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Chris Zumbrunn Ventures
2610 Mont-Soleil
+41 329 41 41 41

>Introducing Mochascript for Flash
Scripting interactive and collaborative Internet applications got a whole lot easier last year with the introduction of the Mochascript abstraction library for server-side Javascript. Now the same high level of abstraction can also be deployed inside of Flash based projects.
>New Hosting Fascilities in the USA
We offer high quality deployment opportunities in both Europe and the USA. The European hosting facilities are located directly in the datacenter of a major Internet Exchange in Switzerland. The new US hosting facilities are located in a state of the art data center on Long Island, New York.
>Cross-Platform Technology
The DeployZone Internet Server Software is available for any Unix such as FreeBSD, MacOSX, Linux and Solaris, or for Windows. Deploy on your favorite platform - and switch at any time!
>Application Development Environment
Fast and efficient development of Internet applications written in Mochascript and the standard Javascript programming language. Quickly configure and customize projects without leaving the web browser!
>Low-Cost Bespoke Solutions
We provide pre-configured solutions for website publishing, web-based team collaboration, community, help desk, education or portal sites. And we also offer bespoke configurations addressing your specific needs!
>All-in-One Internet Server Software
The most efficient and cost effective way to operate an Internet server. Eliminate the complexity caused by spreading your solution over various software products.

23.09.2004, 08:47
Discover DeployZone!
Get a free Test-Drive now!


Mocha Release Notes 4.0608:
  • Changed the Webmail Refresh button to always link to the first list section
  • Ensured that the Empty button inside the Trash folder of Webmail is displayed correctly when listing sections subsequent to the first one
  • Improved the layout of the authentication form for unknown users publishing content
  • Fixed URL encoding in getUri method
  • Added string.toUtf8 and string.fromUtf8 methods
  • Enhanced fault tolerance for some common multi-part mime envelope encoding errors.
  • Added additional MD5 hash methods: string.toMD5hex(), string.toMD5b64(), string.toMD5str(), string.toHmacMD5hex(cryptkey), string.toHmacMD5b64(cryptkey) and string.toHmacMD5str(cryptkey)
  • Fixed a compatibility problem in the makeButton function, returning a simple OK button with the default action when no arguments are specified.

Please do not hesitate to contact us online or call +41 329 41 41 41
Powered by Mocha Objects 4.0417
Internet Application Technology - Reduced to the Maximum!