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If I didn’t know any better, I’d actually believe that Microsoft was trying to play buddy buddy with Apple.  After all, not only have they never delivered a version of Virtual PC or Office for Linux or Solaris, but they are continuing to deliver quality products on the Mac. 

As anticipated yesterday, Microsoft’s Macintosh Business Unit today officially announced the release to manufacturer (RTM) of Microsoft Virtual PC 7 and Microsoft Office 2004 for Mac Professional Edition.
Virtual PC 7, software that allows Mac users to simultaneously run other operating systems such as Windows, brings important improvements in support, speed and reliability, including support for Apple’s G5 processor. Version 7 will allow users to run Virtual PC on a Mac equipped with a G3, G4 or 64-bit G5 processor, including the new iMac G5. Full retail versions of Virtual PC 7 ($250) and Office 2004 for Mac Professional Edition ($500) with Windows XP Professional are expected to be available in stores in October.


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Girly Men
Posted Sep 3, 2004, 11:49 AM ET by Don Jeter

Microsoft is scared.

Skin Deep
Posted Sep 4, 2004, 8:52 PM ET by bedoughty

Don't be fooled... it's not like a whole bunch of M$ employees decided to convert. They went out and found a bunch of Mac developers and coaxed em into doing this work.. M$ bought the company that makes Virtual PC, and probably didn't do much with/to it. In fact if I'm not mistaken, not even the PC version of Office is truly produced 'in house.' I sadly don't have the article on hand, but I believe I read that it's written by a 3rd party, beta tested and checked for quality, (if you can call it that) and put out under their name. Just like Final Cut Pro was in the beginning... Apple bought a company who was making the software and re-branded it. Boiled down: these situations are never quite what they seem.

I think history proves that Bill and his company have never been that hip to playing well with others...

The Truth
Posted Sep 5, 2004, 4:30 AM ET by Dennis T Cheung

"They went out and found a bunch of Mac developers and coaxed em into doing this work.. "

As opposed to what? Have a bunch of Windows developers write Office for the Mac? Oh wait... that was the Word 6.0 debacle.

"In fact if I'm not mistaken, not even the PC version of Office is truly produced 'in house.'"

The lies we spread. Sheez, the things people will make up.

Ironically, the iPod wasn't even invented by Apple.

Batting for the Same Team
Posted Sep 5, 2004, 9:09 PM ET by bedoughty

Dennis that's exactly the point I'm getting at..... these companies aren't always doing this stuff in house. I gave examples, like the iPod, from both sides. :P

What lies am I spreading? We're both making the same point...

Your Lie
Posted Sep 6, 2004, 3:05 AM ET by Dennis T Cheung

Your claim that Microsoft Office is not developed by Microsoft is completely off base.

Microsoft Word was created by Microsoft, and has been so since 1983?

Microsoft Excel was created by Microsoft, first for the Mac, in 1984-5?

Microsoft Outlook and PowerPoint have been written at Microsoft for ages now.

Posted Sep 6, 2004, 5:09 PM ET by Sam Martin

nice counter punch by Dennis......Skin is down.....more to come.....hehe :)

Posted Sep 6, 2004, 9:17 PM ET by hank

Microsoft helped Apple develop Safari. They had a whole team share all kinds of stuff they used for IE.

remember that antitrust settlement?
Posted Sep 13, 2004, 11:41 PM ET by Ben Chun

office for mac is clearly good business for microsoft -- small product team, big margins. decent article here:,2125,61801,00.html

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