





Illuminati losing their grip?

Goals of the Illuminati  

Economic sanctions - Operation Population Control  



The grand deception - Manipulating US into war - Rewriting history  - CFR

Collectivism vs individualism 

Why not world government?

Communism & the Illuminati

Communism & capitalism

Thesis and anti-thesis

Order out of chaos

Purpose behind UN 

UN destroys rights 

UN 50 years on  

IMF - created by UN 




Skull & Bones 


Rhodes scholarships

Oxford University

Illuminati schools

Chronology of ruling class conspiracy


New world order



Shadow government

Secret budget

Silent weapons

Mind control


Boxcars & compounds

Underground bases


Weather control

Water agenda





Widening gap between rich and poor  

The Fed 

Beast from Jeckyll Island 

The Bankers Manifesto of 1892 


Fractional reserve banking 

Fiat money 


Bracket creep 

Stamp duty on houses  

16th amendment 

Money myth

Gold Standard 

Usury / interest 

Fall of civilisations

Hidden taxation









Defeat of Illuminati ] [ Cartels ] CFR ] Illuminati2 ] Illuminati3 ] Illuminati4 ] Communism ] Education ] UN ] Population control ] Secret societies ]


Cartels controlling the world
Jon Rappoport

The planet is being controlled, to an alarming extent, by elites, or, as I call them, cartels.  There are many cartels, but seven are the most powerful.  They evolve, they learn from one another, they both compete and co-operate.  Unfortunately, the trend is more towards co-operation. These seven cartels represent the following areas:  GOVERNMENT, MILITARY, INTELLIGENCE, ENERGY, MONEY, MEDIA, AND MEDICAL.....

I came to this map of cartels through my own research on the medical monopoly.  That's where it started, in 1986.  .. Once you understand these cartel elites, you can begin to separate out information into loose layers of importance, as in, which layer of the control game are we talking about?  Because it's all about layers.  And at most layers, the players are forwarding agendas which they do not realize fit into higher and more destructive agendas.


Tentacles of influence controlling all
Dove of oneness newsletter of November 13, 2003

People of Earth have been deluged with DISinformation about NESARA by the Illuminati, the powerful group whose tentacles reach highest levels of -

Banking establishments; 
All media outlets; 
Multinational corporations; 
Royal families; 
Medical and drug,
Law and justice systems - 

NOTHING of influential nature on your planet is free of Illuminati control. 


Definition of cartel
By Edward Griffin

I need to define that word so that you will know what I mean when I use the word cartel. It is a group of independently owned businesses which come together for the purpose of reducing or eliminating competition between themselves to enhance their profit margin or to secure their positions in the market. They do this by various means one of which is price fixing--no competition on price. 

There are other means. If we were forming a cartel here I might insist that I get the north and you can have the south and we won't compete. Or I would say I'll produce the gizmo and you can have the widget and we won't compete or we'll share patents and processes and whatever we do we agree to eliminate competition between ourselves. The more layers of agreement that we put one on top of the other, the more we become encased in this cartel structure and we become as one insofar as the market is concerned even though within that grouping we are separately owned.


Insurance companies act as "gatekeepers"

Insurance companies are cost plus providers which, have no incentive to reduce costs. They act as "gatekeeper" and for their role in the monopoly will not pay for any treatment which comes from outside the cartel. This nation is coming to understand this horror is a result of complacency as well as collusion between government agency, pharmaceutical interests and institutional medicine and its powerful financial influence over nearly every facet of the worldwide bureaucracy and mass media. 


The money illusion
Jon Rappoport

There are eight basic areas of control on the planet, eight basic cartels. GOVERNMENT, MONEY, MILITARY, INTELLIGENCE, ENERGY, MEDIA, MEDICAL, ORGANIZED RELIGION. There are also lesser cartels. If you lump together the most powerful trans-national corporations, you could call that a ninth cartel.
These cartels have many things in common, and they do co-operate. One shared common feature is THE TELLING OF STORIES, OF MYTHS, like the myths I have described in this article.
Myths most people accept as reality.


Backgrounder four: the structure of the cartels 
Jon Rappoport
August 28, 2003

As I’ve written, there are eight major cartels that run the world. They control eight specific areas: GOVERNMENT, MONEY, MILITARY, INTELLIGENCE, ENERGY, MEDIA, MEDICAL, AND ORGANIZED RELIGION. Are these cartels static? Are they carved in stone?
No. They are evolving organic entities.
They were born, one might say, because certain very heavy hitters realized that, if power over these areas could be coalesced, and if these eight groups then co-operated, the planet would be theirs.




The Illuminati are the top echelon of a vast network of organizations which make up a Secret Brotherhood covering the globe. Within this network are found 6 major divisions: Banking & Money, Secret Societies, Political, Intelligence, Religions, and Education. The Secret Societies encompass the elite Priory of Sion, the Rosicrucians, the Orders of Freemasonry, Skull & Bones, the Grand Orient Lodge, the Grand Alpina Lodge, the Knights Templar, the Royal Order of the Garter.