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So, you think of rebellion, hmmm? You want to get rid of your ruler, change the government and lead the realm by your own? Here it is: "A Revolutionist's Handbook", some hints that can help you achieve your goal.

General Remarks

What you need is lots of gold and lots of combat strength behind you. The rebellion is won by those who have more combat strength in capital (militia stays indifferent.). You will have to keep this advantage by even five turns. Can you afford it? If your answer is "NO" then the rebellion is not a way to solve your problems.


  • Contact other people you can trust and convince them to your idea. You need at least 3 persons to start a rebellion. However, the more people you have, the better, since people pick which side they want to support, loyalists or rebels.
  • When you have less than 10 points of prestige and are not fully eligible in ruler's elections then things become more difficult to manage. But not impossible. Find someone with prestige 10 or more who will support you and lead your rebellion. It must be a person who you can fully trust because he/she will become a new ruler and have the power. (This is wrong - the rebel leader will always become the new ruler, prestige or not. However, it can't hurt to have someone else who can be elected, in case of assassinations, etc. after the rebellion --Tom)
  • Contact the rulers of other realms. Maybe someone will help you to defeat the loyalist army and will lend you gold when you win to help defend your regime. However, you should be careful how you phrase your messages. The ruler you contact "could" betray you and tell your ruler. Therefore, never put any names down, and keep your messages passive, until after the rebellion has started.
  • Gather gold - estimate by your own how much you will need to organize a rebel army and keep advantage in its force in spite of the several battles which will take place. You will really need gold. Note that during your rebellion you will not receive taxes. REMEMBER: You cannot recruit "after" you have openly rebelled.


  • Join the underground. You will be part of the secret underground rebel movement in your realm. "Secret" means that nobody except you knows about your plans, even other members in the underground. There must be at least 3 people in the underground before a rebellion can be initiated.
  • Wait for a good moment when most of the army will be away from capital. The best situation is when the main army is fighting hard and travel back to capital will take them 5 turns or more.
  • Gather your supporters and stay in capital.
  • Agree with your supporters and set your ruler (and others) votings on the most trusted people eligible among you . Remember that your votes count only half as much if you vote for any of your own characters. (Helps, but is not necessary. The rebel leader will become the new ruler, no matter the votings. --Tom)
  • Prepare your speech and arguments against current ruler.

A second before you start your rebellion

As a rebel you will not be allowed to visit banks or shops etc. You have to do it before the rebellion starts.
  • Visit bank, cash all your bonds, send gold etc.
  • Recruit a BIG unit. If you win, you will be able to recruit again, but your gold doesn't help you once you're in open rebellion. Go ahead and spend all your gold on recruiting.
  • Buy paraphernalia.
  • Do necessary repairs.
  • Check if your supporters did it too.

Note: You will have no access to any of realm informations nor receive taxes.

Are you ready?

Think again about what you are going to do, this is a last chance to return.

A point of no return

You decided to continue. You (or a person that you've chosen to be a leader) started the rebellion and in a passionate speech you presented your arguments. Now all your supporters have to join the rebellion (being in an underground doesn't mean that they automatically are rebels).
All troopleaders of your realm are from now divided in three groups: 'Rebels' (it means you and your friends, and those who are brought to your side by your speech), 'Loyalists' - the ruler and his loyal troopleaders, and 'Undecided' who are expected to make the decision and join one of the sides.
The only thing that matters now is Combat Strength. Each turn the CS of Rebels and Loyalists units is counted and compared and with some probability the rebellion can be solved or continued (it would be good if you could to log in at each turn change and check the current situation). The Loyalists have an advantage that they receive taxes and can recruit to enlarge their units while you don't. However, they have to reach the capital first to recruit.

It takes at most five turns for the rebellion to be solved: failed or successful. You can do nothing but wait. You can spend this time trying to convince the Undecided to join you.
Good news: as a rebel you cannot be banned nor kicked out. The old ruler or judge cannot hurt you, you're safe till the end of rebellion.

Rebellion failed

I am talking of the failure first because it's short and simple: the rebel leader is banned and as rogue can be easily captured then executed. The only rescue is immediate escape or emmigration. All rebel commanders are removed from their positions. Other members of a failed rebellion are watched by the secret police and the ruler or judge will have to decide on their fate, either to kick them out or not. As former rebels they still cannot visit bank nor recruit - nobody trusts them.

Rebellion succeeded!

You will see you name on the first page of all newspapers:
"Rebel forces have stormed the palace in capital and proclaimed a new era. Rebel leader has taken control of the realm and abolished the old government."

The rebel leader is a new ruler now. First things to do is to proclaim new government system (republic, monarchy etc.) and to ban the most dangerous of your opponents. The old ruler overthrown by a rebellion is automatically banned and kicked, you don't have to worry about him anymore. Even more, there is a chance that your patrols will capture him and then you can execute him. Sweet revenge after all those days of his terror.


  • Almost certainly some of other rulers will try to help your old ruler and remove you by assassination. Then new elections are announced for the very next turn. Be prepared for it and agree with your supporters the voting setting before your rebellion starts.
  • It is highly possible that the troopleaders loyal to the old ruler will set a counter-rebellion to overthrow you. But now, when you know how to organize and win rebellion you know also how to defend against the rebels.

Good Luck!

I also believe am not sure you get a 50 % bonuses on cs if you are the rebels (Poonis)
Unfortunately, it's not true (Anna)
Wrong it is true if in the capital (Poonis)
And have you ever tried to rebel somewhere else than in the capital? (Anna)
When talking amost your rebel selves, come up with nicknames or some way of distigusting between your messages. If any of my (almost) fellow rebels read this, then know that the realm will be liberated and (T)hat (K)nave will have (J)ustice done. -1206
TKJ? Is that you TK Jones?
Depends whos asking. Who is asking BTW? -1206
Just an old loyal subject;-)

Created by: last modification: Tuesday 23 of November, 2004 [14:38:04 UTC] by Tom

Posted comments
by Anonymous on Wednesday 24 of November, 2004 [00:44:40 UTC] [Score:0.20]
Vote: 1 2 3 4 5
I havent seen a successful rebellion in Atamara in awhile.Is it just so hard or simply no one that is smart enough to do it right?

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Rebelious youth of atamara
by Anonymous on Sunday 28 of November, 2004 [20:41:40 UTC] [Score:0.00]
Vote: 1 2 3 4 5
In atamara??? well I'd say most realms dont have enough support for one, however, there is a realm where one was close to being attempted when suddenly news leaked that the current goverment had the names of a few people in the underground, including the main messanger for foreign contacts and the tactition and soon-to-be leader of the rebellion. This information got leaked soon enough for me to transfer my 160ish bonds to gold before I was banned, and also a majority of the underground stays hidden. I however was banned.


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