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Who are some of Berklee's well known alumni/faculty?

See Berklee Alumni and Faculty.

Is Berklee a jazz school, a rock school, or a classical music school?
Berklee's founding was based on the need for education in America's popular music, beginning with jazz. Previously no schools used a structured approach to teaching jazz or other forms of popular music; in fact, all musical training had been based on the European, classical model. Some conservatories and music schools still use this classical education model, but Berklee employs a rigorous and pragmatic educational approach to teach jazz, pop, rock, and other forms of world music, including classical music. Berklee is neither just a jazz school, or just a rock/pop school, but a college offering all styles of contemporary music for today's music industry.

Does Berklee have a job placement service?
Berklee is a microcosm of the music industry, and networking with other musicians begins immediately upon enrolling at Berklee. Faculty, students, and alumni (over 30,000) serve as an ever growing pool of contacts. Also, Berklee students in different majors have internship opportunities which often lead to permanent placement. Students can also find career guidance through the Counseling Center and the Career Development Center, which maintains a very active job listing service.

Does Berklee have Summer Programs or short sessions?
Yes, see Summer Programs, Professional Development Programs and International Programs.

Does Berklee offer Financial Aid or Scholarships?
Yes, both Financial Aid, and Scholarships are available. Deadlines apply, so please read these sections carefully.

Can I enroll at Berklee part-time?
The college's primary commitment is to full-time study. The teaching resources and facilities are fully occupied in serving our full-time students. Therefore, we cannot allow unrestricted part-time enrollment. However, for students who are very close to the completion of their graduation requirements, part-time study can be approved for the fall or spring semester.

Since fewer students are enrolled in the summer semester, the facilities and resources can be made available for part-time enrollment. Therefore, any student who has completed at least one full-time semester at Berklee can elect to go part-time in the summer.

According to U.S. immigration regulations, international students must attend two full-time semesters every year and not take more than one vacation period in order to maintain F-1 student status. (Part-time enrollment during summer generally counts as a "vacation" semester.)

Do all students have to have play an instrument, even those interested in Music Production and Engineering , Music Therapy, and Music Business/Management ?
Yes. Berklee's approach is based on the philosophy that anyone interested in a successful career in the music industry, and wanting a competitive edge over others with only technical or business backgrounds, must gain training on an instrument, and have a sound background in music theory. This is also why a core music curriculum is required in any major.

Do all students have access to the Music Technology facilities?
To ensure that each student has sufficient hands-on lab time, the use of some facilities is regulated. Students in Music Technology majors frequently involve students of other majors in their class projects. For example, non-Music Production & Engineering (MP&E) majors can work in the recording studios by writing or playing for MP&E student projects or by enrolling in a ?studio? ensemble.

Professional Music... What's that?
A Professional Music major tailors his/her program based on his/her goals and previous experience or studies. Professional Music majors meet with a faculty member from Professional Music Department and design a ?contract? defining what courses are appropriate to meet the student's professional objectives.

Does Berklee teach courses other than music on Berklee's campus?
Yes, Berklee faculty members teach general education courses such as English, history, and science, and students in the Degree Program will take enough general education courses to complete approximately 25 percent of the Degree. See General Education Department. Students can also take a wide variety of courses at area colleges through the Pro Arts Consortium.

Do you offer private instruction for beginning music students/what do you offer in terms of private instruction?
If you are interested in private lessons only, contact the instrumental departments directly or the Career Development Center to post your interest in lessons.

By what percent does tuition increase yearly?
Roughly 7%. In 1997 Berklee's tuition was lower than most other major colleges of music, including Eastman, New England Conservatory, and University of Miami. Please refer to tuition and related costs for more detailed information about fees, charges and tuition.

I will be in Boston next week, what do I need to do to schedule a visit?
See Visiting Berklee.

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