talking about. In a new two-hour edition, Aaron Brown brings you breaking news and live updates from around the world. No one delivers a more challenging perspective on the day's most important news.

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With more than a quarter century of journalism experience to draw from, Aaron Brown is CNN's lead anchor during breaking news and special events. He is also the anchor of "NewsNight with Aaron Brown," the only live global news broadcast seen in the United States and around the world. Less than an hour after the first terrorist attack on the World Trade Center in New York on Sept. 11, Brown began covering the unparalleled event from a rooftop in New York City. His round-the-clock continuing live coverage from several points in New York City, including "Ground Zero," has provided CNN audiences with constant updates and insight. During his career, Brown has garnered a number of awards including three Emmy awards, a duPont-Columbia Award, a New York Film Festival World Medal and several Sigma Delta Chi awards for political, general and sports news reporting as well as in the category of Outstanding Documentary.
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