Index of pkgtools
Friday 17 September, 2004 @ 07:51 AM

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Last update: Package name:Version:Description:
2004-05-10autoswc 1.2Generates system wide cache files for GNU autoconf
2004-08-03binpatch 1.0Trivial binary patch applicator
2004-02-27cdpack 1.5Utility to create multi-cd binary package collections
2004-07-08createbuildlink 3.5shell script to help creating buildlink[23].mk files
2004-02-27dfdisk 1.0Fetch distfiles from multiple locations
2004-02-27digest 20021220Message digest wrapper utility
2004-02-27distfetch 20020930Script to fetch only required distribution files
2004-02-27gensolpkg 1.10nb1Utility to generate a Solaris package
2004-06-24pkgclean 20040622Quickly clean up all work directories in pkgsrc
2004-08-03pkgconflict 0.3nb2Scripts to find conflicting packages in pkgsrc
2004-05-09pkgdep 1.0Script for displaying dependence information on software packages
2004-08-03pkgdepgraph 2.7Visual representation of installed NetBSD packages
2004-08-17pkgdiff 0.114Tools to ease creating and maintaining patches for pkgsrc
2004-06-24pkgfind 20040622Find packages by package name in pkgsrc
2004-09-07pkglint 3.90Verifier for NetBSD packages and complete pkgsrc tree
2004-02-27pkgmanpages 19991222Manual page(s) for the packages collection
2004-08-15pkgse 0.2Fetch informations about a NetBSD package from
2004-02-27pkgsurvey 0.0Utility to collate pkg information, and mail to central census site
2004-09-05pkg_chk 1.51Check installed package versions against pkgsrc
2004-06-12pkg_comp 1.19Build packages inside a chroot jail
2004-05-09pkg_filecheck 0.1Check for files not owned by any package
2004-02-27pkg_install-info 4.5nb2Standalone GNU info file installation utility
2004-08-29pkg_regress 0.0Run pkgsrc infrastructure regression test suite
2004-08-11pkg_tarup 1.6.2Generates binary package(s) from installed pkg(s)
2004-05-09port2pkg 1.11nb3Convert from a FreeBSD port to a NetBSD package
2004-02-27rc.subr 20030706Portable NetBSD rc.subr implementation for pkgsrc
2004-09-13rcorder 20031013Print a dependency ordering of interdependent files
2004-02-27rdigest 20021220Message digest wrapper utility
2004-08-03rpm2pkg 2.1Convert RPM archives to NetBSD packages
2004-02-27shlock 20020114Shell utility to perform dot-locking
2004-04-17url2pkg 1.25Tool to automate initial steps in building a package
2004-02-27x11-links 0.23Shadow tree of links to ${X11BASE} headers and libraries

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