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The Witches' Voice made the decision from day one to evolve this web site based on your input. What does our community think about... Spam, ethics, commercialism of the Craft, politics etc. So many questions are hotly debated. In this chapter of WitchVox we simply ask hard questions directly to the community itself. New surveys will pop up from time to time and be announced on the WitchVox home page.
 Witchvox Chapter: Pagan Community Surveys   Chapter Page Views: 169,301  

Merri Meet,

Welcome to the WitchVox Community Surveys. On these pages you will be able to get a feel for the who, what and why of the modern pagan community. We officially started these surveys in september of 1999 and they will be active until the end of the millenium. Our approach will be two snapshots on each survey; #1 the results and comments from the first week the survey was introduced. and then a second compiling of the data in January of 2000.

History: We did an extensive set of surveys in 1997 entitiled "A Quest for Unity" and the results were most enlightening. We are no longer asking if unity is possible, it did happen organically, We simply had no choice. Today the modern pagan community consists of a tight and quick responding network of diverse groups. Since 1997 the community has grown and changed dramatically. It makes sense to to not only reinstate these surveys but to rewrite them to suite this ever changing community

Your WitchVox Survey ID: We will use this field to stich different survey sections together in the future... (example: this age groups thinks this etc.) You can pick your own survey ID, a good choice is your EMail address because it is unique and something that you can remember (we will NOT use your email address, add you to a list or sell it). You don't have to use your email address, you can make up any id that you will be able to remember for future Witch Surveys. Spamming or multiple entries to this survey is a waste of time; our database is programmed to automatically eliminate duplicate postings based on the invisible Internet ID (your ip number) that your server provides you with as you surf the net.

Lastly we do ask for you be to be honest in your responses and we thank you for your participation. It's also important to note that C.O.G. is doing a Pagan Census. WitchVox encourages all to surf over to the CoG Web Site to be counted on this census.

The NeoPagan community has exploded in the past decade and will continue to grow dramatically into the next century. These are exciting times and we are honored to call you friend.

Wren Walker & Fritz Jung
The Witches' Voice Inc.
Clearwater, Florida

Survey #1 - Tell Us about YOU & Working With Groups
  • Participate IN this Survey - Click HERE for TAKE this Survey
  • 1st Duration: 9/12/99 to 9/27/99
  • 1st Results: Posted on 9/27/99 - Click HERE for the actual results of this survey.
  • 2nd Duration: Through Samhain 2000
  • Community thoughts on working with Groups... ONE - TWO - THREE - FOUR - FIVE - SIX

Survey #2 - Pagan Spam

1st Duration: August 23rd through August 28th 1999  1st Results: Posted on Sunday Night (8/29/99)
2nd Duration: Through the end of 1999  2nd Results: will be posted January of the year 2000

Vx Articles
Search 96-04

Wren's Nest
News 97-04

Wk. Updates
Weeks 97-04

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Vox Central: About TWV - Wren: Words, Wrants and Wramblings - Guest Rants - Past Surveys - A Quest for Unity

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Copyright 1997-2005 The Witches' Voice Inc. All rights reserved
Authors & Artists retain the copyright for their work(s) on this website.
Unauthorized reproduction without prior permission is a violation of copyright laws.

Any and all personal political opinions expressed in the public listing sections (including, but not restricted to, personals, events, groups, shops, Wren’s Nest, etc.) are solely those of the author(s) and do not reflect the opinion of The Witches’ Voice, Inc. TWV is a non-profit, non-partisan educational organization.

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The Witches' Voice carries a 501(c)(3) certificate and a Federal Tax ID.

Mail Us: The Witches' Voice Inc., P.O. Box 4924, Clearwater, Florida 33758-4924 U.S.A.