Arthritis comes from the Greek word "arthron," meaning joint, and "itis," a word termination meaning inflammation; thus "arthritis" means inflammation of a joint. When a condition in the body exists where there is heat, redness, swelling and pain, it is called inflammation. Arthritis then is present when a joint is strained or otherwise irritated and inflammation follows. That certainly does not mean that the condition is incurable. In fact, most cases of joint inflammation (arthritis) is self-limiting and will heal itself with no lasting effects. On the other side, there are cases where the inflammation is so severe that permanent joint damage results. Thus, arthritis can be very mild to very severe.

My Knee Hurts --------------- Old man Johnson limped into the doctor's office and said, "Doc, my knee hurts so bad, I can hardly walk!" The doctor slowly eyed him from head to toe, paused and then said, "Mr. Johnson, just how old are you?" "98!" Johnson announced proudly. The doctor just sighed, and looked at him again. . . Finally he said, "Sir, I'm sorry. I mean, just look at you. You're practically one hundred years old, and you're complaining that your knee hurts? Well, what did you expect?" The old man said, "Well, my other knee is 98 years old too, and it don't hurt!"


Millions of Americans are affected by osteoarthritis. Most everyone over the age of 50 will have some form of arthritis. It is almost as common in aging as skin wrinkles and graying hair. In many people it causes only a mild symptom of stiffness and/or pain, in others the pain can be severe and crippling.



Rheumatoid arthritis usually starts early in life. Rheumatoid arthritis is an inflammatory disease that is very damaging to the joints and can occur in any of the joints. In some cases the damage is so severe it causes loss of mobility and debilitating stiffness in the joints. What causes it and why some spontaneously recover and others do not is a mystery. Treating the symptoms of pain and stiffness is the best care the medical profession can offer.


The main difference between juvenile rheumatoid arthritis and adult rheumatoid arthritis is the age when it occurs. The other differences are that there is a much higher rate of spontaneous remission (it simply disappears) and there are fewer cases where there is severe disability.


The most common of all types of arthritis is osteoarthritis, also called degenerative joint disease and hypertrophic arthritis. Osteoarthritis usually starts later in life. The cause is thought to be the result of too much wear and tear on the joints. Millions of elderly people suffer from osteoarthritis in the hands, especially people who have used their hands extensively. However, it is most commonly found in the weight-bearing joints, such as the knees, hips and the spine.

Long-term osteoarthritis is characterized by spurring or bone growths caused by additional calcium buildup in the joints. This is believed to be the body trying to strengthen an area by adding calcium to make more bone.

Its presence in the spine can be a sign of spinal subluxation (vertebrae that misalign or otherwise malfunction causing irritation of the intervertebral joints). This can lead to spinal imbalance and nerve irritation that may cause pain and improper function.

Pain is only one symptom of arthritis. Only certain sensory nerves carry pain messages. Unless these sensory nerves are irritated there will be no pain felt. Since pain is the body's warning system, if there is no pain the unlucky person may not be aware they have arthritis. If left unattended, this process may continue until there is extensive degenerative joint damage with or without pain.


Ankylosing spondylitis usually affects the spine. Gout is another form of arthritis that commonly occurs in the big toe. However it can occur in any joint. It is identified by chemical crystals deposited in the joints.


Treating the symptoms is the only treatment the medical profession offers. Drugs are prescribed to reduce the symptoms of pain, stiffness and inflammation. Drugs however frequently have mild to severe side effects. In some cases physical therapy such as hot packs or pariphen baths are prescribed to reduce the symptoms of joint stiffness. As a last resort when nothing else helps, sometimes surgery is recommended.

Treating the pain and other symptoms does nothing to correct the cause and may delay proper treatment. The cause must be corrected before long-lasting relief and health can be restored. Therefore, it is important to understand that the absence of pain does not necessarily mean the problem has been corrected.


Chiropractic is not an extra strength "pain-pill," nor is it a treatment for arthritis. In spite of this, people who suffer with all types of arthritis are seeking chiropractic care in greater numbers than ever because chiropractors have a high level of patient satisfaction among arthritis sufferers.

Subluxations can irritate the nerves and create interference with the forces that control and coordinate the body. This condition can cause malfunction in the body that may lead to diseases - arthritis included.

Chiropractors are the most qualified health care professionals, because of training and experience, to analyze and treat vertebral subluxations. Today, because of our stressful lifestyle, poor eating habits, environmental pollution, lack of proper exercise, etc., millions are suffering from subluxations and nerve irritations.


When you have arthritis, or any one of hundreds of named conditions or a pain without a name, delaying proper treatment is dangerous and can result in a major health problem. Seek a chiropractic examination immediately to see if yours is a condition which comes within the scope of chiropractic. The pain you suffer may be because the cause of the pain has been ignored and proper treatment has been delayed.

Even if you are seeing other health care providers, it is still advisable to see a chiropractor to make sure your spine is subluxation free and your nervous system is functioning normally because everyone needs a healthy nervous system.



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