Data Summary

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Site Name SASI-050 Photo. 
Lake Name Uvs Nuur
State -
Country Mongolian People's Republic
Latitude 50:2N
Longitude 92:5E
Altitude [m] 759
Surface area [m2] 3,350,000,000 Volume [m3] -
Maximum depth [m] 10 Mean depth [m] 6
Water level control Unregulated Normal range of annual
water level fluctuation [m]
Length of shoreline [m] 260,000 Residence time [yr] 1
Catchment area [m2] 42,000 Hours of bright Sunshine
[hr yr-1]
Solar radiation [MJ m-2 day-1] - Freezing period Oct.-May
Mixing type - Annual fish catch [t yr-1] -
Total N loading [t yr-1] - Total P loading [t yr-1] -
Population 30,000 Population density of
catchment area [person km-2]
Domestic water usage
[m3 sec-1]
- Irigation water usage
[m3 sec-1]
Industrial water usage
[m3 sec-1]
- Power generation usage
[m3 sec-1]
Natural landscape [%] - Agricultural land [%] - Others [%] -
Siltation - Toxic Contamination -
Eutrophication Mesotrophic Acidification -

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