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The timing of these events was crucial. Without knowing what they were doing both Jews and Gentiles prepared the Lamb of G-d  to be sacrificed on Mt. Moriah59, where “G-d would be seen and provide.”

d) Yeshua flogged and delivered to be crucified between cock-crow and  9:00 a.m. Thursday/ yom chamishi /5th Day

Matthew 26:74; 27:1; Mark14:72; 15:1, 25; Luke 22:60-61, 66;

When Judas Ischariot saw that Yeshua was condemned, all his calculations fell like a house of cards. Why did the Master allow Himself to be led away like a lamb to the slaughter? Why did He not resist them nor defend Himself? He only had wanted to get even with the Master and retrieve some of the money Yeshua caused him to lose.

Judas never understood the Messiah, his Teacher for three years, and His mission. Nor did the high priests, the elders, the scribes and the members of the Sanhedrin. They looked for a Messiah who would conform to their expectations and ideas. Instead, the Nazarene confounded and publicly denounced them. Had Judas understood the Messiah he would have thrown himself at the Master’s feet and begged forgiveness. Driven by guilt and condemnation Judas went and hung himself. Apparently the rope broke and, falling, he burst open and all his bowels gushed out60

Scripture after Scripture was being fulfilled, prophecy after prophecy, without the participants even being aware of it. Each acted out their part as their heart led them --- and as a Sovereign G-d foreknew from the foundation of the world. "For as a man/woman thinks in his/her heart so IS he/she.” 61 It is the heart of a person that motivates a decision. Man is not subject to predestination over which he has no control. Fate, Karma, or “whatever”, “whenever”, is but an escape mechanism. “It was fate,”  they would say, shrug their shoulders and move on. Not so! Man decides, every day, every hour, whom he will believe, whom he will follow, whom he will obey. His heart is the wellspring of his life and his desires. 

The Participants: 

Judas Ischariot - selfish, vengeful and greedy. 

The religious leaders - self-righteous, hypocritical, and conceited (of course, there were, as there always are, some exceptions as mentioned). 

Pilate - a most vain man, given to fears and superstition, a ”super” Roman carefully guarding his unloved position as procurator over the district of Judea -- a possible springboard to greater power and riches in Caesars great empire.

Yeshua, He Who appeared utterly powerless and incapable of controlling His destiny was in complete control -- through His obedience to the will of G-d. Yeshua chose not His own will but G-d’s will, in fulfillment of Psalm 40:6-8, and Isa. 53:11-12: To rescue mankind from the stranglehold of sin and death and to restore what was lost and corrupted in the Garden of Eden, a scapegoat, a sa’ir laAzazel was needed: upon Him would G-d place the sin and guilt of mankind, the Sinless dying the death for the sinner. His imperishable life would be the redemption price, His innocent and incorruptible blood the source of atonement and re-creation. Yeshua knew --- and obeyed. He knew Who He was -- Im’anu’el/ G-d with us 62. He alone knew and understood the role of each participant, and the final outcome of the drama . 

Pilate’s cue was given: “Crucify him!”

He sent for the soldiers to flog Yeshua. Perhaps the flogging would prove enough and placate the mob. The Roman whip had bone and metal tied into leather strings which ripped skin and flesh to the bones. Some did not survive those 39 lashes. Yeshua made not a sound. Pilate later released Him to be crucified because even the lashing proved useless. Rather, a riot was beginning. To soothe his own conscience, he washed his hands in the sight of the mob, saying, "I am innocent of this righteous man’s blood; see to it yourselves.” 63

Instead of taking Him to the place of crucifixion the soldiers led Him back into the praetorium a second time and called together the whole cohort. They were going to have some fun with this strange Jewish prophet and “king”. They mocked and ridiculed HimY spat on and struck Him. They twisted thorns into a crown and pressed it in His forehead. They clothed Him in a purple cloak, beat His head with a reed and knelt down in homage to Him. “Hail, king of the Jews!” they mocked. The whole cohort roared with laughter. 

When Pilate came his eyes beheld a man unlike any other he had ever seen: His back and shoulders were ripped to shreds. His eyes were swollen shut, bruised blue and purple from the many fist blows. His cheeks and lips were swollen and bruised deep red from the many strikes. Chunks of His beard were yanked out, with blood and spittle crusted on His face and running down His cheeks and beard64. Even Pilate was moved by this Man’s appearance, so marred He no longer resembled a human being65.

In a desperate effort he brought Yeshua out again before the crowd, crying: “Behold the Man!” 66 But His sight did not placate them, nor move them to pity. They wanted Him crucified. “Take him yourselves and crucify him; I find no case against him,” Pilate tried. “We have a law according to which he ought to die because he has claimed to be the Son of G-d,”  they shouted back. Pilate was in a dilemma. “If you release this man you are no friend of the emperor. Everyone who claims to be a king sets himself against the emperor!” 67the religious leaders claimed. What had he, Pilate, to do with the religious controversies of the Jews? The Man was innocent. But Pilate loved Pilate more than justice.

He took his seat on the judge’s bench at Gabbatha (The Stone Pavement) and after one last vain attempt to release Him he handed Yeshua over to be crucified68

59 The LAMB on Mt. Moriah by Annelore for Or Tzion, Inc. 64 Isaiah 50:6; YPs 35:15-16; 69:7-9
60 Matthew 27:3-10; Acts 1:16-20 65 Isaiah 52:14
61 Proverbs 23:7 66 John 19:4
62  Isaiah 7:14; 8:8-10 67 John 19:12
63 Matthew 27:24 68 John 19:13-16

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