June 07, 2004

You Call This Liberal?

The Alan Colmes radio show, supposedly a liberal talk show on Fox Radio (also airing on XM Satellite Radios's America Left station) joined the Reagan love-fest today. After listening intently to a glowing report of all Reagan's achievements by super-conservative John Kasich (who just happens to host another Fox News program), Alan fawned and giggled over the reminiscences of right-winger Linda Chavez, a Reagan appointee. He even chuckled over her Clinton joke.

Ironically, Alan Colmes concluded the Chavez interview by saying that he wished that more people "on my side of the fence" had Reagan's optimism and steely resolve for standing up for their beliefs!

And then he moved on to some humorous excerpts of Reagan speeches.

Posted by ellen at June 7, 2004 11:44 PM
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