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Scott S. Fisher



Scott S. Fisher is a media artist, producer, and director whose work focuses primarily on immersive environments and technologies of presence.  Currently he is Chair of the Interactive Media Division in the School of Cinema-Television at the University of Southern California. He is also President of Telepresence Media, a production company focusing on the art and design of virtual environment and remote presence experiences, and Project Professor in the Graduate School of Media and Governance at Keio University at Shonan Fujisawa, Japan;  From 1997 to 1999, he was Director of the Virtual Explorer Project in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of California, San Diego.

Mr. Fisher attended the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he held a research fellowship at the Center for Advanced Visual Studies from 1974 to1976 and was a member of the Architecture Machine Group from 1978 to 1982. There he participated in development of the 'Aspen Movie Map', a surrogate travel videodisc project, and several stereoscopic display systems for teleconferencing and telepresence applications. He received the Master of Science degree in Media Technology from MIT in 1981 under thesis advisor Nicholas Negroponte. His research interests focus primarily in stereoscopic imaging , immersive display environments, and the development of interactive art installations and media technology for representing 'first-person' sensory experience.

From 1985 to 1990, Mr. Fisher was Founder and Director of the Virtual Environment Workstation Project (VIEW) at NASA's Ames Research Center in which the objective was to develop a multisensory 'virtual environment' workstation for use in Space Station teleoperation, telepresence and automation activities. The VIEW Project pioneered the development of many key VR technologies including head-coupled displays, datagloves, and 3-D audio technology. In 1990, he co-founded Telepresence Research to continue research on first-person media, and to develop Virtual Environment and Remote Presence experiences, systems, and applications.

Prior to the Ames Research Center, Mr. Fisher has served as Research Scientist under Dr. Alan Kay with Atari Corporation's Sunnyvale Research Laboratory and has provided consulting services for several other corporations in the areas of spatial imaging and interactive display technology. He has taught numerous classes and seminars on Interactive Media, Photography, and Stereoscopic Displays and has been an Artist in Residence at MIT's Center for Advanced Visual Studies. His work has been recognized internationally through numerous invited presentations, professional publications and in the popular media with articles in publications such as the Wall Street Journal, Time, New Media, Computerworld, Byte, Scientific American, VR World, Funworld, TDR, Liberation, Le Monde, InterCommunication, Media Report, Nikkei Entertainment, Nikkei Computer Graphics, Login, Trigger, Asahi Shimbun, Asahi Pasocom, Designer's Workshop, Newton, Virtual, and many others. In addition, his stereoscopic imagery and artwork has been exhibited in the US, Europe and Japan. Most recently, his works have been shown in Paris at the Galeries Contemporaines of the Centre Georges Pompidou, and in the InfoArt Pavilion at the '95 Kwanju Biennale in Korea.

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