 Google Business Solutions
Maximize your revenue
Google AdSense

Google AdSense™ is a risk-free way to deliver ads precisely targeted to search results or to the content on your site's pages. When readers click on these ads, you profit. Only AdSense can do this because we combine Google Search technology with the largest base of keyword advertisers to serve ads that are precisely targeted to your site.

Show ads relevant to the content on your site AdSense
Make corporate search easier
Google Search Appliance

With the Google Search Appliance, you can bring the same technology that powers Google's award-winning search engine into your company. And put it to work on your corporate intranet, extranet, and public website. Making it quick and easy to connect your employees, partners, and customers to the information they need.

Add search to your site
Google WebSearch

Enable your online visitors to search the web with Google WebSearch. Google indexes billions of pages, images, and documents in hundreds of file types to help people find what they want.

Take Google with you
Wireless Solutions

With Google Wireless WebSearch, your users can search not just the Mobile Web but the entire web. No other search engine can provide this service.

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