Radical Mama's Schizophrenia
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To understand unschooling, it helps to know what it’s not.

Unschooling is NOT “school at home”. There are no workbooks, no lesson plans, no tests, or “standards” It is in fact, a rejection of those things. We don’t do “school”. We live, we learn, we laugh, we cry, we do not put our experiences into neat little boxes labeled “math” “science” and “grammar”. We don’t have “homework” or any kind of busywork. If we read, it’s because we’re interested in what we’re reading, for information or pleasure, but never just for the sake of reading. If we write , it’s because we have something to communicate. When we use math, we’re cooking or budgeting our allowance, or deciding how much midnight blue paint we need to cover the ceiling.


Unschooling is simply living. It is faith and trust in children. A belief that children are not just unfinished adults that need to be hurried along to adult hood.

It’s about honoring the journey as much as the destination.


We don’t really have “typical “ days. Each day is it’s own, but any given day you might find us:

·        Sleeping in ( Dad works night shift and we usually stay up to see him home.)

·        Working on the computerJ reading mail, chatting , building websites ( Gary has one coming soon, he’s working on an Oddworld fansite)

·        Building- with Legos,  Bionicles, paperclips, cardboard tubes, foil, clay, mud, rocks, sticks, broken toys- you name it we’ve built with it!

·        Reading, watching, playing Harry Potter!

·        Reading, watching, playing The Lord of the Rings!

·        Doing Madlibs

·        Writing our own stories.

·        Walking in the neighborhood and picking up litter.

·        Going to a nearby pond and catching crayfish, coming home with pockets full of leaves, nuts, pinecones, rocks, ect.

·        Playing our immense video game collection (we have pc, Playstation, N64, Gamecube, and Xbox)

·        Cooking, our favorite recipe so far?  Home made bagels, mmm.

·        Playing with any of our 6 dogs, 3 mice and ever changing insect collection.

·        Drawing , painting, making scrapbooks.

·        Talking.

·        Absolutely nothing.



Want to know more ?


Unschoolers Unlimited


For those who wonder why I don't like schools:

Our Horrible Children



Outside of society

If you’re looking

That’s where you’ll find me.

-Patti Smith