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April 15, 2004

Peterson Case - Closing Off the Exits

By Mark Geragos’ reckoning the entire U.S. population is a semi-truck with it’s steaming grill to Scott Peterson’s tailgate, pushing him down the highway to Hell in a hurry. Meanwhile the prosecution road crew is busy blocking off the exits to keep the accused from escaping his fate at the end of that fiery road.

Geragos has made no secret of his “theories” as to who the “real killer” might be. Through channels, most of them have been floated like trial balloons to see how flightworthy they might be. Yet Geragos complained in court yesterday that the prosecution is "invading my work product". Stealing his bad screenplay ideas might be a more appropriate complaint, were any valid. Keep in mind, the prosecution presents their case first. The DA is simply, as I said, blocking the exits before the defense can try to travel down those roads when their turn at the wheel comes.

alice.jpgFor example, the following, some are obvious, others are my speculation:

  • Blocking the Brown Van Exit - As revealed yesterday, the prosecution is having DNA tests done on bloodstains in the infamous brown van that Geragos hinted was involved in a “kidnapping” of Laci. Investigators had long ago ruled out the possibility of it being pertinent to the case, but to avoid “the old red herring defense” as Judge Delucchi called it, the DA is having the tests done to block the highway exit to that particular fishing hole. A further bit of info was tipped yesterday. Said DA Dave Harris, "They had Dr. Henry Lee come and look at the boat,". I hear he had another learned companion or two.
  • Blocking the Boat Exit - Also revealed yesterday, the DA is interviewing an expert on the type of small boat Peterson owned, a 14 foot, aluminum Gamefisher. Tony Johns of Lebanon, Missouri may be called to testify, one might suppose, as to the capabilities, weight load, stability, speed and so forth of that boat, proving it was quite feasible that it was used to transport and jettison Laci Peterson’s body into the bay waters.
  • Blocking the Medina Burglar Exit - Some future theory, in my speculation involves the burglary across the street at the Medina house. Susan Medina has said in a previous interview she felt police discounted that connection too quickly and she has made a number of statements confirming her good opinion of Scott Peterson. A couple of weeks ago, Geragos and at least one companion were seen visiting the Covena home of the Petersons, remaining inside it approximately 20 minutes. Geragos was then observed entering the Medina house with a “poster sized” object. My speculation is this object was a visual aid to be used in court, and the visit was a prepping session of one or both Medinas as witnesses. It was revealed on Tuesday that the DA has subpoenaed the telephone records of the Medinas, possibly hoping to discern the time of their departure and arrival home. In addition, we know arrangements were made for one of the burglars to testify for the prosecution. In my opinion, both will be called to the stand, not because they observed any incriminating activity by Peterson, but only to ward off Geragos presenting them as possible “real killers” and accusing investigators of ignoring that possibility.
  • Blocking the Amber Was Selling Her Story Exit - This is a tricky one. I am told that Amber considered the value of this at one point and there is proof of it to be revealed. That's being purposely vague, but it's what I was told. We know her father Ron Frey has been subpoenaed. It is my belief that Amber's friend "Saki", possibly Amber's mother, and other relatives, maybe a grandparent, will be called to explain how certain things got into media hands and the extent of Amber's involvement, if any, in this.
  • Blocking The Walk Witnesses Exit - We know now that the prosecution has subpoenaed Bill Mitchell, husband of the deceased witness Vivian Mitchell. I believe their purpose is to show the jury a detailed timeline which will rule out the possibility of any of these witnesses having seen Laci and her dog that morning. Mitchell cannot testify as to what his wife saw. He can only testify regarding such things as her words to him, what time she said them and what he himself saw. A recent article stated Mitchell now says it was not Laci, only someone who looks like her. In my opinion that is a mistake on the part of Life.com. Bill Mitchell was quoted as saying his wife would have "made a good witness for them", meaning the defense. Mitchell, Maldonado, possibly Chiavetta and others will be put on the stand by the prosecution to discount their validity rather than allow the defense to put them on later as their own creations. Distaso's SOP is said to be meticulously presenting detailed evidence upon detailed evidence, overwhelming the jury with it.

Those are just a few of the exit ramps the prosecution is anticipating and crewing up to close off before the Gerabus tries to drive the jury down one of them. There's plenty more.

Now, on to Geragos performance in court yesterday. I had to laugh at the very apt and correct way KPIX described it:

Almost immediately after his outburst, Geragos apologized for his scatological reference to Fox. Judge Alfred Delucchi also admonished Geragos.

2 : the biologically oriented study of excrement (as for taxonomic purposes or for the determination of diet)

Very good, KPIX.

Very bad Geragos... not to mention transparent as glass. Geragos is the personage composed of stacked excrement in my opinion. It is not necessary for him to make these grand arm waving scenes, shouting, whining, bemoaning, blustering "Perry Mason" moments. If he has legitimate information that a particular juror is being less than honest, he does not need to present it so dramatically. He does not need to insult district attorneys who do not snap to his orders and demands. He is crass and classless and I am wondering if the man has an ounce of honesty in his soul or body.

Consider this... Why does he call San Mateo County District Attorney Jim Fox a "piece of crap'' because that DA did not immediately investigate the first "stealth juror", yet when asked for information on this juror, witness his actions from this quote from the San Mateo Daily Journal :

Fox said Geragos delivered a one-paragraph cover letter and copy of the tipsters’ declaration yesterday shortly before noon. Although the declaration had the name of the tipster, Geragos did not provide any contact information.

Now why, when Geragos found this "tipster's" information good enough to skewer "Granny Stealth" in court... WHY would he not readily turn over the address and phone number to the DA that he demands investigate the potential juror for perjury? Why did he see fit to blast Jim Fox for not investigating Granny Stealth when he had only given him the name of tipster that very same day , shortly before his excrement comment?

Because the whole damn thing is for show, to whine that he needs a change of venue to trek to his "promised land" of southern California.

Now, he has called yet another woman a liar. Holding his "proof" in his hand... a printout of a conversation in a chatroom. That is pathetically laughable. Any one of you reading here knows anyone can claim to be anyone, anywhere on the internet. Without evidence from her own hard drive, that "proof" Geragos was holding would be better used for "scatological" hygiene during his next bathroom conference.

Here's some gristle to chew on... Was the whole thing a lie? Was the woman set up? Who else has a suspicion that certain persons with the defense are machinating on the internet? Why did a certain website seem to have advance notice this was going down yesterday? Because they were involved in the whole thing from the git? Because they are agents for the defense? Just things to think about folks, yes indeed.

Most laughable Geraquote of the day (hard to pick on a day like yesterday!)

NBC 4 News

"It's Alice in Wonderland. It's not involved but we'll test it anyway?" Geragos said. "Their theory about this case is ludicrous."

He should know ludicrous theories. He wrote the book.... and the sequel.
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As always, any comments I make on the Peterson case and the persons involved is opinion and speculation on my part based on media reports and conversations with Modesto friends which must be construed as rumor until and unless proven otherwise.

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Any comments posted below are the OPINION of the poster.

Posted by: Psyche | April 15, 2004 10:38 AM


I felt the need to take another look at Psyche's beautiful bouquet from
her very own garden, something to behold if anyone has not noticed the
picture above picture that she has so graciously shared with us, a must
to see.

Psyche, not being an X-File fan, I did not notice that the invited male
guest was David Duchovny, but honestly, even if I were, don't think I
would have recognized him, I was too busy admiring the cup he brought to
the party.

You mentioned your living room having cracks in the walls, dust balls,
cobwebs, sounds as if you were visiting me, although you did not
mention ashes in the fireplace. I have such a mixture of furniture in my home
you would not believe, antique, traditional, etc., but, it's my home,
lot's of my STUFF, have a hard time getting rid of anything.

Boyzmomee, congratulations on your new PC, how exciting! It is so
thoughtful of you to ask if we have any requests of places to see, etc.,
when you visit Modesto, I only have a small request, may I claim one of
the tears you will shed when you visit Laci and Conner's grave sites,
think of all of us who have shared in the family's grief. I hope your
health problems are behind you and you enjoy your visit, have a safe trip
and please let us know when you return.

Farmers Markets, what fun, when weather permits we have one here one
day a week, unfortunately nothing like the one in Seattle. Jules your
outing for Mother's day sounds perfect, good to hear you appreciate the
commitment your parents made to your family, trying to instill the value
of morals in this day and time is very hard.

Hi Lorann, wondered what you have been up to, yard work is very time
consuming. I also love to browse the consignment shops in my area.

I sure hope the prosecutors in the Peterson trial are getting their
priorities together, what has taken place in the Jayson Williams trial
should be a good warning of how hard MG is going to try and find some type
of slip up and go for a mistrial. It sure sounds as if MG is losing his
cool a bit.

All have a great day!

(moved to this day's comment section per Psyche)

Posted by: Bebe | April 15, 2004 10:58 AM

I am so jealous of you all being able to go to these fabulous markets!
Besides the limp worn out produce at the supermarket, we have one
called the Farmers Market - but it is the same stuff just a little cheaper.
I hate it when you want to make something special and recipe says go to
your produce market - or go to your fishmonger - etc. I have a sister
who lives in St. Paul and when her husband passed away and was buried
in a National Cemetery with full honors, she wanted the flowers to be
very special. They had the most beautiful flowers I have ever seen and
I have worked at a florist. Ah, living in a small town in the

This jury business has gone the same way many things have gone since we
have "progressed" - employers use to be committed to being proud to
have their employees serve in civil manners. I'm not really a stiff
person but these antics in the courtroom and in front of the press -
calling people pieces of crap are terrible. I can only hope this judge got
MG aside and threatened him.

(moved to this day's comment section per Psyche)

Posted by: Lorann | April 15, 2004 11:03 AM

BEBE you are a darlin' for being so admiring of my few poor flowers stuck in a vase. The lacy ones that are some form of snowball bush are shedding everywhere and they have such a STRONG CLOYING fragrance it is almost sickening. I love them though, the colors and the shapes and the textures.

My house is a blasted mess, ALL the time. My dust bunnies have pets.

LORANN, I hear you girl. No good farmer's market 'round here either. There is supposed to be a real farmer's market down near the lake on Saturday mornings, but that is bound to be a couple of guys in station wagons selling tomatoes. Sigh. There might some Amish there though. If I ever get up earlier enough on a Saturday morning on the boat, I tool on over and check it out.

The jury nonsense is utterly belly aching, disgusting to me as you might sense from today's entry. And I was holding back. I am certain there are some stinking schemes being played on the 'net and the puppetmaster is a nasty man with a mustache... Opinion of course ... hmmmph snort.

Posted by: Psyche | April 15, 2004 11:09 AM

Not exactly Jules. I copied and moved Bebe and Lorann's posts from the last entry up here to this mornings so no one would miss them. I put their names in the blanks so it would show as being from them. But I didn't bother to erase Lorann, and I have mine checked to "Remember personal info" so it stilled had Lorann in the Name box. I fixed it and deleted your message. I try to move any comments posted late in a previous entry up to the next one, or their efforts are lost.

Posted by: Psyche | April 15, 2004 11:41 AM

I'll have to read later, but I have to say I DO enjoy today's graphic! Excellent!

Posted by: Golden Girl | April 15, 2004 11:46 AM

Regarding Tommy Hamill, hostage in Iraq:


The wife of an American trucker taken hostage in Iraq last week said on Thursday she had been told her husband was "doing fine" and appealed to his captors to free him immediately.

More positive thoughts for Tommy.

Posted by: Psyche | April 15, 2004 11:55 AM

Thank you GOLDEN.

And you BEBE.. admiring David's "teacup". You are naughty... I like that!

Posted by: Psyche | April 15, 2004 12:10 PM

Greta forgot to talk about something she said in a teaser.


Like that's something new?

Posted by: Psyche | April 15, 2004 12:39 PM

Hi Everyone! I haven't posted much recently as I have a nasty cold and haven't felt like doing much of anything. I have been reading though. Loved the Easter song and SnottyBunny!

Your flowers are just beautiful, Psyche! We do have some buds coming out here in the Northeast..but it's damn chilly out today. I do have one of my windows open, the fresh air smells good...what little I can smell of it. lol

I loved hearing about the furniture. Your homes all sound so lovely.

Thanks for all the great links ...they've kept me busy while I've been lying here suffering. lol

Ahh, this too shall pass!

Posted by: Denise | April 15, 2004 02:00 PM

Denise ~ Hope you feel better soon. The weather is so up and down this time of year it's hard not to get sick!
Bebe ~ Were you going back to the pics to admire Psyche's bouquet or David's? LOL! Sorry couldn't help it when I saw your post!
Psyche~ I figured it was something like that, just couldn't resist teasing you. Love today's graphics! I truly hope Mr. Hamill is well, but I'm sure he won't be "doing fine" until he is released! Prayers to all Soldiers and their families.
Baseball tonight!! My own "little" Babe Ruth hit a homer Tue, hope we get another tonight!! Will try to check back later!

Posted by: Jules | April 15, 2004 05:54 PM

Psyche, thanks for moving my post, I thought it was lost in cyber space. I got a message due to uncivil posts or something - then I was too tired to repost.

Another COV, is there no limit as to how stupid a lawyer can be? Seriously, "there otta be a law".
He is trying to prove snot didn't have adequate representation in my opinion...and he's doing a good job of that at least.

On another board I read where Nancy Grace aswered a question about is it for sure no camaras in the courtroom, is there any chance at all? - and she said there is a chance. Have you heard any good stuff about this or is it just wishful thinking on my part? I don't want to see MG perform, I just want to see the trial.

Posted by: Lorann | April 15, 2004 08:36 PM

Gosh, I HATE when life interferes with computer time! My compliments to the hostess for the enchanting tea party yesterday. Sorry I didn't stay long enough to meet David and his teacup.

I was fairly new during the "Christmas Parlor" entry and thought the pictures were from a "House and Garden" magazine. That's how perfect it looked to me. Beautiful decorations!

Jules, your link to the exodus on the BTK board is priceless. I think you are right about BTK being dead by now. I hope your Babe Ruth hits another homer tonight! Good for him.

I read about your horrible head cold at your site, Denise. Glad you're feeling well enough to join us again.

Boyzmomee, I look forward to hearing about your visit to Modesto. I remember seeing cameras at certain intersections that capture people running red lights when I was there. It's easy to identify those cameras because there's a sign attached to the traffic light that lists a $271.00 fine for the violation. I'd be tempted to make note of any that were on Scott's route out of Modesto.

Lorann, I wholeheartedly agree with your reaction to the courtroom antics. The press NEVER tires of Geragroan!

Posted by: Golden Girl | April 15, 2004 08:46 PM

As usual, Psyche must have burned the midnight oil doing her research for this entry. Perhaps it's the topic, but I don't know anyone that can write about Geragratuitous quite like Psyche. Outstanding job today!

I thought the stains in the van had already been identified as ketchup? I have been trying to separate fact from fiction in this case and hope I don't have things blended together already.

I like the boat expert witness idea. Although my husband and older son keep telling me it IS possible to dispose of a body at sea from that type of watercraft.

I think Ron Frey's testimony may be limited to his observations of the relationship between his daughter and the inmate. Kind of like a chemical reaction to the enzymes in Scott's fertilizer sales pitch to Amber.

Finally, I couldn't agree with Psyche more in her conclusions regarding Geragoogoo. His courtroom tantrums and outbursts are his life-lines to the news media. His translucence is defined in every thrust of his arms and each scatological reference aimed at law enforcement. He may as well stand in the middle of the courtroom and whine, "I wanna go to LA, judge!"

His "work product" IS his client. Another sack of scatalogy! What despicable creatures.

Which website had advance notice of the juror setup? Who are all these tipsters?

Posted by: Golden Girl | April 15, 2004 09:27 PM

Is everyone out mailing tax returns?


Peterson's lead attorney, Mark Geragos, who has previously suggested a brown van may have been involved in the case, seized on the issue, saying it was impossible to rule the van out until testing was done.

Superior Court Judge Alfred Delucchi seemed to agree at least partially, ordering the testing to be completed before opening statements in the trial -- tentatively set for May 17. "How can you get up and give an opening statement when you don't know what the evidence is?" Delucchi asked Harris.

"Well, we know what the evidence is going to be," Harris replied, prompting Geragos to double over in laughter -- his head down on the counsel table before he straightened up, wiping his eyes. The samples will be destroyed by the testing, Harris said, eliminating the possibility the defense could run their own tests to corroborate the findings.

Delucchi ordered the state lab notes to be turned over to Geragos' office on a daily basis, so the defense DNA expert will be "well advised" that the testing is being done in a scientific manner and the samples not compromised.

Geragos said prosecutors were "fixated on one brown van" while ignoring a second van he said was "referred to on at least three different occasions by witnesses in sealed search warrant affidavits."

Posted by: Golden Girl | April 15, 2004 10:58 PM

Finally home. Can you believe I have been at a car dealer for FOUR friggedy hours?

Still don't have my car, will pick up tomorrow or Saturday.

Back in a minute.

STARVING and so is the dog!

Posted by: Psyche | April 15, 2004 11:39 PM

GOLDEN...you can still see David, he's hanging around.


Posted by: Psyche | April 15, 2004 11:52 PM

I made a Geragos Word Scramble, but the letters won't stay in a straight line here.

Posted by: Golden Girl | April 16, 2004 12:05 AM

Golden, can you convert it to a jpg? Then I could post it in an entry. Can't post pics to the comment section unfortunately

Posted by: Psyche | April 16, 2004 12:11 AM

The collage is PERFECT. I liked the quote too. I'll e-mail the Word Scramble. Check out the attachment too.

Posted by: Golden Girl | April 16, 2004 12:23 AM

Thanks for the comments on the collage for today. Personally I loved the Alice quote... sounds like Geragos, only not nasty enough.

Posted by: Psyche | April 16, 2004 12:24 AM

I thought I'd share this with everyone. It strikes me funny!

9 Ways NOT to Start your Police Report
(From American Police Beat, a magazine for cops)

1. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times ...

2. The names contained in this report have been changed to protect the innocent ...

3. The mayor then made an illegal left hand turn onto Mulraney at which point I opened fire ...

4. Before I get into the details, I've got a few "shout-outs" for my homeys in the command staff ...

5. It was so dark and wet that night you could almost eat the mist. The radio call penetrated the eerie silence with such piercing intensity that for a moment, I was sure I'd lost my mind ...

6. Got call. Responded. Arrested bad guy. The end.

7. Mye pertnar an eye wher on petrol wen we seen a man act suspishushly...

8. The suspect then tried to assualt me by repeatedly slamming his face into my fist ...

9. A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away ...

Posted by: Golden Girl | April 16, 2004 12:51 AM

I converted the puzzle to a jpeg Golden and the pic. I may just put them up as tomorrow's entry and be lazy. I'm beat after all that nonsense tonight and may have a time problem tomorrow.


Posted by: Psyche | April 16, 2004 01:15 AM

Funny, Golden. Geragos and the wack jobs who worship him would appreciate that.

"Geragos & The Wack Jobs"

That sounds like a 50's band ... and a good spoof entry. I must be exhausted :-(

Posted by: Psyche | April 16, 2004 01:21 AM

I fell asleep here at the computer, I give up and am turning in for an early "night" for me.

Before I go... have to say I am SO HAPPY that Judge Delucchi smacked Geragos down today.

"You listen to what I'm telling you, Mr. Geragos," Delucchi said. "I'll tell you one more time ... I'm not going to take statements from nameless, faceless people that are impugning these jurors."

Gerasnott is a lowlife, pure and simple. A lowlife.

Watching repeat of Greta and she just said she has to say categorically that "Geragos is not doing this" meaning setting up these "stealth jurors".

MESSAGE TO GRETA... your next plastic surgery should be on your nose because the one you have can't smell the coffee, girl.

Oh and now she's advocating the move "downstate".

More to chew on... WHY did Delucchi give Geragos that stern warning today? Tap tap tap of the fingers ... could it be because somebody let Delucchi know it's all cowpies painted white and presented as snowballs? Betcha.

Posted by: Psyche | April 16, 2004 03:48 AM

Great entry Psyche, lots of research and information, it is evident you put much time and thought into this.

I particularly like the graphic of the antique manure spreader, I can just picture Mark Geragone riding along, spreading his crap!

Is the date for another hearing on COV set for May 5th?

Would like to say hello to all.

Glad to hear Judge Delucchi put Geragos in his place, saying he was not going to tell him one more time, think he got the message?

Glad you have your car experience behind you, now all that is left is for you to enjoy it, I imagine finding the time will be a problem, you are a busy gal, by the way, I picked up on the darlin', will admit, it took my children attending school for me to learn the correct pronunciation for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, I always said and hubby still does, Mondee, Tuesdee, Wednesdee, told you I have a twang, LOL.

Posted by: Bebe | April 16, 2004 10:36 AM


"You realize (an informant) could be someone who has some prank?" Delucchi said. "I think I have a right ... to determine if those statements are indeed true."

Geragos called Delucchi's arguments "ridiculous," further rankling the judge during a tense exchange.

He called a JUDGE'S arguments RIDICULOUS.

This man is an unmitigated ASS

Posted by: Psyche | April 16, 2004 10:36 AM

From the same link:


Meanwhile, on Thursday, prosecutors filed a declaration by a passenger on the bus with the first would-be juror accused of lying to be chosen for the trial.

That passenger, contrary to details given to the defense by another passenger, said he or she never heard the woman speak of the Peterson trial during the bus trip to Reno.

You have to wonder if the "tipster" who dropped a dime on Granny Stealth filed a declaration. The DA's detective is supposed to have talked to this "tipster".

Posted by: Psyche | April 16, 2004 10:38 AM

Seems as if we posted at the same time. Good question about the "tipster" filing a declaration.

Posted by: Bebe | April 16, 2004 10:45 AM

BEBE..it's not over yet. I hope to get it picked up today, but the timing is awful and they are slow. I may just go back to bed since I work tonight. The car in the color I wanted wasn't on the lot but one had just come in and they took me to another place where they hold them until they are prepped. It is still covered in a protective plastic, inside and out and has salt spray on the plastic. It arrived here in the US at the port of SAN DIEGO. You know that caught my eye.

Right now I am looking for the way and price to put a remote start on it. The dealer wants $350 and I think I do better on my own, but I know nothing about them

LOL... Mondeee. I still vividly remember my Mama saying to me in mild exasperation "You don't talk like the rest of us" because I did say Mon-DAY and they all said Mon DEE etc. Her family was from a rural area and Daddy's was from the mountains, but I didn't entirely pick up their accents, assimilating the more metro, border state accents of the city they had moved to. Mama's family would even say HiDee instead of Howdy. I never got that one.

Posted by: Psyche | April 16, 2004 10:49 AM

I know it does take time for them to detail the car in the manner you expect, I'm so proud for you, I can see your expression now when they mentioned San Diego, you will never forget the port where it arrived, afraid I'm not much help with suggestions about the remote start, I don't have that luxury on mine, bet it would be worth the cost.

One would never know I took speech in college, I remember my first speech in front of class mates, got an excellent grade but she did point out that that "just" is not pronounced "jest", now I try and speak from two different areas, I never know what is coming out of my mouth next. Your mom and dad are my kind of folks even though I was not from a rual area.

Posted by: Bebe | April 16, 2004 11:07 AM

Well the remote start is a luxury I guess, but I am to the point I consider it a necessity. I hate the cold. I work nights and my car is left outside all night. When it snows, sleets, ice storm whatever, my car will covered. I go out ready to fire down the road to home and instead I sit there scraping, unthawing, sweeping snow and my hands almost immediately are painfully cold and won't warm up, even with two pairs of gloves. They've always been like that and are getting worse. I am hoping I can get this remote start on this new one and park it near a window and start it before I leave.

Geragriper is complaining so much, and making so many requests, so that if the Judge doesn't give him at least some of them, he will look biased and create a better case for the appeal G is threatening. The name Geragos is destined to become a synonym for rank and raucous lawyering, IMO.

Posted by: Psyche | April 16, 2004 11:11 AM

Agree the remote would really help you out in the winter, definitely a necessity in your case, I hate having to clean off a car with frost, ice, or whatever all over it.

I am really getting feed up with MG, I agree, the more requests he makes and gets turned down, the better chance he will have on getting an appeal.

You need to get some sleep, and I have obligations to meet, have a good one.

Posted by: Bebe | April 16, 2004 11:24 AM

Got your email BEBE!
I'll take them all, thanks LOL.

I really need to go back to bed, but I know I won't sleep, waiting for my new toy. The bean counter offered to pick it up and bring it to me, so I could sleep. He'll have donkey fits when he hears I was up anyway.

Thanks again for the email funny.

Posted by: Psyche | April 16, 2004 12:03 PM

Hi Everyone,
My kids are off school this week so I've had little computer time. As usual, Psyche,your entries are superb. I can't wait tuntil kids are back in school so I can delve more into them. I am flabbergasted at Geragrandiose. I'm convinced that the P's must have felt a psychic connection with him and thats why they hired him. One of their own kind,so to speak.Could he be purposely making an ass out of himself so the P's can say they had inadequate counsel? And what's with Greta? I don't think she's sucking up,just very naive,like when she wanted Jackie and Sharon to kiss and make up.
Remember we were discussing a couple weeks ago about the British TV shows we liked? I just read in my paper that PBS will be showing another episode of the series that Helen Mirron is on. It will be on this Sunday at least on my PBS. Also if anyones cable has American BBC,there is a new series starting on that,also this Sunday. It got a great review.
Well my kids are fighting again,so I will be going. If I don't get back again today. Have a great weekend all. I'm going to Boston for a hockey tournament.

Posted by: Mrs. B | April 16, 2004 12:20 PM

MRSB.. what's the name of the new Brit series? I have American BBC on one TV. I always intend to record things from it but forget.

Hard to believe Greta is that naive, but could be. She and Geragos were buds before and this may all be an act... Geracrusted really is losing it. I don't want to look up the exact statements now, but compare how he commented on the most recent Jackson accuser to how Benjamin Brafman commented... it's crass vs class.

Have a great time in Boston.

Posted by: Psyche | April 16, 2004 12:43 PM

She's here! My new car is here. Now I can go to sleep happy. See y'all later if anyone is around. If not... have a great night/weekend/whatever!

Posted by: Psyche | April 16, 2004 04:24 PM

Congratulations and good luck with the new car!

Posted by: Golden Girl | April 16, 2004 05:34 PM

Congratulations on your new arrival, you did not mention what color, I will take a guess at blue or silver, mine is black with gold, o.k. if you had rather not say, I've already told everyone I'm curious as a cat, just can't help it.

Glad you liked your mail, thought it to be appropriate being you are staying so busy.

I've a pretty busy weekend planned but hope to at least visit Psyche's blog to read so I want get so far behind.

Hope the weather is great for the weekend wherever y'all are, enjoy!

Posted by: Bebe | April 16, 2004 05:46 PM

Whoooooo hoooooo that is great news Psyche! Congrats!

Posted by: Denise | April 16, 2004 08:43 PM

Sorry, slept late from my nap and been hectic ever since.

BEBE... it's dark red, a Honda CRV. It's has some oddities as far as where controls are located, but other than that I AM LOVING IT.

I had only driven it a few minutes for the test drive. Son picked it up for me, left it in the garage. I had no time to do anything but load my stuff into it and get to bed for a nap. Woke up late, got ready and jumped in...

I COULD NOT FIND ANYTHING. Lights, locks, mirror adjustments, air, etc. And no time to stop and orient myself. I felt like a disoriented sightless idiot reaching all over the car bumping and fumbling my fingers all over everything. But I made it.

Got to go catch up on news.

BTW BIRDSMOM.. hope you are able to read this weekend. Would like to hear how the new job is.

Posted by: Psyche | April 17, 2004 01:04 AM

A RED HONDA CRV, you go girl, how great! Must admit I have enjoyed my foreign wheels as weel, Camry Solara, just like the way they handle and generally they are built to endure, think I mentioned mine was black with gold, guess I should have added gold trim or else you may think I'm going around with a two toned car looking like something a teenager would drive. Have a good one all.

Posted by: Bebe | April 17, 2004 07:27 AM

As Psyche predicted:


To their surprise, the Maldonados were summoned not by Peterson's camp, but by prosecutors.


Posted by: Golden Girl | April 17, 2004 09:06 AM

Thanks GOLDEN. I didn't predict, I tried to hint. I've know Maldonado was subpoena'ed by the prosecution for a while now and I knew he was not happy about being subpoenaed by the PROSECUTION. I can't remember where I hinted at it, in a comment I think but I said that SOME PEOPLE were more concerned with being right and would stick to their story no matter what.

Don't you wonder about defense detectives telling Maldonado not to talk about having seen the same woman and dog two earlier times, but apparently OK'ing him blathering about his supposed Christmas Eve AM siting all over the media including that A&E; special? What's up with that? Looks like both sides what to keep little secrets up their sleeves, ayy?

BEBE... I knew you meant gold trim. The CRV has a gold pinstripe that is really pretty against the dark red so when you said black and gold, my mind automatically thought of the same thing on yours.

New, recap catchall sort of entry in a bit. I need some breakfast, then will finish it.

Posted by: Psyche | April 17, 2004 09:24 AM

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