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Click here to join NCCG's Cyber Community consisting of mutliple Message Boards and Chat rooms
Welcome to the Cyber Community of the New Covenant Church of God (B'rit Chadashah Assembly of Yahweh). This is an on-line meeting room for members, friends and investigators of NCCG and was created to provide one central forum for all NCCG activities. It combines five previously independent Clubs-in-one which retain their own Message Boards, and includes some new groups as well, including members' groups. Click on Message Boards for a listing of all Boards:
For our parallel Club in Scandinavia (in Norwegian and Swedish) click the logo below:

Klikk her for Guds Nye Pakts Kirkes diskusjons og chat rom på nettet

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I Choose to Live - Part 4: Amniosis in E...
I Choose to Live Part 4: Amniosis in Egypt Revealed S...
MSN NicknameCommunity_Moderator   11-05-04
NCCG.ORG Email 2 November
Owing to technical problems, all email received on 2 November were lost and quite a few from the time before that may have not been answered when we attempted to download and recover it. ...
MSN NicknameCommunity_Moderator   11-03-04
"Eshet Chayil Mi Yimtza / A Woman Of Val...
MSN NicknameMevaser-??????   11-02-04
Who Jew?
Brutally put but incontestably true ... and proves what NCCG has always taught, viz, the the seed of Abraham is fully mixed in with all the tribes of the world. What matters in Yahweh's eyes is w...
MSN NicknameCommunity_Moderator   11-02-04
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