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  Today in Military History
Sunday, March 28th
1862:Union General E.R.S. Canby's forces defeated Confederate troops at the Battle of Glorietta Pass, New Mexico Territory, ending the Confederate threat to Union control of the Southwest.
1854:Beginning of the Crimean War. It originated in a quarrel between Catholic, Protestant, and Eastern orthodox religious authorities in Jerusalem over the question of who should control the keys to the Christian holy places there. Other contentious issues arose, and for several years, British and French armies battled the Russians at various points on the north shore of the Black Sea, notably on the Crimean Peninsula. The Turks were in the middle. Sardinia entered the war in 1855. Senile and incompetent military leadership on both sides, indifference toward critical logistical problems, and ineptitude of all concerned when dealing with disease and care of the wounded were controlling elements. The war ended in 1856 with nothing accomplished. Russia was persuaded to let up on Turkey, whose government was gradually decaying.
1814:The British naval vessels Phoebe and Cherub captured the American frigate Essex following a battle off the coast of Valparaiso, Chile (War of 1812).
1846:American forces under General Zachary Taylor moved across the Rio Grande River into Mexican territory, officially beginning hostilities during the Mexican War.

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  Medal of the Moment
Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal
The Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal was established per Executive Order 9265, dated 6 November 1942, by President Franklin D. Roosevelt...
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