Information Technology Law Communications Law Legal Informatics & Information Retrieval
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Welcome to the home page of the Legal Informatics & Information Retrieval (LIIR) research group. Since 1992 the research group has been conducting research into artificial intelligence applications in the fields of legal informatics and information retrieval as part of the Interdisciplinary Centre for Law and Information Technology. The research group leader is Prof. Marie-Francine Moens. The group has worked on problems relating to legal document databases, legal expert systems and legal drafting systems. The information retrieval research stretches beyond the legal field and comprises the design and development of technologies for text indexing, classification and summarization, information extraction and retrieval models.

Our research is very valuable for the development of information systems that deal with textual informations. Such systems become increasingly important in an e-government context.

The developed tools for automatic indexing and summarization of texts were demonstrated at the international technology fair Flanders Technology International in 1999.

In 2002, 2003 and 2004 we succesfully participated to the Document Understanding Conference organized by the National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA.

Please follow the links below for more information about the people at LIIR and the work they are doing. We have compiled an extensive list of publications some of which are available in different formats if you wish to explore a particular topic more deeply.

Contact us.

Hot news: LIIR
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ICRI Agenda
bullet 28-08-2004:Examen Informaticarecht
C 303 Informaticarecht voor GROEP 1, om 14 u. Lokaal: DV 03.15 (ICRI), Tiensestr. 41, 3e verdieping, Oude Valk.
bullet 02-09-2004:Examen Informaticarecht
C 303 Informaticarecht voor GROEP 2, om 9 u. Lokaal: DV 03.15 (ICRI), Tiensestr. 41, 3e verdieping, Oude Valk.
bullet 16-12-2004:PAV
'Wettelijk kader ICT', Opleiding multidisciplinair forensisch onderzoek, PAV KULEUVEN
bullet 01-07-2004 - 31-08-2004:
During summer holidays, ICRI staff members might not always be available to respond immediately to your telephone call or e-mail. If you cannot reach your contact directly, you might try to get in touch with our secretariat, at number +32 16 32 52 73.
bullet 25-07-2004 - 26-07-2004:ACL/EACL 2004 workshop, July 25-26, 2004, Barcelona, Spain  2004-07-25, 2004-07-26
Text Summarization Branches Out


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