Developers Pad

As many of you will have noticed, we had been experiencing problems with our hosting company, and so we have now moved servers. Unfortunately, these new servers don't support PHP, so we've got a fairly basic website for the moment. On top of this, development of Developers Pad has been placed on hold - in fact, we haven't released a new version since around June 2001. With any luck, once I have finished my exams in June 2002, I'll be able to continue development. Many thanks for all your support.

If you want to talk about Developers Pad, click here


Developers Pad Setup, Beta 2c (v0.5.929)
Developers Pad Source Code, Beta 2c (v0.5.929)
Developers Pad Add-in SDK
Developers Pad Tlb Source Code


Here are just a few of Developers Pad main features.

Developers Pad provides a number of Add-Ins as standard. These include