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Timo and Bev - Add me to your Personal Portal!
Description: Timo and Beverly started as a 24 Hour Comic Challenge, and is gunna keep going as quick, unscripted crazy-ness. 1 hour a page, updated every day.
Artist/Author: Le Eh!
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Name: monsieurleeh Date: 9/9/2004

So, this page continues the Clone High reference (flapping around the elbow skin). Clone High's such a good show. I'm having a hard time not just doing the entire ADD routine from that episode. :P

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5 Name: Pixie Date: 9/14/2004
damn! I want more! and yet there is none! >_<
guns are bad. but may be funny in conjuntion with the monkey. =)
5 Name: Ronin_Hellbringer Date: 9/13/2004
Damned monkey... >_
5 Name: JonathanR Date: 9/11/2004
5 Name: Eddache Date: 9/10/2004
... Name: monsieurleeh Date: 9/9/2004
That'd be funny if he was dancing to I'm Too Sexy. So let's say that IS what he's doing. And I planned it all along!
5 Name: ccs1989 Date: 9/9/2004
... Name: ccs1989 Date: 9/9/2004
What's the monkey doing? The moves for 'I'm too sexy for my shirt'?
5 Name: doshidania Date: 9/9/2004



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