Best Extreme Sports Game of 2002
9.25/10 - Game Informer
9.4/10 -

Best PlayStation®2 Extreme Sports Game
of 2002
- Gamespy
9 out of 10 -
9 out of 10 - (Must Buy Award) - PSM
4.5 out of 5 - OPM
4.5 out of 5 - (Numb Thumb Award) Game Pen
9 out of 10 -
9 out of 10 - (electric playground)
9 out of 10 -
8.8 out of 10 -

chrissyEGG!"...buying this game could be the smartest move you make all year. It's that damn good." - Game Informer

"An extreme sports game with more depth than we could've dreamed." - Game Informer

"...The game simply and unarguably rocks. It's filled with amazing detail, excellent looking textures, impressive animations, monstrous levels, and a sense of fun that permeates the entire game" - IGN

"Aggressive Inline will not only stand on it's own two feet, it's poised to revolutionize action sports as we know it." - Game Informer March 2002

"This game is a serious time-killer. You will spend countless hours, all with a smile on your face." - Game Informer


08.28.02: Aggressive Inline Game Boy® Advance Ships! (Press Release)

05.29.02: Aggressive Inline Ships! (Press Release)

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