GameKnot online chess
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What is GameKnot? We are an online chess community where you can play chess online whether you only have 10 minutes to spare or the whole day. Either way, you are guaranteed a good exercise for your brain and you'll have fun too! No additional software to download, free registration, online chess at its best. You choose when to move and how often to move, and you don't have to finish the games in one sitting -- they'll be waiting for you the next day. If you prefer serious competitive chess, you can also take your time and ponder your next move for hours. You can even play at work, while doing other things or whenever you get bored! If you prefer fast real-time games, try our Blitz Chess.<new> We offer several ways to compete and win: chess league, bi-monthly tournaments, mini-tournaments, teams and more! We also have a very helpful online chess games database.
New to the site? Here are some tips to get you started. Feel free to visit our forums, FAQ pages or teams. Please log in to play online chess or more options.

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If you are having trouble logging in, make sure that your computer has the correct date and time set, and that cookies are enabled in your browser to be able to play online chess.

Totals: (since June 2000)
Registered players = 261,392
Completed games = 4,355,992
Games in progress = 74,717
Players currently online = 829


Don't have a user name? You can register and start playing online chess right now! It is absolutely free for basic access with optional low annual fee for advanced features. Click here to create your own user name and you can play online chess right away.

Local GameKnot time: 01:28 PST, GMT-08:00
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Competition table for top veteran players: here
All active rated chess players: [ 1 - 10 - 20 - 30 - 40 - 50 - 60 - 70 - 80 ]

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