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We don't appreciate it when websites we visit abuse our privacy rights, so we pledge never to abuse yours.'s goal is to provide readers with the information they want and need. To do that, we may gather some general information about those who access our sites. We may place a "cookie" in the browser files of a user's computer, which will enable us to determine the user's operating system, browser type and version, ISP, top-level domain -such as .com, .edu, etc.- and other such general information. Users have the ability to configure their browsers to refuse acceptance of cookies, which are pieces of information that sites transfer to a user's hard drive for record-keeping purposes during each visit. Cookies-which do not contain any personally identifying information-are a standard industry technology. Cookies help readers by saving such information as passwords and editorial preferences on user hard drives. A cookie cannot pass on a computer virus, or even capture your e-mail address. We will only collect personally identifying information that users voluntarily provide to us in registering for services (such as free contests), filling out surveys and entering contests. If you consent at the time you provide us with your information, we may also use that personal information editorially -to improve and customize our content- or we may employ volunteered personal information for marketing and promotional purposes, and may provide that information and aggregate statistics to reputable, pre-screened organizations whose products or services we think you might find interesting. Users can revoke their consent at any time to stop their information from being used for marketing and promotional purposes by sending an e-mail request to, or they can simply opt not to register for special services, surveys and contests. will limit internal access of user information to employees responsible for conducting business with our customers. Web surfers should be aware that by voluntarily disclosing personal information on's -or any other site's- bulletin boards, those details can easily be collected and employed by third parties. Children should get their parents' permission before sending out any personal information, or making any purchases over the Internet.

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