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" The pump don't work 'cause the vandals took the handles "
© 1965 Bob Dylan
Wednesday :: October 13, 2004

Debate: Final Round

Bush expounds on his faith. He's on home territory here. It's all the more scary because there are people at home cheering him for this. It does not belong in our government. Kerry's joining in here. At least he's mentioning other ways of connecting to a higher being.

DaveCullenCO: Bush on God and prayer. He's doing well for his crowd, plus. The mainstream eats this stuff up. Kerry needs to show some warmth on this.
DaveCullenCO: Don't be an Iceman, Don't be and Iceman.
DaveCullenCO: Well at least Kerry is talking about his faith a bit. That helps. But he is doing it as KIND OF an iceman.
DaveCullenCO: Nice job on the loving your neighbor better, though. And good job working in the altar-boy thing earlier.
DaveCullenCO: He's got to convince some people he's not a Godless heathen.

That's what's so scary. He feels the need to join in.

DaveCullenCO: Nice plug for Daschale!
DaveCullenCO: Very cleverly done. Daschale is in the fight of his life to hold onto his senate seat right now, and Kerry just made him sound for a minute like co-leader of the 9/11 aftermath.

Bush scores a point taking Kerry to task for mentioning McCain again--McCain supports Bush.

Moderator calls Laura Bush a strong woman? Assuming a fact not in evidence. Bush says he loves his wife and daughters. Duh...Bush lands a flat one about Laura and speeches. Bush sounds like Forrest Gump without the insights.

Kerry makes a joke about marrying up and the silent crowd laughs. Kerry's most human moment.

DaveCullenCO: Kerry showed some WARMTH!
DaveCullenCO: Finally. He actually told a touching story. And told it with feeling, not like he was reading it out off the T-Prompter. Shew!

Posted Wednesday :: October 13, 2004| Elections | TrackBack


Kerry did win and was very Effective.
and you who want millions of more third world people vote for Bush. and that will not help anyone but the drug dealing mexican government.
but if you want to help people in the third world vote for Kerry and really help people all over the world, to be really free, and live in peace with us and all people.

Posted by: Fred Dawes on October 13, 2004 08:29 PM

Please explain why faith has no place in government? And which government is it that is free of faith? And which part of our Constitution does it state taht?

Posted by: steelreso on October 13, 2004 08:31 PM

steelreso - No one will answer you.

Posted by: Poker Player (aka Jim) on October 13, 2004 08:46 PM

i don't dig that religiosity of Bush. He strikes me pharisaic, falsely pious, selling himself shamelessly to religious people out there. People believe it? College frat boy, religious?

Posted by: wg on October 13, 2004 09:03 PM

can someone please tell me just the bush healthcare plan is,because i don't think he mentioned it tonight. also just what was the minimum wage bill liked? did anyone else find it strange that he mentioned this, and then changed the subject?

Posted by: proud liberal on October 13, 2004 09:12 PM

I was very impressed with Kerry and his discussion of faith tonight. I think it will help with the millions of church-goers who don't wear there faith like a Superman cape.

I think Kerry really won here because he had two shots at it and impressed both times. And because the Pres was sandwiched between Kerry's two statements, it seemd awkward and rather forced.

Kerry as pastor, Bush as prayer.

Posted by: Valerie Rademacher on October 13, 2004 09:13 PM

people are people, entitled to think and feel whatever, including the tenets of any religious affiliation. You know whats funny, I used to not be totally hooked on Kerry, he struck me at first too partisan.

but come on, he articulated perfectly the issue of church and state. He can believe what he wants, anyone can, but who decides what faith can be legislated? Well, we took care of that one a long time ago.

- seperation of church and state

Further, I like how Kerry reiterates that he broke from his party to balance the budget. I want a candidate that gets things done, correctly (ahem). I'm sick of uber- partisans that hate the other side because of their name.

Posted by: HomegrownDem on October 13, 2004 09:16 PM

It's called the Establishment Clause and its governed by a three-prong test: 1) Any law must have a secular purpose, 2) Any law must have a primary secular effect, & 3) Any law must not involve the gov't in an excessive entanglement w/ religion.

In other words, what TL said.

Posted by: Lavocat on October 13, 2004 09:16 PM

Valerie, I doubt you will find many/any pastors who so thoroughly endorse partial birth abortion like JK - unless of course they are Liberal/Socialist pastors.

Posted by: JAH on October 13, 2004 09:30 PM


By associating Liberals and Socialists together as one group/entity, you engage in the mindless sort of drivel that one hears a lot from Big Pharm et. al.

Did some Liberals/Socialists give you a bad fright when you were a young child?

Posted by: Dark Avenger on October 13, 2004 10:48 PM

wg - Bush found his religion at around age 40. He was long gone from college.

The question was about Bush's faith. Repeat. Bush's faith. He didn't say one thing about other people, etc. Kerry's rant was a strawman that most people ignored.

Posted by: Poker Player (aka Him) on October 14, 2004 09:44 AM

My copy of the Constitution says "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;"

Who is actually advocating that Congress should make some law respecting an establishment of religion? I haven't heard that. Now laws prohibiting the free exercise, that is another story. Funny, lav, I don't see the three-prong effect enumerated anywhere in the Constitution. The Constitution is remarkably easy to understand if you just read it. Of course, it's much easier to parrot the hysteria of agenda driven leftists then to just read the document.

Posted by: steelreso on October 14, 2004 10:22 AM

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