For testing purposes, we installed a POCSAG-TX at the QTH of DB0LX (Digipeater, BBS, JN48OV).
Due to interferences we deinstalled the TX and made some RF-measurements on Saturday, 13th of November at the QTH of Richard (DF5SL) in Stuttgart-Büsnau.
On the pictures below you will see the results with some explanations...
- Kenwood TR-8300 (below)
- Modulator and Filterstage (up)
In the Lab of DF5SL:
(f.l.t.r.: DL3SDW, DF5SL)
TR8300 connected to Laptop sending the modulating signal
picture above zoomed....
on the left and right of the carrier you can see some spectral-lines making interferences.
no picture available !
we found out that on the modulation-line (output of mod-filter -> Varicaps) there was RF on the modulationsignal
after installation of a 1nF blocking-cap from the hot modulationline to GND the signal was free of any RF
picture above zoomed...
You can see fine the results of the filter decreasing the rise/fall-time of the raw rectangular signal out of the Laptop.
outputsignal still the same :-(
lines on the left and right of the main carrier is the local-oscillator
same picture like above with less viewable grid but better beam-intensity.

We did not tried too much for improving the output signal - because the whole TX-concept is old fashioned and there might be more work getting it up-to-date than making a complete new TX.
So as you can see out of the results above, we are thinking of installing a new modern TX for POCSAG-Transmissions at our club home.

  last update: 14.11.99

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