The Silent Coup: Russia and Jewish Power

Issue 123, June-July 2004

Cover: Northern Awakening, a digital work by A. Martorelli, inspired by Justin Cowgill's article in this issue. (bigger view)
  • A New Northern Bastion?: Is Russia the key to the survival of the founding race of Western Civilization?

  • The Silent Coup: Justin Cowgill, a former editor for, explores the history of Vladimir Putin's accession to power and his battle against the Jewish oligarchs.

  • The Crime Gene: Ben Parker takes a fictional and humorous look at the violent underclass that makes modern America such an ugly and dangerous place.

  • Forum: Letters from readers on the anthrax murders, the ethics of multiracialism, Eastern European attitudes towards Jews, and much more.

  • News from the Homelands: Mark Cotterill brings us European news: HIV in Scotland, demographic disaster in England, nationalist advances in France and Italy, and much more.

  • Situation Terminal, But Not Serious: Bob Whitaker on the so-called "Greatest Generation"; and on how some groups in our society are above criticism.

  • Postscripts, by Revilo P. Oliver: 'Douglas Reed and The Controversy of Zion,' 'Face-to-Face With George Wallace,' and 'The Mistaken Path.'

  • Books: Ben Parker's A Half Century of Brown, Will Lambert's The Tip of an Antenna.

  • And More!

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