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Need great content for your publication? The AlterNet Syndication Service has it. Content with style and passion ... powerful, personal voices ... in-depth investigations ... exemplary writing ... and views of today's public concerns and private lives.

In the past 15 years, the AlterNet Syndication Service has grown to serve more than 160 members, from weekly and daily newspapers to national magazines to websites. Our mission is simple: to provide high-quality, independent journalism at the most affordable prices possible.

Every week, AlterNet staff hand-picks stories from freelancers and the independent press and continually adds them to our database. These stories cover a range of topics and issues -- the environment, the drug war, technology, trends, sexuality, policy debate, personal essays and much more.


If you join AlterNet's Syndication Service, your publication will receive unlimited access to our growing database of over 10,000 articles. As an AlterNet member, you will also receive the AlterNet Index, an e-mail newsletter that lists each week's current stories and promotions.

AlterNet membership dues are assessed quarterly, and are based on circulation size. Members also pay a small fee for each story they reprint. Story reprint fees are calculated by each story's word count, and are also based on your publication's circulation size. Half of each reprint fee goes directly to the writer or the originating publication.

Website publications should contact the Syndication Manager at (415) 284-1420 x305 for adjusted membership and story fees.

Art is sometimes available to accompany AlterNet articles. Fees vary, depending on the type of artwork, arrangements with the artist and publication size.

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