Test Drive Bandwidth Control
 on Your Network!

Order our free and

fully functional NetEqualizer
1000d demo

Click here    

AP Connections develops networking infrastructure appliances that enable dynamic traffic shaping

AP Connections’ non-intrusive and cost-effective bandwidth control and quality of service products are plug-and-play, allowing network administrators and operators to quickly and easily gain control of their networks without having to build and manage extensive policy libraries and with no changes to existing network infrastructure


Hear what our customers are saying:

We bid the Netequalizer QOS system with every phone system we sell. This
proactive approach ensures our customers have the best in VOIP phone service and heads off any quality problems before they happen.

Kevin Bowen
CEO Applied Telephone and Data
Orem Utah

The amount of bandwidth we were able to save, while still providing great quality of service, more than covers the cost of technology in the first 4 months!
Alejandro Gajardo T.
Gerente de Tecnología
Inter.net México S.A. de C.V.



What are you trying to do?

  Enable quality QoS for VOIP


  Enable QoS for priority customers


  Improve QoS without recurring cost





Latest News

June 22, 2004
Voip Magazine
Provide QoS Without New Hardware
By Art Reisman

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