The Church in Western Norway

by Christopher C. Warren

In 1988 a young man named Lev-Tsiyon haEfraim received a powerful call from God to leave his homeland for Norway and there fulfil an unusual commission:

"Your prayers are acceptable before Me, and in answer to them I say unto you, that you are called immediately to make a solemn proclamation of My Gospel, and of this congregation in Scandinavia which I have planted to be a corner-stone of Zion, which shall be polished with the refinement which is after the similitude of a palace" (16 August 1988).

He left a week later for Norway, planting two congregations in Oslo and Bergen. Over the next eight years 624 revelations -- prophecies, visions, and inspired council -- concerning the Millennial Kingdom of Jesus Christ, were written down and shared with those seeking to enter into a deeper and more fulfilling relationship with the Lord Jesus. Over a period of eight years these congregations were refined, purged of worldliness and false belief, and by 1996, reduced to a mere six souls -- two in Bergen and four in Oslo.

Early in 1988 the Lord spoke to this young man, saying:

"The Word of the Lord for the Church of Christ gathering in the north countries (Scandinavia) and to all those who have desires towards God and His Christ: Behold, I am the Lord thy God, yea, the Eternal Father, whose sons and daughters groan in sin in the land of Edom, which ye call the world. I have loved you with an everlasting love, and led you to this land, that ye might be gathered against the day of vengeance, saith the Lord....O ye of the north countries, in whom doth flow the blood of thy father Jacob, forsake the perishable idols of the world and return unto Me, thy Father and thy God. Behold, ye people of scattered Israel, even Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Great Britain, Ireland, Germany, Austria, Iceland, Holland, Belgium, and Switzerland, yea, all the lands of the north wherein the blood of the covenant hath been gathered, come ye unto Me and My rest.....I shall bless the land [of Norway]...that the desolating scourge, which cometh, may pass them by, if they will hearken unto My voice and obey My commandments in all things. Let My Word be published about, and sent from...Bergen, Stavanger, and Oslo...Gather ye unto Zion: stand in holy places, for your Redeemer cometh. And behold, He cometh in much anger, to punish the high looks of this people, and the stout hearts of their rebellions. Gather ye, gather ye into the colonies, and when Messiah calleth, ye shall be lifted up. And it shall be said, as in days of old: Zion hath fled! And this that ye might be preserved from the tribulation, and dwell with God and the Lamb for ever and ever...Let the work of gathering move apace, and let it begin in the land of Norway, for I shall build a colony of Zion in this land for the consolation of My people. And behold, I shall reveal the place of this gathering unto My servants...and thou shalt call this the COLONY OF THE LAND OF THE NORTH OF THE TRIBE OF MY PEOPLE EPHRAIM..." (24 April 1988).

Lev-Tsiyon haEfraim (which Hebrew name he received from the Lord, meaning "Heart of Zion", the Ephraimite), continued to receive revelation on an almost daily basis, preparing his mind for what was to come:

"The day cometh again when the Lord God of Israel shall pour out His Spirit upon all flesh, and those who are of the House of Israel shall know it and speedily separate themselves from among the wicked. And behold, this pouring forth shall be done by the grace and will of God without regard for the works of any man, for I, the Lord, am not limited or controlled by the actions of any man. What I, the Lord, declare, I shall do, for all power is Mine, for I am the Omnipotent One. And if any man saith unto you that the Lord cannot work these things save through that man, or through this church, mark him down as an imposter and false prophet, for can the created control the Creator? There is much vanity and deceit in many who profess to believe in My Name, for they would liken the Son of Man to other gods, boasting that without them the Son of Man would not gain the victory...I am the Lord, and all power is Mine, and what I say shall be done, without regard for the works of man" (8 December 1988).

The progress of the call to gather was very slow in the first few years in Norway. The Lord explained why:

"And now, verily, verily, I say unto you, I shall liken the work of gathering unto two servants who were told to climb the tree of the firstborn [Christ], to gather the fruits thereof. The first was lazy, and said unto himself: 'If I sit on this seed, it shall surely grow into a tree, and after many years I will be able to pluck the fruit thereof from its highest branches." The second was valiant, and said unto himself: "The tree lieth before me. Therefore I shall take hold of it, and climb it with all my might, mind, and strength, until I have ascended unto the highest branches and plucked the fruit thereof." Let he who hath ears hear. Amen" (12 March 1989).

From the very beginning prophecies were received indicating that a great revival would take place in the city of Bergen, and that a special congregation would be raised there which would become "A JEWELL IN THE NORTHERN CROWN...that I may pour down a multiplicity of blessings" (1 July 1988).

The Bergen congregation of what was to be known later as the New Covenant Christian Fellowship became the larger of the two Norwegian congregations but also the most undisciplined. Unwillingness to conform to the Law of Christ, immorality, and rebelliousness led to a rapid decline with most of the members departing, with some even persecuting those who remained behind. To this day some of the former Bergen members continue to spread false stories and, filled with jeolosy and hatred, have sought to destroy this New Covenant work.

Through all the difficulties experienced over an eight year period in Bergen and Oslo, the Lord raised up six souls willing to offer their all for the Kingdom. He continued to affirm in revelations and prophecies that Bergen would yet become the "jewell in the northern crown", a congregation of exemplarary, Spirit-filled, knowledgeable, enthusiastic, disciplined and loving New Covenant Christians whose light would shine throughout both Norway and the rest of the world.

In April 1996 the Lord commanded that the New Covenant Christian Fellowships in Bergen and Oslo be dissolved and told the surviving six to wait and see His mighty hand revealed, numerous prophecies come to fulfilment, and an awakening and a purging amongst Christians in the city of Bergen.

Preparing for Revival in Norway

This pamphlet has been written at the promting of the Holy Spirit to call together all those who are of the House of Israel in Norway, Scandinavia and the rest of the Northern countries. From here the Gospel will spread throughout the whole world. Prophecies of congregations in many countries have been received, of special cities of refuge being built around the world to weather the Great Tribulation that is to come; revelations have been received detailing how the theocratic government of the Millennium will function. Prophecies have been received showing how the Lord will guide His New Covenant Christian people in the last days as He guided the Isrealites in the days of Moses -- with pillars of fire by night, mighty signs and wonders, and all the spiritual gifts as before. Revelations have been received detailing what will be taught in Christian temples in the Millennium, what the Millennial Christian society will be like, and how we can prepare for that now.

A Purging of the Christian Church to Take Place

Christian churches and groups everywhere will be purged and begin to conform themselves more and more after the correct pattern ordained by Christ, sometimes gradually, and sometimes quickly, shedding all their false practices and traditions. Prophecies have been received about the nations, many of which have already been fulfilled, such as the reunification of Germany, the disintegration of Yugoslavia and the USSR, the outcome of the Gulf War. Prophecies have been received about the anti-christ, the delusions of the New Age Movement and the occult in general, of false messiahs like Sun Myung Moon, of the infiltration of the the New Age into nearly every Christian church; of false gospels and false prophets. Revelations have been received showing clearly all the points of doctrine of Jesus Christ, establishing firmly the apostolic teachings of the New Testament.

The New Covenant Church of God Raised Up as an Ensign

The Lord is about to raise up a special people who are committed to Him in all things. He is about to form another denomination in the Body of Christ called the New Covenant Church of God (or New Covenant for short). The blueprint for it, painstakingly assembled over a 12 year period, corrected, refined and lived out by a tiny few, is all in place. Now the Lord is seeking those who belong to it -- to gather together to form a holy Christian community in the land of Norway where all the commandments of Christ are lived.

If you are a part of this work, you will know it, and God will call you by His Spirit. You will not be persuaded by words or by flowery speeches, but you will know His Spirit. And you will yearn for like-minded souls to fellowship with. You will not wish to join an exclusive group or desire to compete against your fellow Christian brethren in other churches, but will desire to work with them and bless them.

If you are a part of this work, then the Spirit of God says: This is your hour. Please get in contact B'rit Chadashah's Bergen representitive, Gunnar Mjølsvik, on 55-34-35-63.

This page was created on 7 April 1998
Last updated on 7 April 1998

Copyright © 1998 The New Covenant Church of God, Arvika, Sweden
P.O.Box 120, S-671 23 ARVIKA, Sweden