Featured Products

Featured products – The featured products portion of this web page will be constantly updated as new products move up the chain and are developed to the point that they can be made public. The following product reviews are a selection of products that are ready for public release. Not every technology and not every product design becomes a viable commercial application. Only those ideas, products and technologies that succeed make it to this page. For every idea and every product design that makes it to this page many others are culled from the process because they fail to meet the commercialization test. These featured products are now ready for taking to the market , or are ready to be integrated into existing products and systems. Also displayed are those that are in various stages of development and will be introduced when all testing and validations are complete, but which have significant potential and are being pushed through testing as quickly as engineering studies indicate they meet design criteria.

Group 1 - Rapid hydrogen generator / Water purification system

This product is under a secrecy agreement – but – it is already working and is under bench test. It will allow end users to generate hydrogen on demand without the need to store excess. Any power need for internal combustion can be met without the dangers of storage . Refer to company press releases on this web site for particulars . This late breaking news icon will constantly be updated as new information is available.

As a tag along this process also creates ultra pure drinking water at the other end. This “bonus “ is almost as important as the original problem we set out to solve with the on demand creation of Hydrogen . In both cases the hydrogen and the water is produced at pennies a liter.

As may be expected this group has a market value in the Billions of Dollars – imagine a car that runs on water ! This is now actually possible.

Products that will flow from this platform technology will include
a. Cars
b. Boats, yachts and military watercraft
c. Trucks
d. Fork Lifts
e. Drilling and mining equipment
f. Other applications as they are spec’ed out

Group 2 - Electrical Power source optimum storage systems

Emerging Technologies Development Company assisted in the development and refinement of the specifications for alternative energy solutions to a variety of energy needs. Personal transportation has been the primary focus as an outgrowth of involvement with DARPA the Government sponsored unmanned vehicle program ( a nation wide open invitation to field an unmanned vehicle capable of self navigation across a specified test course ) . Thousands of entries were pared down to less than 50 and our group made it to the finals . Other entrants included Universities, giant OEM and other aerospace companies. We are quite proud to have had the chance to demonstrate our capabilities and this energy technology was spawned by a desire to make the unmanned vehicle an electric powered vehicle.
The first group of products to flow from the commercialization of this patented technology will be for personal transportation as we already have interested parties offering P.O. s for the finished product pending 3rd party life cycle tests which are underway and due for completion in 3-4 weeks.

The products are ;

First product –BECS ( Battery Enhancement and Controller System ) is now complete and ready for release – a self contained power system that enhances current systems on electric personal transportation devices ( Scooters , ATV vehicles , etc by 50 % or more on a conservative basis and 70 % or more when coupled with pulse controller devices currently assigned to CD&M – Electronics for interface design ). An engineering study is being conducted to validate by third party the efficiency of the unit. Once documented the product will be released to the OEM and after market. Initial interest OEM orders for several hundred thousand units are pending 3rd party validation . Assuming engineering studies validate the claims the initial orders already pending will be in excess 6 million dollars just to fill the pipeline.

Second product – is a tag along product for aftermarket application of Scooters already in use ( Several million in Europe alone ) . This will be a self contained product that Scooter owners can bolt into place that replaces the entire current drive system and makes the vehicle truly electric efficient with estimated performance enhancement of 120 % of current conventional totally electric vehicles. Estimated time to delivery 7-8 months

Third product – Enhanced battery pack for lap top computers that will increase run time by 50 % or more. Feasibility design work is done and testing of application will start in 2-3 weeks. Specifications for battery compartment size in popular models and sampling of voltage outputs for the most popular models is underway now. Less than 1 year is estimated to produce deliverable products for most popular models. Actually Emerging Technologies expects to have an OEM joint venture in place once the design work is proofed. One world class manufacturer is interested in an immediate upgrade of its flagship laptop. Assuming the upgrade works this will be a multi million dollar sale. Emerging Technologies believes that since the application will use 95 % of the same design for the personal transportation system ( only miniaturized and a little less robust and with less housing requirements than Scooter applications ), that engineering design time will be cut to an absolute minimum.

Fourth product – is actually a retrofit package that can be sold direct to end user for any battery application that end user can access battery compartment contact points. Implication is staggering but so is the data collection necessary to encompass end user configurations. While the product is virtually done it is a little like being “ all dressed up and no where to go “ until we get enough configuration data from end user applications to make the physical plug in and contact points dimensions. Our commitment is to make all products end user friendly and follow the software “ plug and play “ mentality. Product design is done and we will start testing against a wide variety of current end user devices to insure voltage compatibility. This and other products in this group all move forward at about the same speed as the basic technology platform feeds them all.

Group 3 - Solar panel retro fits

Emerging Technologies Development Company assisted in the development and refinement of the specifications for retrofit and updates of solar panels already in place and aging. In the process this R&D group effort has produced a retrofit panel that will replace aging panels – however – it can also be a stand alone product for new applications. This product is in late stages of design . In 4-5 months it will be ready for test trials and 3rd party validation .

First product – Retro fit current aging systems
Second product – Stand alone unit for all applications new or in place

Third product – scaled down version for attachment to lap tops and other devices to provide power away from standard power charging station and which will directly feed into the BECS program

Group 4 – Environmental friendly conversions of existing products

First product - Emerging Technologies is under negotiations with trap shooter enthusiast for a child safety dispenser for rapid release and loading of shotgun shells which also incorporates a caddy for reloads .

Second product - A much sought after solution to clay pigeon debris and contamination of shooting sights is under way and Emerging Technologies hopes to be able to bring this environmentally friendly product to you in the very near future.

Third product - Waste water treatment for wildlife sanctuaries and natural habitat contamination
Fourth product – Farm implementation and equipment containment system for non bio degradable soil contamination

Additional products that will flow from various platform technology but are still in the development stage More will be added as the proposed products pass the commercialization tests –

Airport screening system for absolute control of all Airport Security Devices keys, badges and other anti terrorist methods of breaching airport security

More items will be added as they pass the commercialization test and defined markets are revealed.


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