태우's log


pimon roadmap

Filed under: — twdanny @ 12:45 am

Personal Information Manager On the Net

1. Personal information management tool
2. Social network tool
3. Collaboration tool
4. Knowledge search tool
** related: knowledge repository, peer-finder

1. personal information management tool
- live bookmarks
- RSS search engine
2. profile search (FOAF)
- similarity search

1. 장점:
- flexible.
- on the web ->
accessible from anywhere (independent of platform/desktop) ->
room for development on mobile devices
- web의 모든 장점: 확장성, 유연성, 사회 모든 사람들이 만날 수 있음
2. 단점:
- 웹프로그래밍의 한계
- 서버부하

blogging outline

Filed under: — twdanny @ 12:36 am

Everything is connected towards something bigger

* 시맨틱웹
|_ 초보
|_ 개발자
|_ 한국
- natural language의 벽
- 턱없이 지식이 부족 (최소한 표면적)
|_ 메타데이터
- genesis 11 (Nimrod)
- natural language
|_ openness

* web & society
- blogging
- online community conference
- microcontent
- collaboration vs. publication

- chandler
- haystack
- longhorn
- safari
- omea

* CAS & Network Atomic Theory

* 거장
- tim berners-lee
- ted nelson
- vannevar bnsh
- thomas kuhn
- douglas engelbart
- peter drucker
- aristotle

* 책 & 링크
- weaving the web
- 피터 드러커
- linked
- cateogory
- metaphysics

* tech tips
- mozilla firefox, thunderbird사용법

* 한국
- xslt로서의 역할
- 강해져야한다
- 노예근성타파

* 음악

* 정보와 철학

* 기독철학
- something bigger (I believe in God, who I believe has designed and created this world. Thus, I also believe that every single discovery I make about the world will reflect his divine nature and his love for each one of us and also that it has already been revealed through the death and the resurrection of the Son.)


첫번째 로그!

Filed under: — twdanny @ 12:36 am

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