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Memorabilia: The Adventures of TurboMan - by David Intersimone

Abstract: The TurboMan comic strip advertisement appeared in Dr. Dobb's Journal of Software Tools for the Professional Programmer in September 1988.

In the Museum - Memorabilia

Contributed by: David Intersimone
December 9, 1999

Borland Presents


Dr. Dobb's Journal of
Software Tools
For The Professional Programmer
September 1988

The TurboMan comic strip advertisement appeared in Dr. Dobb's Journal of Software Tools for the Professional Programmer. This particular ad created a lot of message traffic on the Borland CompuServe forums. The ad was loved by our developer customers. We did receive a few (less than positive) comments from some customers who felt that it made a joke of our Turbo family of products.

The ad appeared as a3-page gatefold with the comic strip and fact sheets for our award winning language products. Included in the ad were Turbo C, Turbo Pascal and Turbo Basic. You can click on each bitmap to display a larger version of that portion of the ad.

The Critics Agree:
Borland's Turbo Languages are Super!

Will TurboMan Return?

After the ad ran for a few months, TurboMan left Earth to solve programming problems in a galaxy far far away. Will he return? Who knows for sure. It's been eleven years since we've heard from him. Maybe we'll see more of him in the new millenium. Let me know what you think. Send me an email to davidi@inprise.com.

About the Museum

This article appears in the Inprise/Borland community museum. Included in the museum a collection of pictures, advertisements, and archive files (ZIP format) containing the install images for antique versions of Borland language products. You'll find the museum at http://community.borland.com/museum/. Note: You must be a community member to access the museum.

If you'd like to make a contribution to our online museum, please send it via email to David Intersimone at davidi@inprise.com.

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Article ID: 20297   Publish Date: December 09, 1999  Last Modified: February 10, 2000
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