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Heritage Register Online
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Search the Victorian Heritage Register and the Victorian Heritage Inventory.

The Victorian Heritage Register is a comprehensive listing of Victoria's most significant places, objects and historic shipwrecks. The Heritage Inventory lists all known historic archaeological sites and relics. Places may be on one or both lists.

All places on the Victorian Heritage Register and the Heritage Inventory are legally protected under the Heritage Act 1995.

Under the Heritage Act, 'place' includes buildings, gardens, trees, archaeological sites, shipwrecks, precincts, and land. 'Object' includes building contents, archaeological artefacts, relics associated with places and significant heritage objects.

Please note that information about Heritage Inventory items is not as detailed as that for places on the Victorian Heritage Register.

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PH (03) 9655 6519 FAX (03) 9655 9720 Email: heritage.victoria@dse.vic.gov.au
Victoria - The Place To Be