HEAT & THE THREE LAWS OF THERMODYNAMICS Joseph Newman in St. Louis, Part B. (A talk)



To: From: (Evan Soule) Subject: THE SPECIAL REPORT (Part A)



"A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it." -- MAX PLANCK

What I am going to suggest to you in this Special Report is more than simply 'a genuine improvement in electrical technology,' but rather a significant paradigm shift which may challenge some of the fundamental beliefs held today in electrical theory. While I don't know you personally, I am hoping that you, the reader, possess the gift of intellectual honesty, i.e., a willingness to look at the facts regardless of one's predispositions and/or prejudices.

My personal background is history and science, and I have devoted the past twenty years to studying the history of physics -- especially with regard to invention and the great difficulties major innovators have had in presenting their achievements to society. In many instances the history of physics (science) has taught me that "the greater the innovation -- the greater the resistance." This is very unfortunate for the progress of humanity.

I am hoping that the independence of your thinking will give you the freedom to view a new technology, a new paradigm -- with the open-mindedness and intellectual honesty of Planck's 'new generation.'

Allow me to present to you a sterling example of "intellectual dishonesty": this brief story involves a young upstart thinker by the name of Galileo Galilei and a most distinguished Professor of Philosophy at Padua University by the name of Cesare Cremonini. One may ask today, "Who is Cesare Cremonini?" Yet four hundred years ago, Cremonini was the well-known and famous professor and Galileo Galilei was a virtually unknown original thinker.

Once upon a time (so the story goes), this young thinker Galileo claimed to have discovered "mountains on the moon" by virtue of the utilization of a new tool called the telescope. Naively believing that other thinkers and professors would welcome this discovery, Galileo invited professor Cremonini to view these moon mountains for himself through the telescope.

Cremonini chided Galileo for his insanity since, as everyone knows, "the moon cannot contain protuberances or blemishes since Aristotle has said that the moon is a perfect sphere." Galileo replied, "I don't care what Aristotle said, simply come look through my telescope and see for yourself." "No, Galileo, my young friend," responded Cremonini, "I KNOW that there are no mountains on the moon." Professor Cremonini then opened the book of Aristotle to the appropriate page and 'proved' that Galileo could not possibly be correct.

But Galileo was insistent. "If you just look through the telescope you will see that Aristotle was incorrect," he said to Cremonini. Then Professor Cremonini responded by saying, "No Galileo, I will NOT look through that confounded tube of yours. But IF I did look and if I DID see mountains on the moon, then I would know that you have simply enchanted me." This, dear reader, is intellectual dishonesty.


I am asking you, the reader, in this Special Report to be willing to "look through the tube." And the "tube" here represents a new understanding of electromagnetism.


You may ask, "How could this be so?" One may maintain that in a post-Faraday electrical society, everything that can be known about electromagnetism is known. In response to this position, I ask that you consider the quotation of Charles H. Duell, Director of the Patent Office in 1899:

"Everything that can be invented has been invented."

But before I present an introduction to the new technology in question, permit me to introduce its inventor -- Joseph W. Newman. [In my study of the history of science, I have discovered a passion for biography, i.e., by knowing something of the inventor one acquires a much greater depth, richness and appreciation for the significance of the innovation. In addition, biographies allow the reader to learn something of the personal struggles of the great thinkers and inventors of history.]

Who is Joseph Newman? He is an original thinker who has educated himself over the past forty years in physics, chemistry, astronomy and many other areas which have intrigued him. The focus of his life has become his work in electromagnetics which he began developing over thirty years ago. And he is not a starry-eyed theoretician. Since he has made his living by inventing, he has discovered a need to remain grounded in reality, in practical applications of his concepts.


These quotations are from scientists who have endorsed Joseph Newman's work:

"The future of the human race may be dramatically uplifted by the large-scale, commercial development of this invention." -- Dr. Roger Hastings, Principal Physicist, UNISYS CORPORATION

"If the manner in which Joseph Newman conducted his experiments and the results were made known to the industrial or engineering community then, in my opinion, several companies and/or individuals possess the expertise and capabilities to construct the hardware required to fully exploit the apparent capability of his new concepts." -- Dr. Robert E. Smith Chief, Orbital and Space Environment Branch, George C. Marshall Space Flight Center, NASA

"You have opened an area in Astrophysics which may revolutionize the magnetic energy problems which is now the most paramount problem in future energy and space travel. I do believe with proper research funds, the results would not only be a great financial boom to your financiers, but would lead to developments that will be practical and beneficial to all mankind and develop a new step in science." -- Dr. E. L. Moragne, MORAGNE RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT CO. [Dr. Moragne was an electromagnetic pioneer in the development of the first atomic bomb.]


Better than 30 physicists, nuclear engineers, electrical engineers and electrical technicians have signed Affidavits attesting to the validity of his invention: an electromagnetic motor/generator that could supply every American's home, farm, business, automobile and appliance with electrical power at a fraction of the present cost.

But before I discuss the invention itself, permit me to digress a moment about magnetism. Over the years I have posed this questions to professors of electrical engineering: "What is the mechanical essence of magnetism?" The standard reply is vague at best, but includes such answers as, "It consists of lines of force and action at a distance; potential energy."

The fifth edition of the Modern Dictionary of Electronics by Rudolf F. Graf [published by Howard W. Sams & Co., Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana] defines magnetism as:

"A property possessed by certain materials by which these materials can exert mechanical force on neighboring masses of magnetic materials and can cause voltages to be inducted in conducting bodies moving relative to the magnetized bodies."

And, lines of force are defined as:

"In an electric or magnetic field, an imaginary line in the same direction as the field intensity at each point. Sometimes called a maxwell when used as a unit of magnetic flux."

These definitions seem superficially fine, but fail to specifically address the real question: "What is the mechanical essence of magnetism?" "Of what do these 'imaginary lines of force' consist?" "What is the real nature of mechanical force -- what physically causes such action at the most fundamental level?" These questions perplexed Michael Faraday, who said: "How few understand the physical (emphasis added) lines of force! They will not see them, yet all the researches on the subject tend to confirm the views I put forth many years since. Thompson of Glasgow seems almost the only one who acknowledges them. He is perhaps the nearest to understanding what I meant. I am content to wait convinced as I am of the truth of my views."

[Although he had only a 7th grade, formal education, Faraday was a mechanical genius.]

I must postulate that if Faraday were alive today he would claim that because of the manner in which electric motors are constructed today -- utilizing high current and low voltage -- we have yet to discover the true nature of electromagnetism.

Joseph Newman unequivocally states that all electrical motors built to date are constructed with built-in inefficiencies since they should be operating with low current and high voltage. [But I am jumping ahead of myself at this point.]

Back to Faraday . . . One man truly understood Faraday's mechanical genius and was capable of translating his mechanical work into mathematics: James Clerk Maxwell -- a towering genius and innovator in science. Maxwell specifically wrote the following:

"The theory I propose may . . . be called a theory of the Electromagnetic Field because it has to do with the space in the neighborhood of the electric or magnetic bodies, and it may be called a Dynamical Theory, because it assumes that in that space there is matter in motion, by which the observed electromagnetic phenomena are produced."

Maxwell even went on to add:

"In speaking of the Energy of the field, however, I wish to be understood literally. All energy is the same as mechanical energy, whether it exists in the form of motion or in that of elasticity, or in any other form. The energy in electromagnetic phenomena is mechanical energy."

Matter in motion. Back in the early 1960's Joseph Newman wondered what was the mechanical essence, the nature, of this "matter in motion." In Chapter Two of his book -- THE ENERGY MACHINE OF JOSEPH NEWMAN -- Joseph Newman describes the fundamental essence of a magnetic field as a particle having a "gyroscopic spin." This gyroscopic action is fundamental to understanding the mechanical nature of electromagnetism.

When one understands the gyroscopic characteristics of the matter in motion contained within an electromagnetic field, then one begins to recognize a better mechanical means of harnessing this kinetic energy. To generate the largest possible magnetic field within a copper coil and therefore to have access to greater numbers of "matter in motion" -- (for purposes of simplicity of understanding, Joseph Newman refers to this matter in motion as gyroscopic particles) -- one must input large amounts of voltage to achieve maximum atom alignment in the copper coil. When this high voltage input occurs, the copper coil atoms release their kinetic energy in the form of a magnetic field.


Joseph Newman has discovered a highly efficient means to harness this magnetic energy emanating from the copper coil. And Joseph Newman takes this a step farther by stating that these gyroscopic particles represent the mechanical essence of Einstein's equation of E=mc2. He states that these gyroscopic particles spin at the speed of light and move in a given direction (lines of force) at the speed of light, and are thus the mechanical equivalent of E=mc2.


Nearly twelve years ago, it took me about three weeks to really understand Joseph Newman's mechanical explanation of magnetism. I repeatedly studied the diagrams until I grasped what he was trying to say. As a result of understanding his explanation of magnetism I observed a simple magnetic phenomena which was elegantly explained by Joseph Newman's mechanical work in magnetism (see Chapter Three of his book).

I submit the following quotation from Ken Arno, Re-search Director at G.E.R.D., Co.:

"I can speak with a 'personal knowledge' and 'hands-on-experience' when I talk about the collapsing magnetic field phenomena in a coil. We here at G.E.R.D. Co. and everyone else who makes use of electrical circuits have always considered the collapsing field effect to be a nuisance because, when using a mechanical relay coil in an electronic circuit, it would cause a current to be pumped back into our circuit, creating havoc.

"One solution to the problem of C.E.M.F. was to install a diode across the coil leads and when the power was removed, the C.E.M.F. caused a current to flow which passed through the diode and to be dissipated as heat in the coil itself and not in our circuit.

"The fact that this effect has for over one hundred years been viewed as a problem to be designed out of electrical systems is the reason no one until you, Joseph Newman, had seriously considered it as a source of abundant free energy. Everyone knew it was there, but no one recognized its potential."

End of Section A

For additional information, contact:

Joseph Newman Publishing Company 2050 Vineyard Drive Castle Rock, CO 80104 (303) 814-3403


Evan Soule' Director of Information NEWMAN ENERGY PRODUCTS Websites:

"I cannot conceive curved lines of force without the conditions of a physical existence in that intermediate space." --- MICHAEL FARADAY

From: (Evan Soule) Subject: Joseph Newman in St. Louis, Part B.

Joseph Newman in St. Louis, Part B.

__________________________________________________________ Note: The following represents my introductory remarks given at St. Louis prior to the presentation by Joseph Newman. Following my remarks, a number of individuals who identified themselves as independent inventors and researchers came to me and expressed their appreciation for my speech. It is for this reason that I include these remarks with my posting: if my remarks can serve to encourage even one inventor (in whatever fields of study) to continue to pursue her/his dream -- then such remarks have served their purpose. ---- Evan Soule' __________________________________________________________

Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen.

I once read in a popular scientific magazine the following comment:

"THE DAY OF THE LONE RESEARCHER AND INVENTOR IS OVER. In the future, basic research will the sole domain of research teams presided over by large industrial concerns."

I could not disagree more with this statement.

On the contrary - when the day of the lone researcher and inventor is over, our Species is over.

In physical science it has been said that "For ever action, there is an equal and opposite reaction." I believe this is also true in volitional science. If we actively destroy the incentive of our most highly leveraged individuals - our innovators - then our entire Species will suffer as a result in ways we cannot even imagine.

Research "teams" may be valuable in filling in the steps made between the giant strides of our innovators - but without such innovators the very advancement of our species to our ultimate destiny - the stars - is at risk.

I was recently asked the following by someone who had just heard about an invention you will witness today: "Well, if this technology is so important, why haven't I heard of it sooner?"

My response: "Ask Galileo, ask Semmelweis, and ask Goddard - they could all provide excellent answers."

This same question could have been asked of the Wright Brothers in 1903. This same question could have been asked of TSIOLSKOVSKY in the 1890s - but nobody would have asked - people were too busy ignoring him. The same question could have been asked of Goddard in the 1920s - but people were too busy attacking and ridiculing him for his absurd ideas on rocketry.

The reception to innovation usually proceeds in several stages: first it's ignored, then it's ridiculed, then it's attacked, then ... much later ... it's accepted .... usually after the innovator is dead. And then, after it is accepted, there is invariably someone who comes along, looks at the given innovation and replies, "Well, what's the big deal - this is obvious."

Well, as Christian Morgenstern once said, "The obvious is that which is never seen until someone expresses it simply." Let me repeat this, "The obvious is that which is never seen until someone expresses it simply."

Yet simplicity is a characteristic of all great ideas. The wheel is simpler than that which proceeded it. The aeroplane is a simpler and more elegant means of transportation. And, come to think of it, the simplicity of the Golden Rule can be expressed in only a few words - and yet the Golden Rule contains more wisdom than the tens of thousands of words it took to 'regulate the price of cabbage in World War II.'

Washing one's hands prior to a medical operation is a simple and obviously necessary task. Yet 150 years ago the innovator of this simple process, Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis, was attacked and ridiculed by his fellow physicians for proposing this technique. He was ultimately driven to despair and suicide from witnessing the needless and painful deaths of women infected during childbirth by their own doctors.

I've asked myself this question, "How many people in December of 1903 would have been truly sensitive to the remarkable innovation of the Wright Brothers?"

How many people - upon witnessing that early flight of Orville Wright at Kitty Hawk - would have at that moment realized the monumental significance of that achievement?

I would suggest than many would have watched without understanding and would have come away from the demonstration unimpressed. I say this because it has been observed that the news media are often reflective of the consciousness of the people they represent.

And, as a matter of historical record, the Wright Brothers had a brother named Lorin who - late on December 17, 1903 brought a telegram announcing their great achievement to the offices of the Dayton JOURNAL and showed the telegram to Frank Tunison who represented the Associated Press.

The now famous telegram said the following:

"From Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, December 17, 1903: 'Success. Four flights Thursday morning all against twenty-one-mile wind. Started from level with engine power alone. Average speed through air was thirty-one miles. Longest flight was 59 seconds. Please inform Press. Home Christmas.' - Orville Wright."

Well, the Associated Press representative Frank Tunison looked at the telegram and said:

**"59 seconds. If it were 59 minutes it might be worth mentioning."**

This same newsman refused to report the first flight in our species' history because he didn't think a flight of less than one minute was a worthy news item, and he seemed, according to Lorin, annoyed over being bothered about such nonsense.

Well, when did the majority of newspapers report on this major new event? The next day? The next week? The next month? The next year? NO! We are STILL waiting for the newspapers to report on the first flight!

I have discovered that CONSISTENTLY, the great discoveries - those discoveries which affect the way we live our lives across this planet for generations to come - these great discoveries are usually ignored or go unrecognized by the vast majority of people at the time of their initial disclosure.

You may say that such are isolated cases. I wish this were so, but the history of science in GENERAL and of innovation IN PARTICULAR says otherwise.

And another example: How about the father of rocketry? Would you not say that this individual discovered a technology that has had a far-reaching impact on the lifestyle of every man and woman alive today? You might say, "certainly this innovator achieved recognition for his innovation."

Nope. Wrong again. Most people don't even know who he is, let alone know of his achievement. His name: KONSTANTIN EDUARDOVICH TSIOLSKOVSKY. This 19th century innovator was a Russian schoolteacher by day and a rocket scientist by night. He was all but ignored by the world until a number of Soviet historians discovered him years later and made their claim to having the original pioneer of rocketry. But while was most productive, his discovery went largely ignored.

Looking back over the way in which many major innovators have been treated throughout history - whether it's Galileo being threatened with death for his ideas, or Goddard being ridiculed for his ideas - is this to be the FUTURE history of the Spirit of American Innovation?

Will future generations look back at the history of American Innovation and describe it as follows: "Such innovation was born in the resiliency of the Pioneer, and died in the suffocating arms of cynics and bureaucrats."

I hope this is not the case, which is why I make my case for the importance of the lone innovator.

The cynical and bureaucratic approach has its roots in negativism - which is the antithesis of innovation. All too often a bureaucrat's non-creative solution to a problem facing humanity is to pass more political laws and regulations that only serve to restrict the creativity of us all - in other words, **"everything that is not forbidden is compulsory."** [**stated by astrophysicist Andrew J. Galambos]

Well, it's time for a change . . . a new beginning. And the speaker that you're about to hear has just such a new beginning in mind.

A new beginning is what is needed to launch our species to the stars. A new beginning is what is needed to utilize a new technology that harnesses the very essence of our universe. As a major astrophysicist of our century once said:

"Sic Itur Ad Astra" - this is the way to the stars.

A couple of Ohio bicycle mechanics changed history. A Russian schoolteacher is the father of modern rocketry. An obscure Austrian doctor innovated a complete cure for puerperal fever. Yes, the day of the lone innovator is alive and well.

I am sure you have heard the famous quotation, "if I have seen farther than others, it is because I have stood on the shoulders of giants." When Isaac Newton said this, he was standing on the shoulders of Archimedes, of Copernicus, of Galileo, of Kepler.

The man I am introducing today has also seen farther than others. And it is because, in part, because he stands upon the shoulders of Joseph Black, of Michael Faraday, of James Clerk Maxwell, and of Albert Einstein.

And it was Max Planck who said: "A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it."

Our history of the development of knowledge, of the struggle of innovation and inventors, represents our effort as a species to understand the universe.

From a seemingly simple but profound integration of thought processes based upon direct observation, the speaker you are about to hear has moved our species closer to a greater understanding of the universe. Driven by those loftiest of human attributes - curiosity and enquiry - it is his thirty year persistence is the face of bureaucratic indifference, stupidity, and academic intellectual dishonesty, that has enabled him to develop our access to a new source of energy that is actually as old as the universe itself.

In essence, the speaker you are about to hear has a personal philosophy which could best be summed up as follows: "If it can't be done, it interests me."

And like the Wright Brothers, whose bicycle shop helped them to finance their quest to fly in a heavier-than-air machine, the speaker has utilized his successful inventions to help finance his quest to create and develop a revolutionary energy machine.

In his endorsement, one physicist who worked extensively with the inventor, once wrote: "The future of the human race may be dramatically uplifted by the large-scale, commercial development of this invention."

Dr. Robert E. Smith, former Chief of the Orbital and Space Environment Branch at the NASA George C. Marshall Space Flight* Center wrote, regarding our speaker: "If the manner in which he conducted his experiments and the results were made known to the industrial or engineering community then, in my opinion, several companies and/or individuals possess the expertise and capabilities to construct the hardware required to fully exploit the apparent capability of his new concepts."

[Aside: *I've always wondered why NASA officials titled their Center thusly since these words, "Space Flight", in this context, seem to represent a logical contradiction.]

And Dr. E. L. Moragne, a pioneer in the development of the first atomic bomb, wrote to the speaker: "You have opened an area in Astrophysics which may revolutionize the magnetic energy problems which is now the most paramount problem in future energy and space travel. I do believe with proper research funds, the results would not only be a great financial boom to your financiers, but would lead to developments that will be practical and beneficial to all mankind and develop a new step in science."

I have personally known the speaker for nearly 14 years. I will make the following bold statement based upon my knowledge of his work and my observations over the past decade: It is my belief that the speaker today has a deeper and more fundamental _MECHANICAL_ understanding of electromagnetism than anyone alive on this planet.

And I make this strong statement NOT to brag about the speaker - for whom I obviously have respect. I make this bold statement to encourage you, the listener, to utilize his talents and understanding to the maximum - *while he is alive*. Don't repeat the mistakes of our predecessors and provide recognition after the innovator has passed away. This only destroys the incentive of our innovators and impedes for us all, the progress of civilization.

The inventor himself has said, "The finished prototype of what I teach will change the world drastically for the good of humanity, more so than any invention before this time."

Ladies and Gentleman, it is now my pleasure to introduce to you, inventor Joseph Newman.


Joseph Newman's Gyroscopic Particle Theory _does_ mechanically explain, for instance, Magnetic Attraction and Repulsion. Joe goes on to also state and demonstrate in his work that this fundamental gyroscopic entity is also the _mechanical_ unifier of the various fields.

I will be the first to state that it would be highly desirable (for purposes of communication among physicists) to have Joe's mechanical work translated into mathematics. I honestly believe this will happen in time. But one must start somewhere. Michael Faraday's mechanics were sufficient to launch a new electromagnetic age in the history of our Species. Fortunately for us, James Clerk Maxwell considered the mechanically-minded Faraday a "mathematician of high order" and was himself sufficiently mechanically gifted to translate such mechanics into mathematical expression. I also believe that like Faraday, Joseph Newman will eventually find his "Maxwell."

Very best regards,

Evan Soule' Director of Information NEWMAN ENERGY PRODUCTS P.O. Box 57684, New Orleans, LA 70157-7684 Websites:

Joseph Newman in St. Louis, end of Part B.

To: From: (Evan Soule) Subject: Heat & The Three Laws of Thermodynamics

Heat & The Three Laws of Thermodynamics _______________________________________

>[Ben Miday] >So the heat is then in your hand, and not on the coal...agreed? Actually >then, >heat is a figment of our imagination. It is actually the radiation >of light >energy. And there is no such thing as heat per se. > >[Ben Miday] The coal is only radiating electromagnetic energy(light) >which >results in the absorption of EM energy by an adjacent medium. >

Very interesting comments, Ben. Thought I'd pass along the following ....

Regarding Nikola Tesla's dream of a "totally new source of power": Tesla would only say that .... the apparatus for manufacturing this energy and transforming it would be of ideal simplicity with both mechanical and electrical features. Tesla said the preliminary cost might be thought too high, but this would be overcome, for the installation would be both permanent and indestructible.

Of course, the disagreements between Einstein and Tesla over the nature of "atomic energy" are known. What I find interesting as a speculation would be Tesla's view (were he alive) on the relationship between his proposed "totally new source of power" and the Three Laws of Thermodynamics and how such would relate to Einstein's concept of E=mc^2. With such a speculation in mind, I offer the following:

From the Chapter entitled, HEAT & THE THREE LAWS OF THERMODYNAMICS: [I ask the reader to please forgive the fact that considerable preparatory discussion/documentation by Joseph Newman is omitted -- consequently, the conclusions that follow are posted somewhat out-of-context.]

"....Heat is electromagnetic energy (consisting of gyroscopic massergies*). Gyroscopic massergies* (or electromagnetic energy) comprise all Matter. Alterations in the _heat_ (gyroscopic massergies*) of Matter cause a change in the amount of (gyroscopic massergies*) of Matter in accordance with E=mc^2.

__________________________________ __________________________________ *Nomenclature note:

It's been said that "learning is a result of understanding which is a result of good communication which is a result of a consistent language which is a result of good NOMENCLATURE."

For over 20 years, Joseph Newman has referred to the fundamental 'entities' creating (electro)magnetic fields as "gyroscopic particles."

Over the past 14 years, some individuals have expressed to me their problem with the word "particle(s)." This word sometimes causes them to wonder "to what "particle" the "gyroscopic particle" belongs?" Some individuals have wondered how does the "gyroscopic particle" relate to protons, photons, electrons, neutrinos, quarks, etc., etc.......

About a year ago, I began substituting the term "masergy" for "particle." More than anything it represents a 'refinement' of one aspect of Joseph Newman's paradigm. To employ a completely new word has the advantage of disassociating its old usage from previously used words and their connotations....especially when Joseph Newman has described his "gyroscopic x" as being the fundamental unit out of which the larger units and sub-atomic "particles" are constructed.

The new term also immediately suggests the ongoing, simultaneous equivalence between "mass" and "energy" and that the IMPORTANT point (within the context of Joseph Newman's technology) is to FOCUS on the word *GYROSCOPIC*, not the word "particle" or even the word "masergy."

A gentleman named Ben (with whom I've had several private email discussions) has acted as a "catalyst" to encourage me to pursue this new nomenclature.

Anyway, I have had a recent discussion with Joseph Newman about this issue of appropriate (and perhaps more explicit) nomenclature and he agrees with the new usage, with one slight correction (i.e., the addition of a second "s" to more explicitly indicate the "mass" involved). In otherwords, this "entity" is simultaneous both "mass" _and_ "energy" --- and that its most important _mechanical_ characteristic is its _GYROSCOPIC_ nature.

So, henceforth, it is suggested that the "gyroscopic particle" be referred to as the:

Gyroscopic Massergy.

__________________________________ __________________________________

To continue quoting from Joseph Newman:

32. "I shall now proceed to constructively refute the negative doctrines that are a result of the present "Three Laws of Thermodynamics."


1. The Three Laws of Thermodynamics were conceived without an understanding of the relationship between heat (gyroscopic massergies/electromagnetic energy) and Matter.

2. The Three Laws of Thermodynamics were conceived without an understanding that there is an energy relationship other than the simplicity of Work = Force X Distance, Power = Work/Time, and Force = Mass X Acceleration.

3. The Three Laws of Thermodynamics were originally conceived without any knowledge, understanding, or anticipation of Einstein's equation of E=mc^2.

4. The Three Laws of Thermodynamics were originally conceived without an understanding of Gravity, Electricity, Magnetism, Inertia, Matter, and Planetary Motion.

32-B. QUESTION: If none of these things were understood at the time that the Three Laws of Thermodynamics were conceived, how can these three laws be so "all encompassing" as to be capable of predicting --- on a seemingly "infallible" basis --- the "Doom of the Universe" and the "Total Impossibility of Perpetual Motion?" Those who made such predictions __must have understood the mechanical workings of the Entire Universe__.

QUESTION: Did they?

32-C. The "First Law of Thermodynamics" (1850) states:

"Energy can be exchanged in the form of heat or of mechanical work, but its total quantity remains constant."

The First Law of Thermodynamics is one of the most positive scientific statements ever made, although this was not the initial intent of this Law.

QUESTION: What does this Law say?

ANSWER: If one cannot destroy energy, this means that energy always exists. If energy always exists, one can always use it. The Facts have indicated to me that the gyroscopic particle composition of all Matter is totally in accord with the First Law of Thermodynamics since it appears that the energy (spin speed) of the gyroscopic particle cannot be consumed!

32-D. The "Second Law of Thermodynamics" (1850):

The First Law of Thermodynamics proves that the implications of the Second Law of Thermodynamics are incorrect! The Second Law of Thermodynamics represents a conclusion concerning the use of heat, based upon primitive, 19th-century mechanical devices. The "Second Law of Thermodynamics" may well apply to such primitive mechanical devices, but it has absolutely nothing to do with the implications of E=mc^2!

As I have demonstrated earlier, many of the 19th century scientists believed heat to be only the result of motion. They did not understand that heat was simply the conversion of Matter into gyroscopic massergies or electromagnetic energy (heat) as implied by the brilliant work of Joseph Black. Nor did they realize that heat (consisting of gyroscopic massergies or electromagnetic energy) was convertible into Matter. They were completely ignorant concerning E=mc^2. In their ignorance, they would have said that anyone claiming such a statement was stupid. In my opinion, Joseph Black would have readily accepted the implications of E=mc^2.

In 1824, Sadi Carnot published a paper entitled "Reflections on the Motive Power of Heat." Carnot had discovered that heat must flow "downhill," i.e., heat must change from high to low temperatures to perform work. Such a conclusion was based upon the observation of primitive inventions and has no real connection with the essential nature of heat or E=mc^2. Joseph Black understood the nature of heat as early as 1760 --- others did not.

By 1850, it was concluded throughout the scientific community that Carnot's discovery of a definite direction for heat flow laid the foundations for one of the basic laws of physics: the Second Law of Thermodynamics. The law was first formulated in 1850 by the German physicist, Rudolf Clausius, who stated, "It is impossible for a self-acting machine, unaided by any external agency, to convey heat from one body to another at a higher temperature."

The essence of the Second Law of Thermodynamics is this: heat will not flow of its own accord from a cold place to a hot one. Again, I repeat that this statement has absolutely nothing to do with the essence of heat and demonstrates a total lack of understanding that heat is gyroscopic massergies (electromagnetic energy) which comprises all Matter and that E=mc^2.

In physics it is presently believed that this unidirectional flow of heat, as stated by the Second Law of Thermodynamics, implies the "Doom (or heat death) of the Universe." I vigorously disagree with this unfounded statement! All of the facts now presented in science prove this closeminded statement to be totally incorrect! This negative statement has been an extreme hinderance to the diligent progress of science since it closes one's mind to creative thought and has succeeded in unjustly influencing young minds that were taught to accept it.

Electromagnetic energy is __perpetually__ changing from energy to Matter and from Matter to energy. [While I fully realize that the use of the word "perpetual" violates __current__ scientific taboos, I will do so anyway!] The gyroscopic entity I have described in this Book perpetually spins and travels at the speed of light in accordance with E=mc^2. Even if all physical Matter could become exactly the same temperature, the gyroscopic massergy (electromagnetic energy) within Matter is __still moving at the speed of light__. Any Matter could still be caused to release its incredible electromagnetic energy (gyroscopic massergy) composition!

A chain reaction could be induced within a mass the size of a planet, thereby causing the mass to release its electromagnetic energy (gyroscopic massergy composition) at a rate as rapid as that of the Sun. The mass would then cause a source of heat greater than its surroundings which were retaining the major portion of their gyroscopic massergies (electromagnetic energy) composition within the physical boundaries of the materials. All heat is gyroscopic massergies (electromagnetic energy). All Matter is gyroscopic massergies (electromagnetic energy). All Matter can release its gyroscopic massergies in the form of heat, light, electrical current, electromagnetic fields, electromagnetic waves, electromagnetic radiation, or in smaller quantities of its total physical form. However, it makes no difference in what form Matter is released, since it is always composed of gyroscopic massergies (electromagnetic energy).

The reverse is also true: all gyroscopic massergies (electromagnetic energy) can be converted into physical Matter! Having a basic understanding of the ingenious properties of the gyroscopic massergy (electromagnetic energy) composition of all Matter in the Universe, __the mathematical law of probability tells me that the probability of the Universe undergoing a "heat death" is zero.

One of Joseph Black's important discoveries was that different substances have different capacities for absorbing or emitting heat (electromagnetic energy)!

EXAMPLE: If 1 kg. of iron at 80 degrees C. is immersed in 1 kg. of water at 40 degrees C., then the equilibrium temperature is found to be 43.7 degrees C. In other words, __the same amount of heat (electromagnetic energy) has resulted in a much greater temperature change in the iron than in the water__.

The same unfounded statement of the Second Law of Thermodynamics is also used in present physics to have stamped the final label of "FUTILE" on the quest for "Perpetual Motion." I would agree that "Perpetual Motion" would be futile as long as one accepts the validity of the Second Law of Thermodynamics as explaining everything in the Universe for all time. However, I challenge such validity. It is easy to recognize that in this sense, the Second Law has operationally been a deliberate attempt to close young minds who would be otherwise willing to question the "finality" of the Second Law of Thermodynamics. I am sure that there are many who read this Book who have been so unjustly influenced. Please recognize that the conversion of physical Matter to electromagnetic energy (gyroscopic massergies) and from electromagnetic energy (gyroscopic massergies) back to physical Matter __is perpetual__ throughout the Universe and this phenomenal energy change can be conceptually understood and technologically harnessed in the immediate future for the incredible benefit of humanity!

32-E. The "Third Law of Thermodynamics" (developed 1888-1902):

In 1902, measurements of the heat reaction of various substances were examined, and it was found that the free energies experienced an increasingly __small variation__ as the reaction approaches absolute zero.

This line of thought was initiated in 1848 by Lord Kelvin (William Thompson). Knowing that when cooled one degree from 0 degrees to -1 degrees C. a gas loses 1/273 of its pressure, Kelvin reasoned that at -273 degrees C., gas should have no pressure and he called -273 degrees C. __absolute zero__. Scientists at the time further reasoned that if "cold" is simply the absence of "heat," then there should be a point when there is absolutely no heat. This reasoning demonstrates a complete lack of understanding that heat is actually electromagnetic energy (gyroscopic massergies) which comprise all Matter and that E=mc^2. [Kelvin's knowledge is valuable, however, in terms of designing my Pioneering Invention where atom unalignment is important since heat causes random motion and rapid atom unalignment.]

In accordance with the above concept regarding the absence of heat, the Third Law of Thermodynamics was proposed. It states that every substance known to man undergoes entropy, i.e., a measure of the availability of energy to perform work that approaches zero as the temperature approaches absolute zero (-273 degrees C. or -459.69 degrees F.).

Einstein's equation of E=mc^2 and the work I have accomplished prove that this statement concerning entropy is totally incorrect. Kelvin's results are explained by my prior discussion that heat (gyroscopic massergies/electromagnetic energy) loss from Matter causes the atomic entities to demand a smaller area. This is why gases lose pressure at low temperatures since they are becoming a liquid state.

The concept that cold is the absence of heat should be corrected as follows: Cold is simply a condition of less gyroscopic massergies or electromagnetic energy (heat) in Matter. As long as one has Matter, one still has gyroscopic massergies (electromagnetic energy or potential heat). Matter at -459.69 degrees F. __still contains tremendous electromagnetic energy (or heat if properly released) or vast quantities of gyroscopic massergies spinning at the speed of light. Only when Matter is gone, is all potential heat gone. The mechanical essence of E=mc^2 is the gyroscopic-action-massergy which is the basic building entity of all Matter.

32-F. It is totally amazing to me that these three laws of thermodynamics have been so long accepted, knowing that their total premise is one of negativism which completely stops the creative thinking processes of a student who is motivated to question or discover a method for a better energy invention that would ultimately be of service to humanity. However, __in spite of the negative intentions of those who developed it, THE FIRST LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS PROVES JUST THE OPPOSITE!__ It is a most positive, scientific statement.

Although this may seem superficially paradoxical, I will make the positive statement that ___there is NO PLACE in science that negativism should be allowed to exist!___ The entire history of science has proven over and over again that, whenever it has been thought that something was not possible, it later turns out to be possible. Therefore, as the facts have proven, science should put forth positive statements of hopes and dreams that will perpetually stimulate the creative processes of the human mind. In contrast, throughout my sincere, scientific efforts of nearly two decades, I have had to fight against many negative "scientific statements" that were and are wrong. Such injustice has not been unique to my efforts, but, on the contrary, it has been the common fate of most creative individuals throughout the History of Science......"

Joseph Newman

__________________________________ Posted by: Evan Soule'

"Long term is what you become while you are busy doing something positive that will last longer than you will."




1) Over 30 experts -- physicists, nuclear engineers, electrical engineers/technicians -- have tested Joseph Newman's energy machine (also known as the Newman Motor/Generator) and have signed Affidavits that it performs as indicated.

2) Dr. Roger Hastings (Principal Physicist with Unisys) has conducted hundreds of hours of testing on Joseph Newman's Motor/Generator and has signed Affidavits attesting to the operability of the Newman Motor/Generator. Dr. Hastings states: "The future of the human race may be dramatically uplifted by the large scale commercial development of this invention." In addition, Robert J. Matherne, a physicist from Entergy Corp, (and who was instrumental in the development of the nuclear power plant at Taft, Louisiana), has also attested to the significance of this new technology.

3) Joseph Newman has constructed many operational prototypes of his technology over the years, ranging in size from 4 pounds to 15,000 pounds.

4) The energy machine will totally decentralize our access to energy and will have a profound socio-economic impact upon our civilization. The energy generated by this machine is harmless, non-polluting, and will replace ALL present forms of energy generation. With the energy machine, every consumer could make a one-time purchase of a unit that could be installed in one's backyard and virtually unplug themselves from local utility companies. The energy machine could also be utilized to power all air, land, and sea vehicles and would elminiate the polluting effects caused by the internal combustion engine.

5) Joseph Newman has published a book entitled THE ENERGY MACHINE OF JOSEPH NEWMAN in which he discloses all of his theories and the technical processes relating to the construction of his energy machine. It is important to Joseph Newman that this knowledge be preserved and disseminated.

6) Joseph Newmn has been working on his concepts for over 30 years. He submitted his Technical Process to the U.S. Patent Office several years before he constructed the first operational prototype of his energy machine.

7) The energy machine is a physical embodiment of Joseph Newman's Technical Process. Joseph Newman hopes that someone with the requisite ability will use his MECHANICAL innovations to formulate a MATHEMATICAL extrapolation. Such an accomplishment would be similiar to the manner in which Michael Faraday's MECHANICAL work led to mathematical theories developed by James Clerk Maxwell. [Although Michael Faraday was mathematically illiterate (his own words), he was a MECHANICAL genius.]

8) The theories of Joseph Newman also represent a precise, mechanical explanation of the phenomena of magnetism (not otherwise currently understood) and the principle of "action at a distance." When one understands the nature of the energy discovered by Joseph Newman, then one can understand how it would be possible to build a technical application capable of harnessing such mechanical motion (energy). As Maxwell explicitly stated: "The energy in electromagnetic phenomena is MECHANICAL ENERGY" and consists of "matter in motion." Joseph Newman describes the fundamental mechanical essence of a magnetic field as a massergy having a "gyroscopic spin." This gyroscopic action is fundamental to understanding the mechanical nature of electromagnetism.

9) The energy machine of Joseph Newman is far more efficient than conventional nuclear energy and does not release any harmful radiation or emission. This invention can be used to power the home, industry, or to produce electrical energy for flight at a small fraction of today's cost. As Joseph Newman states: "The finished prototype of what I teach will drastically change the world for the good of humanity, more so than any invention before this time."

10) Joseph Newman has developed a precise and fundamental mechanical explanation for both magnetic attraction and repulsion as well as Fleming's Rule. An understanding of this explanation is what originally led him over thirty years ago to began to truly understand the mechanical essence of (electro)magnetic fields and enabled him to create an innovative technology capable of harnessing the energy contained within these fields.

For additional information:

Joseph Newman Publishing Company, 2050 Vineyard Drive Castle Rock, CO 80104 (303) 814-3403

Evan Soule' Director of Information NEWMAN ENERGY PRODUCTS Websites:

"In speaking of the Energy of the field, however, I wish to be understood literally. All energy is the same as mechanical energy, whether it exists in the form of motion or in that of elasticity, or in any other form. The energy in electromagnetic phenomena is _mechanical_ energy." --- JAMES CLERK MAXWELL

To: From: (Evan Soule) Subject: THE SPECIAL REPORT (Part B)


I submit the following from a Letter to the Editor of the Mobile Press Register:

"Never having met, talked with, nor had financial dealings with Joseph Newman, I read his book, The Energy Machine of Joseph Newman. After 30 years in the electrical profession I felt eminently qualified to debunk his claim to a device that generated more energy than it consumes. In the second chapter, I sat up in bed and shouted, 'He's got it!'" --- Patrick McLain, EE, Mobile, Alabama

I don't wish to dampen Mr. McLain's enthusiasm for this technology and, although his comments are well-intentioned, Mr. McLain is laboring under the superficial conclusion that Joseph Newman's motor "generates more energy than it consumes." This is simply not the case. In fact, the motor does generate greater external energy output than external energy input. This technology does not violate the Law of Conservation of Matter and Energy. On the contrary -- this technology further corroborates the Laws of Thermodynamics, i.e., the only way one will achieve the internal production of energy within the system is by supplying the system with high voltage (and low current) to align the copper atoms in the coil.

Joseph Newman supplies an external electrical stimulus to his coil (and special commutator system) that generates the magnetic field containing the gyroscopic particles (matter in motion). This external electrical stimulus takes the form of high voltage -- and the higher the better until maximum atom alignment of the coil is achieved. At the same time the current is kept as low as possible to minimize resistance; thereby the Newman motor always runs "cool." The externally applied high voltage is not "consumed" by the system -- it operates in the same manner as the hydraulic system in an automobile. The reservoir of brake fluid is not "used up" but supplies a continual hydraulic pressure to the automobile's brake system. In a similar fashion the high input voltage (and low current) acts as an electrical 'hydraulic' pressure to continually realign the atoms within the motor's copper coil. The continual collapse and expansion of the copper coil's magnetic field creates the mechanical torque of the motor. (The special commutator system achieves this continual collapse and expansion of the magnetic field.)

The net increase of external electrical energy from the system directly comes from the energy produced internally within the copper coil. This net energy is greater than the small amount of current originally inputed into the system along with the high voltage. In the final analysis where is the excess energy coming from? Answer: from the atoms of the copper coil within the motor/generator.

Dr. Roger Hastings, a physicist who has worked extensively with Joseph Newman over a number of years, has calculated that this system is so conversion efficient that it may take decades (or far longer) to be able to measure any appreciable mass loss in the coil.


This brings me to a discussion of efficiency. If Joseph Newman's motor/generator system is viewed as a whole -- considering both external energy and internal energy -- then the total energy output for the system is equal to the total external and internal energy input combined.


Such a process is fully in accordance with the First Law of Thermodynamics! When the system is viewed as a whole, it is imprecise to say that the Newman motor/generator simply "produces more than it consumes." However, it is correct to say that "the external energy output is greater than the external energy input" -- an external energy input considered independently of the large internal energy produced by the Newman motor/generator.

In other words, the revolutionary nature of this system is the fact that Joseph Newman has discovered a new electromagnetic principle of nature and has innovated a technology capable of converting matter (copper coil) into energy (in accordance with E=mc2) via a highly efficient electromagnetic reaction rather than an inefficient fission reaction.

Those who state that "one can never build a device which exceeds 100% efficiency" do not understand the nature of the phenomenal efficiencies (in excess of 800%) produced by the Newman motor/generator.

Such a statement demonstrates an inability to distinguish between CONVERSION efficiency and PRODUCTION efficiency. To state that Joseph Newman's motor/generator is 8.2 production efficient, i.e., that it produces over eight times as much external energy output as external energy input, is different from stating that the invention approaches 100% conversion efficiency, i.e., that it converts the internal mass of the copper coil into energy in accordance with E=mc2. The former process involves production efficiency and the latter process involves conversion efficiency. These two different types of efficiencies should not be confused.

In his motor/generator system, the electromagnetic conversion (of matter to energy) efficiency approaches 100% [rather than the less than 1% conversion (of matter to energy) efficiency of a typical nuclear fission reaction.] The production efficiency of the Newman energy machine has been found to be in excess of 800%, i.e., over eight times as much external energy output as external energy input.

Consider the following crude analogy of a nuclear fission reactor to Joseph Newman's motor/generator: a typical nuclear reactor consists of a small amount of external electrical energy being inputed into the reactor station to turn on lights, activate control panels, start machinery, etc. The large external energy produced by the reactor, however, is the result of the nuclear fission process which internally occurs within the system.

As a result of such an internal fission process, external electrical energy is produced in the system. If, however, one ignores the internal energy and only considers the initial, small external energy input, then one could say that the net external electrical energy output produced by a nuclear reactor is greater than the external electrical energy input.

The important distinction, however, between a conventional nuclear reactor and Joseph Newman's motor/generator is that the former is less than 1% conversion efficient and the latter approaches 100% conversion efficiency.


In essence, Joseph Newman has integrated the work of Faraday with that of Einstein and has created a motor technology that will bring us into the 21st century. One may say that "this is too good to be true."

Is this -- our current electrical technology -- the BEST that we can do? Is there no expectation that we may achieve a deeper understanding of electromagnetism which will allow us to build fundamentally different (and more efficient) motors? Could one not conceive that such a revolutionary technology could be achieved in fifty years? One hundred years? One thousand years? Can anyone really believe that our traditional motor/electromagnetic technology is the technology that will be utilized five thousand years from now?

But why must we wait five thousand years? Why not in a hundred years? Why not in fifty years? Why not NOW.

You may say, "Well, why hasn't it been done before now?" My response: why did the Wright Brothers 'wait' until 1903 to invent the aeroplane? Things happen when they do, I suppose . . . often in spite of tremendous ignorance, apathy and hostility.

Christian Morgenstern summed it up quite well when he said:

"The obvious is that which is never seen until someone expresses it simply."

In its essence, Joseph Newman's technology is the model of simplicity.


For twelve continuous hours, Joseph Newman operated a recent production model of his motor/generator: from 8:00AM to 8:00PM -- and attached to a Grainger Reciprocating Pump -- the Newman Motor/Generator pumped 1 gallon of water per minute at 12 PSI at the Lucedale, Mississippi City Park. The voltage source was a local alternating current connection to the Newman Motor/Generator through a conventional house watt meter. The Newman Motor/Generator utilized the city grid voltage but not the current. When a conventional motor was operated on this city grid system the house watt meter proceeded to turn, indicating that external electrical energy was being consumed.

During the entire 12 hours that the Newman Motor/Generator pumped water, the house watt meter did not move. Moreover, for the entire 12 hour period the Newman Motor/Generator ran cool. The news media, city officials and representatives of the local power station observed and corroborated these results.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHAT CAN YOU DO? (This section is for everyone [and non-technical people] in general...)

1) Tell your friends and associates about the new technology.

2) Urge your Congressman and Senators to introduce Private Relief Bills identical to those introduced by 11 different Congressmen. A sample Bill read: "A BILL For the relief of Joseph W. Newman. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of Commerce, acting through the Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks, is authorized and directed to immediately issue a pioneer patent to Joseph W. Newman for the invention described in the patent application numbered 179,474 and filed in August 1980. Such patent shall be accorded rights equal to the rights accorded to patents issued title 35, United States Code."

3) To people in general: if you are mechanically inclined and have at least a fundamental understanding of electrical circuitry, you are invited to construct a prototype for yourself and demonstrate the remarkable nature of this technology.

We recently received a VHS tape from a mechanically-gifted individual in Philadelphia who constructed a Newman energy machine from having read the book, THE ENERGY MACHINE OF JOSEPH NEWMAN. We had no prior contact or knowledge of this individual, yet he corroborated Joseph Newman's results. This VHS tape is featured on a special VHS tape recently produced.

4) We are looking for manufacturers who would be interested in producing Newman Motor/Generators. Contact the address below.

5) We are building up a list of mechanically-gifted individuals such that, as this technology is produced, there will be a pool of individuals to draw from who are familiar with Joseph Newman's work.

6) Joseph Newman has produced a book which represents over thirty years of research on the part of Joseph Newman. In some cases, you can ask your library to purchase this book, or, many libraries across the country already have earlier editions which you can borrow via interlibrary loans.

7) One may obtain a copy of 2.5 hour VHS tape, available from Joseph Newman Publishing Company, featuring the Philadelphia version of Joseph Newman's energy machine, as well as considerable additional information. Also on the tape is a simple, inexpensive and repeatable demonstration that would make an excellent student project for a science fair and demonstrates but one aspect of the technology. This demonstration proves conclusively that traditional electrical engineering has been harboring a 150-year-old fallacy that has resulted in all motors being constructed with built-in inefficiencies! This fallacy is the belief that the strength of the magnetic field surrounding a copper conductor coil comes from the input CURRENT. THIS IS FALSE! The strength of the magnetic field surrounding a copper conductor coil comes from the ATOMS OF THE COPPER WIRE contained WITHIN THE TURNS OF WIRE as aligned by the input VOLTAGE.....NOT the CURRENT. And the greater the input VOLTAGE (up to maximum atom alignment of the atoms in the copper coil) the stronger the magnetic field surrounding the coil and hence, the greater the back-emf.

Evan Soule' Director of Information NEWMAN ENERGY PRODUCTS Websites:

"In speaking of the Energy of the field, however, I wish to be understood LITERALLY. All energy is the same as _mechanical energy_, whether it exists in the form of motion or in that of elasticity, or in any other form. The energy in electromagnetic phenomena is _mechanical_ energy." --- JAMES CLERK MAXWELL

From: (Evan Soule) Subject: Using Lasers to Control Lightning/Weather

Using Lasers to Control Lightning/Weather

In 1984, Joseph Newman first published his fundamental book, THE ENERGY MACHINE OF JOSEPH NEWMAN. The concepts presented in the book were developed over a period of years dating back to 1961.

Chapter 19 is entitled "Astronomy" and, as well as discussing astronomical considerations relating to his Theory of the Gyroscopic Particle, Joseph Newman discusses weather considerations on planet Earth and how to control aspects of same.

Page 152, Figure 56-B2, features a drawing which depicts a technology to control and dissipate potential destructive storms (and the related effects of high wind, lightning, water damage) by virtue of a laser system.

Quoting in part from Section 56:

"(1) I have taught a safe means for an enormous release of energy via E = mc^2."

(2) It is quite obvious that if excess electromagnetic induction causes any type of havoc upon the Earth (in May 2000 or at _any_ time in the future), then the _opposite_ must also be true: _one must produce an electromagnetic cancellation or control mechanism and such havoc will not occur_!

"Section 56-A. For example, consider a potentially dangerous storm which is capable of producing tornadoes. (See Figure 56-A.)

"Section 56-B. Instead of the meteorological formation in Figure 56-A [tornadoes & storm clouds], I propose the following

"Section 56-B(1) A single large conducting grid or numerous conducting grid (with connections to Earth) composed of aluminum can be either raised in the air (see grid in Figure 56-B1) when a storm approaches or can be carried to the potential storm as it begins to form. Massive balloons (see Figure 56-B1a) could actually life the aluminum grid.

"Section 56-B(2) In fact, the massive balloons should be coated with a good conducting substance. If properly performed, the massive balloons could be used in large numbers of lieu of the grid. The balloon mechanism could also offer tethered conduction to the ground.

"Section 56-B(3) The most efficient design would be to utilize the energy source I have innovated and couple it with strong LASER BEAMS (emphasis added), X-rays, etc., to ionize the air throughout the cloud and to produce a good conducting connection between the Earth and the cloud as well as within the cloud itself. (See Figure 56-B2.)

"The LASERS, etc., would be grounded, made to pivot, and placed at numerous points. If desirable, such lasers can be portable. I have learned that during the attempt to develop laser weaponry, the air ionization has been a problem by producing wasted energy. However, this problem is the _desired result of my proposal_. I have provided the energy source as the means.

"Section 56-C I strongly recommend that testing begin in earnest throughout major laboratories and universities --- _NOW_! Clouds can be produced in a closed environment with a charging source for the produced clouds. One can also produce an opposite charge on an artificial Earth within that closed environment. Under such conditions, one can test for the simplest, most efficient, and practical means to discharge the charged cloud to the artificial Earth, as well as the mechanism necessary to intercept and cancel unwanted electromagnetic induction from the charging source.

"Section 56-E A passive 'wait and see' attitude cannot be tolerated. Start to properly understand and prepare the mechanism NOW! The ultimate goal is to stop _all_ undesirable electromagnetic induction into the Earth's environment. Superior technology will ultimately enable us to stop such undesirable electromagnetic induction in outer Space. This is why we must first perfect the technology on a small scale with Earth's weather, and then apply such technology to outer Space. _When this occurs, we will be able to produce and direct our weather at will_!"

The above words (a partial presentation of the subject) were first published by Joseph Newman in 1984.

Over the next 14 years, hundreds of university libraries, research laboratories, government agencies, military facilities, power companies, and oil companies purchased Joseph Newman's book.

The SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN issue of August, 1997 carried the following article as featured and titled on the cover:


Beginning on page 30, the article proceeds to discuss how "scientists seek to deflect damaging lightning strikes using specially engineered lasers."

It has apparently taken over 13 years for such scientists to follow Joseph Newman's advice .... but, "better late than never".....

Pictured within the Scientific American article is a massive electrical discharge within a laboratory with the following caption:

"ELECTRICAL DISCHARGE occurs immediately after paired laser beams ionize the air over the short distance between the two electrodes. Extending these experimental discharges has been difficult, because the authors' laser apparatus is too bulky to move to special high-voltage test facilities, which are located at MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIVERSITY (pictured). But a new, mobile laser should soon allow them to trigger longer artificial bolts."

I believe it is no accident that scientists at Mississippi State University (in Joseph Newman's home state) are conducting these experiments. Scientists at Mississippi State University have read his book and have been closely following Joseph Newman's work for 15 years.

The article goes on to state,

"With the help of Patrick Rambo, our colleague at the University of New Mexico, we have recently built an ultraviolet laser that is 100 times more powerful than any we have previously tested. We plan to fire this laser 10 times each second during a thunderstorm. Although we are anxious to see just how effective such a laser can be, we have not yet arranged the proper preliminary tests, which require a special high-voltage facility, such as the one operated by Mississippi State University."

"If any of these approaches to sparking lightning with laser beams ultimately succeeds, application of the technique could be commonplace. Lasers might one day scan the skies over nuclear power plants, airports, and space launch centers. And electric utilities of the 21st century, with their growing network of equipment at risk, may finally acquire the means to act on the threat of a gathering storm, instead of being destined to react only after the damage is done."

Ironically, if Joseph Newman's technology can be commercially produced and become widely available, then such "protection of the skies over nuclear power plants" will become _unnecessary_. Moreover, with Joseph Newman's technology, electric utility equipment will also be at lower risk because of the decentralized access to energy by people across the planet.

Evan Soule' Director of Information NEWMAN ENERGY PRODUCTS Websites:

"Mr. Newman is a successful inventor with patented, marketed inventions. He is level-headed, sober, sane, and reliable. Further, he does have a very good Theory to explain what he has done. Many Doctors of Physics and Doctors of Electrical Engineering have already visited him, seen and tested the Motor, examined his Theory, and come away convinced that Joe Newman has what he says he has.

"As one might expect, the patent commissioners' responses have been totally inappropriate. Joe Newman has yet to have a fair shake, and he certainly deserves a patent, simply on the credentials of the scientists and engineers who have already examined the device and testified that it works.

"Newman's machine is clean as a newborn baby and non-polluting. In production it will be simple, cheap, practical, and imminently affordable by the average person.

"For that very reason, the entire massive energy cartel and control groups of the world are arrayed against him. They will see to it that Newman is destroyed unless powerful assistance and countermeasures are taken immediately. As you so well understand, Joe Newman doesn't have a TECHNICAL problem; he has a POLITICAL problem." --- TOM BEARDEN, from a letter, 1984

"... the solution will allow the world to produce and direct its weather at will." --- JOSEPH NEWMAN, 1984




Joseph Newman disclosed and demonstrated to me his 130-pound motor/generator (Editor's Note: an earlier prototype) with reciprocating magnet armature, operating with high voltage input. The primary problem which has been encountered in the past with scaling the Newman motors to large and practical output power levels was the need to go to higher voltage input, and the destruction which occured when the coil was switched at higher voltages. Joseph Newman has now solved the high voltage switching problem with a new commutator design (Note: as well as a new capacitor design), and it appears that arbitrarily high input voltages can now be reached.

The significance of high voltage on the Newman Motor/Generator is that our data show that 1) the output power increases as the square of the input voltage; 2) the input power increases linearly with the voltage; 3) the motor efficiency increases linearly with the voltage; 4) output power levels required, for example, to power a home will require input voltages estimated at ten to twenty kilovolts.

The 130-pound Newman Motor/Generator was operated at 1,000 and 2,000 volts battery input (Editor's Note: later versions can be operated utilizing the voltage of the city grid with the current kept very low), with output powers of 50 and 200 Watts, respectively. Input power in these tests were 7 and 14 Watts, yielding efficiencies (Editor's Note: production, not conversion efficiencies --- conversion efficiencies can never exceed 100%) of 700% and 1,400% respectively.

In addition, the motor was operated for the first time using a high voltage transformer plugged into the a.c. power socket. The transformer output voltage was roughly 2,000 volts. The input power was readily measured using an a.c. milliammeter to be 25 Watts, while the output was measured again at approximately 200 Watts. The higher input in this case reflects the inefficiency of the transformer.

It now appears to me that the Newman Motor/Generator can be readily scaled to power levels which will make it practical for commercial and home energy needs.

The above statements are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.

Roger Hastings, Ph.D. Principal Physicist, Unisys Corp. Former Associate Professor of Physics North Dakota State University

To whom it may concern:

I witnessed a demonstration of Joseph Newman's Motor/Generator prototype (Editor's Note: an earlier prototype) in Atlanta, Georgia. Newman's Motor/Generator weighed approximately 10 lbs, consisting of copper and a powerful magnet rotor. The rotor was attached to a 15 inch fan blade taken from a commercial fan. Newman's Motor/Generator turned the fan blade at approximately 660 r.p.m. It was connected through a mechanical commutator to 2,500 volts of dry cell batteries. The d.c. input current was 1.8 mA, for a total power input of 4.5 Watts.

Also displayed was a commercial fan with a five-inch blade. This fan was advertised as an energy saving motor. Examination of the motor revealed a precision motor design. It drew 25 Watts during operation. Newman's Motor/Generator was obviously doing several times the work of the commercial motor, while drawing 5.5 times less power. A later experiment was performed in Mississippi in which a commerical fan with an identical 15-inch blade was powered from a Variac and run at the same speed as the Newman Motor/Generator. The commercial fan drew 30 Watts compared to the Newman Motor/Generator's 4.5 Watts. It should also be noted that a 15 Watt flourescent tube, connected across Newman's Motor/Generator coil to prevent sparking, was simultaneously lit to perhaps one-fourth of its full brightness. Also, as in past prototypes, a large negative current (r.f. envelope) flows back into the battery from the motor/generator coil.

My testing, and observations of Newman prototypes which are electronically commutated, indicate that Newman's fan prototype can be improved to run on external input of about 2 Watts. Thus further development can lead to a fan motor which consumes 1/15th the power of an efficiently-designed commercial motor.

I swear that the above statements are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.

Roger Hastings, Ph.D. Principal Physicist, Unisys Corp. Former Associate Professor of Physics North Dakota State University

Edited by: Evan Soul�Eemail:


Evaluation of Joseph Newman's Revolutionary Energy Machine

There are two equations that predict the terminal voltage of a battery when it is connected to a motor or generator (from Shortley & Williams Elements of Physics, 2nd Edition). VT is the terminal voltage. VE is the rated voltage. I is the current. RI is the internal resistance of the battery:

1) Connected to a motor: VT equals VE - IRI

2) Connected to a generator: VT equals VE + IRI

As a result of the internal resistance RI , the voltage at the battery terminals VT connected to a running motor will always be less than the voltage V that is present when the motor is not running.

To convince yourself of this let I equals 0 (motor not running), and the equation becomes: VT equals VE which means that the voltage measured by an accurate instrument at the battery terminals VT will be exactly equal to the rated output voltage VE of the battery (assuming a battery in good condition). Now, let the motor run and draw a current I > 0. With the motor running, the voltage measured at the terminal VT will always be less than the rated voltage of the battery VE .

Joseph Newman's motor, with battery terminal voltages measured by the most accurate measuring instrument available, a state-of-the-art electronic oscilloscope, shows a marked increase in the terminal voltage, VT . In other words, Mr. Newman's machine runs like a generator, not a convention motor, as one can easily tell by inspecting Equation 2) above. Equation 2) clearly shows that if the terminal voltage rises while current is flowing through a device, the device must be generating a source of current I in the opposite direction to that supplied by the battery.

During early prototypes, the reverse current was difficult to measure, even with an oscilloscope, because the huge spike of reverse current flooded the circuits of the measuring oscilloscope. In Mr. Newman's current prototypes, the large capacitors store the energy of the spike of the reverse current and spread the energy out over time. The result is that the terminal voltage increases dramatically, indicating decisively that Mr. Newman's machine is a generator, not just a motor.

Robert Joseph Matherne, Physicist [from Entergy Corp.,Taft Nuclear Power Plant]

Evan Soule' Director of Information Newman Energy Products



This letter represents a disclosure of investigations and experimentation which I have performed on Joseph Newman's energy generating machine. The fact is that every experiment which I have performed shows that the energy output of the device is indeed larger than the energy input. Some examples are:

1) The electrical energy output is measured at more than four times the electrical energy input. [Note: This _does not_ violate the Law of Conservation of Matter/Energy if one considers the source of the additional output to be the conductor coil in accordance with E = mc^2.]

2) Acting as a motor, Joseph Newman's device performed mechanical work in excess of ten times the electrical energy input.

3) Joseph Newman's device delivers over ten times the torque of a commercial D.C. permanent magnet motor rated at 80% efficiency. However, during this test Joseph Newman's device is consuming only a fraction of the input power of the commercial motor.

4) These results must be taken seriously. Joseph Newman has made the observation that huge magnetic fields may be generated with minimal power input in a large coil wound with large diameter wire. This coil creates a very large torque on a suitably large permanent magnet. In operation, the batteries powering the coil consume little power and discharge at a very slow rate. Yet the motor delivers considerable mechanical and/or electrically generated power.

It is fascinating to observe that Joseph Newman has arrived at this invention on the basis of his theoretical work, coupled with years of experimentation on electromagnetic energy. He has been rigorously consistent in the development of a model of matter and energy, and furthermore has fortified his model with experimentation. His model is based on the assumption that matter is concentrated electromagnetic energy. He predicts that this energy (E=MCsquared) may be released in a controlled way, and his experiments verify the prediction.

The future of the human race may be dramatically uplifted by the large scale commercial development of this invention. It is indeed painful to see it lying dormant.

Dr. Roger Hastings, PhD. Principal Physicist, Unisys Corporation Former Associate Professor of Physics North Dakota State University

------------------------------------------------------ [Note: Since the testing performed on the above Newman Motors, numerous improvements/innovations have been made to subsequent Newman Motor designs.]

Evan Soule' Director of Information Newman Energy Products 2050 Vineyard Drive Castle Rock, CO 80104 USA or email:



For many years I have taught that an "electron" was comprised of tremendous numbers of Gyroscopic Massergies. An "electron" can be stopped by other materials --- not so with magnetic field particles which are Gyroscopic Massergies and represent the Basic Building Blocks of ALL Matter. Electric current itself is composed of Gyroscopic Massergies which come from the Source of the current produced.


I refer the reader to my life's work first published in 1984 [THE ENERGY MACHINE OF JOSEPH NEWMAN] available in libraries across the country.

Joseph Westley Newman


Addendum comments:

I have personally known Joseph Newman for 14 years. I edited his book in 1984 and I have come to realize the breadth and scope of his Theory of the Gyroscopic Massergy which goes far beyond the single application of the (electromagnetic) "energy machine."

My first understanding of one aspect of his Theory related to Magnetic Attraction and Repulsion. However, the Theory of the Gyroscopic Massergy also applies to a fundamental mechanical understanding of Electricity, Light, Heat, Inertia, Gravity, Planetary Motion, Weather, and Quantum Mechanics.

ONE FUNDAMENTAL UNIT -- The Gyroscopic Massergy -- can mechanically explain ALL of the above phenomena. All Mass/Energy in the universe is comprised of this fundamental, mechanical unit.

In fact, the title of his book "THE ENERGY MACHINE OF JOSEPH NEWMAN" only superficially relates to his (electro)magnetic invention. By the time one has read Joseph Newman discussions on Astronomy (Chapter 19), it becomes clear that the REAL significance of the book's title is the following, as he states on page 140:

"50. All natural motion (of planets, asteroids, stars, galaxies, etc.) in the Universe is the result of the movement of the basic gyroscopic-action-entity which comprises all Matter. This basic gyroscopic-action-entity prevails throughout our entire Universe and, in a mechanical sense, this gyroscopic-action-entity electromagnetically couples the Universe into a single entity or 'universal ENERGY MACHINE!'

"The basic gyroscopic-action-entity comprises ALL Matter: from the atom to the molecule to the everyday materials which surround us."

Evan Soule' Director of Information NEWMAN ENERGY PRODUCTS P.O. Box 57684, New Orleans, LA 70157-7684 Websites:

"Someday we'll understand the whole thing as one single marvelous vision that will seem so overwhelmingly simple and beautiful that we may say to each other - 'Oh, how could be have been so stupid for so long? How could it have been otherwise!'" --- JOHN ARCHIBALD WHEELER


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