
The Gambling-Stakes Paradigm for Loans and Labor Contracts
by Roy Halliday
Slavery contracts of all kinds, including voluntary slavery contracts, should not be enforced in libertarian courts. Instead, libertarians should adopt the gambling-stakes paradigm as the basis for labor contracts, loans, and other contracts about future events.

A Note on Credit Institutions in a Free Nation
by Roderick Long
Corrects and clarifies Roy Halliday's article Money, Banking and the Gambling-Stakes Paradign for Loan Collateral and Labor Contracts. The revised version of Roy Halliday's article is The Gambling-Stakes Paradigm for Loans and Labor Contracts.

Socialism without the State: The Re-emergence of Collective Self-Help
by Dr. Tim Evans
"... the Labour movement must turn its back on the principle of collective state provision and instead return to a new era based on individually tailored co-operative services."

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This page was last updated on March 7, 2004.