Why I’m Running for President

Statement to Rhode Island Annual Election Meeting Oct 14, 1999

by Reform Party Presidential Candidate Robert M. Bowman


My name is Bob Bowman. Most of you have probably never heard of me. But if Pat Buchanan wants the Presidential nomination of the Reform Party, I’m the guy he has to beat. I’m not only the leading candidate, I’m the only candidate officially recognized by the Reform Party. Still, we all know that’s going to change. What makes me think I can overcome the notoriety and money of Buchanan and Trump (especially since I have very little of either)??

According to those who drafted me to run, my advantages are credibility, integrity, and vision. I think it’s my 18 years of experience as a whistle-blower and watchdog for the American people, exposing the lies and misdeeds of our corporate-controlled government. I know how the global robber barons of the New World Order elite are robbing the American people blind, and I know how to fix it. The Republicans and Democrats can’t. They’re bought and paid for, wholly-owned subsidiaries of the Trilateral Commission. Through the Republocrat parties, the world’s billionaires direct U.S. policy for their own profit.

This has resulted in a series of agreements (NAFTA & GATT) falsely portrayed as supporting free trade, but in reality promoting free investment and negating U.S. laws protecting workers and the environment and putting American workers in competition with those in the Third World. It has resulted in America being number one among industrialized nations — number one in child poverty, number one in the gap between rich and poor, number one in unimmunized children, number one in teen pregnancy, number one in deaths by gunfire, number one in poverty among the elderly, number one in citizens without medical coverage, number one in homeless veterans, number one in citizen incarceration, and by far number one in money spent for useless cold war weapons, while soldiers and their families are still on food stamps. (It’s time for our priorities to change.)

It has also resulted in a series of wars, from Vietnam to Kosovo — wars which are never in the interest of those fighting them, or of the families left behind ... wars which only serve the insatiable greed of the global investor class. There is a direct connection between economic injustice, the wars being waged against any country not capitulating to the New World Order, and our political system.

We must sever the connection between big money and political power. That’s what the Reform Party stands for, and that’s why I’m running. I’ve been told that it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to be president. Nevertheless, I am one. I’m also a career military officer, the father of seven children, and the grandfather of nineteen. I’ve been a corporate slave, a song-and-dance man, a stuffy college professor, an itinerant preacher, a fighter pilot, a radio talk show host, and a husband to the same wonderful woman for 43 years. One thing I have never ever been is a politician — and I don’t intend to become one! I’m going to Washington to restore power to the people. Once that’s done, I’ll go back to being a part-time bishop and full-time troublemaker.

Once the people are back in control, all sorts of things become possible. No longer forced to compete with Chinese slave labor, American workers can support their families with one job, not three. Every American can have good health care, run not by HMOs or insurance companies or the government, but by their doctor in a single-payer national health system. The tax burden on workers and small businesses can be relieved as the giant multinationals who use offshore suppliers, offshore slave labor, and offshore bank accounts (but sell their stuff here) are finally made to pay their fair share of taxes. The defense budget can serve our security needs and take care of our men and women in uniform instead of serving the greed of the weapons manufacturers and arms merchants.

Most importantly, Americans can be freed of the threat of nuclear terrorism. "Star Wars" cannot stop a nuke in a Ryder truck. Not a single weapon in our vast arsenal is of any use against a terrorist. We are the target of terrorists because we are hated, and we are hated because our government has done hateful things to people around the world. Our security lies in getting control of our government and changing its ways! Rather than using our sons and daughters to fight for the financial interests of multinational corporations, we will use them to defend our borders. We must build an America at peace with the world and with its own people ... an America thats seeks not to be king of the hill nor subservient to the World Trade Organization, but to be a responsible sovereign member of the family of nations ... an America that is free of the threat of nuclear terrorism because it is no longer feared and hated ... an America that leads the world, not with military might, but with its vision, its democracy, its standard of living, its compassion, its treatment of its own people, and its goodness. That’s the kind of America I want to build, and that’s why I’m running for President. Mine is not a protest candidacy. I intend to win, and I’m asking for your help. Thank you, and God bless you!


Biographical Highlights for Dr. Robert M. Bowman, Lt. Col., USAF, ret.

President, Institute for Space and Security Studies 82-99. Presiding Bishop, United Catholic Church 96-99. Executive Vice-President, Millennium III Corporation 83-99. Vice-President, Space Communications Company 81-82. Manager, Advanced Space Programs, General Dynamics 78-81. Director, Advanced Space Programs Development, DoD, 76-78 (directing all the "Star Wars" programs and developing systems for super-secret National Reconnaisance Office spy satellites). Deputy Director, Ballistic Systems, DoD, 75-76. Chief of Aeronautics, European Office of Aerospace Research and Development, London 71-74. Flew 101 combat missions in Vietnam. Taught at 4 universities. Served as Department Head and Assistant Dean. Ph.D. in Aeronautics and Nuclear Engineering from Cal Tech. Recipient of the Eisenhower Medal, the George F. Kennan Peace Prize, the President’s Medal of Veterans For Peace, six Air Medals, the Republic Aviation Airpower Award, the Society of American Military Engineers Gold Medal (twice). Been on Larry King, Donohue, Firing Line, McNeil-Lehrer. Addressed Academies of Science of six nations, UN, Congressional caucuses, House of Lords.

Bowman2000 Presidential Campaign Committee

5115 S. A1A Hwy, Melbourne Bch, FL 32951 *** (407) 952-0601

Bowman2000@rmbowman.com *** www.rmbowman.com


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