Welcome to The Best Fansite in the Universe

100,000,000 Visitors!
And with our true return, a long overdue maddox update. He's reached 100,000,000 people on his counter who have gone to his site. As a tribute to that, somewhat because people E-mailed him thinking of it as a momentous occasion, he's provided an update with many site milestones and interesting facts.

100 million faces rocked
Maddox icon

Host switched.
Well, our bandwidth problem became big enough to the point that we needed to move. Well, it took a bit of money, but luckily Zoghade was able to do it, and so we're on Ace-Host. I'd like to thank Rob for hosting us all that time, and for buying us the domain name we use today.

In any case, the site and forum are back online, under 75gb of bandwidth a month. This should be far more than enough, but either way, it's back to normal.
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Forum software updated.
I updated the forum software to v2.0.13. After the total destruction of Maddox Mania, it became clear that an update was certainly necessary. We were still back at v2.0.10, so I was afraid of a hack of our own. No problems now.

Continue with regular business, guys. :]
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The most expensive $94 Orbitz will ever make.
Don't you love airlines that like to screw the customer over? maddox expresses that anger toward idiotic services for us in his latest article, The most expensive $94 Orbitz will ever make. As of this moment, Orbitz is completely offline. If it's from people who have checked maddox's update and followed the link, that rocks. Anyway, go check it out. Maddox icon

As many who come here often know, we had some downtime from about Saturday up to Monday (and depending on where you are, stretching into a little of Tuesday morning). Simple and obvious answer if you checked the site during that time, we ran out of bandwidth. We got a lot of traffic rather suddenly, and we didn't expect to run out of as much as we've had. Currently, we're planning to upgrade to a better plan that gives us more bandwidth, so hopefully this won't happen again. If it does though, just know that it'll return at the end of the month. Site Tech icon

Announcement: Holy shit! Maddox is writing a book!
Okay, well we sort of knew this for a little while, but it has officially gone, well, official. Just in case you're too much of a lazy asshole to go check out the page yourself, I'll put up a little information:

-Publisher: Kensington Books
-Release Date: March '06
-Page count: 144
-Title: To be announced
-Available in: most major book stores (Barnes & Nobles, Borders, Amazon.com, etc.)
-Countries: United States, Canada, UK, and Australia, possibly more later

It's going to be awesome. If you don't think so, die. Also, there's a damn mailing list for information when the book is to be released! I'm awaiting the hurrahs. And you guys thought the announcement would be bad news...

Holy shit! I'm writing a book!
Maddox icon

If you're too much of an impressionable idiot to watch "Sideways," then don't.
The majority of you reading this update already know this, but for the sake of formality, I will state that maddox updated his site with the above named article. He still intends to make an announcement later this week; whether it gets its own news article, or it simply gets appended to this one, depends on the depth and importance of the announcement. Anyway, the article itself points out the trend of many idiots to just emulate whatever they think is the new "in" thing without actually thinking for themselves. At the same time, it also points out how truly low the state of human reason has gone when someone changes their preferences solely because of a movie. Here's the link to his article:

If you're too much of an impressionable idiot to watch "Sideways," then don't.
Maddox icon

Update Complaints
I'm a bit slow at getting to what I normally do, but here I am finally, a couple days later (technically one if you live in any U.S. time zone other than Eastern and Central). Someone made a special request to see what his inbox of people waiting for updates looks like. This is a pretty good example of the idiots out there who act like they can't breathe unless maddox updates in five seconds. The link to it's below, if anyone goes to his site through here:

Update Complaints
Maddox icon

New Poll: Worst Movie
There's a new poll added to the right side of the screen. This time, it's about which of those movies sucks the most, taken from this article:

Five shitty movies that everyone loves.

And for any interested, here's the results of the first poll (though it's a bit off; the votes were cleared on more than one occasion by accident):

Which of maddoxs classics do you prefer? (3311 v.)
More crappy childrens art work - 31.2%
I am better than your kids - 17.8%
Love your kids? Prove it by beating them - 32.1%
The movie Signs in four easy steps - 12.6%
Five things that sucked about LotR - 6.2%
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Hidden Pages and Knockoffs
A few new Hidden Pages and Knockoffs have been added to those two sections. Hope that these new sites appeal to those who like to check them out. Site Tech icon

Titan Probe Discovery
In his news, maddox has added a new picture from the Titan Probe. This is just more evidence that the government tries to hide things that people can't handle, and maddox shows it for all of us.

Titan Probe Discovery

P.S. - If you don't catch that I know the true nature of it from the way I speak about it, you're dense.
Maddox icon

A small update, maddox put up some news yesterday about how the L.A. Times recently removed Garfield from their newspaper for a daily basis (they've decided to keep it for Sundays). There are a few comments as to why and some support of the action on the Editor & Publisher news article. Check out both maddox's rant about Garfield and the newspaper article, respectively, at these two links:

Garfield Sucks.

'L.A. Times' Drops Daily 'Garfield' as the Comic Is Blasted and Praised
Maddox icon

The Eleven Worst Songs of 2004
This time, maddox updated a second time much sooner than expected. It's kind of evened out the gap in months now. Anyway, here's the link, as usual:

The Eleven Worst Songs of 2004
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Maddox Article Up
maddox has just added a new entry to his site, this time focusing on Ben Stiller's overly active movie career as of late. To read it, go here:

Ben Stiller Should Star in Every Movie
Maddox icon

Saddest Caveman!
I don't know when he made this or when he added it to his site, but maddox added a new link to the bottom of his page called Saddest Caveman. It's actually something he made, a short blurb but still rather interesting. Check it out:

Saddest Caveman
Maddox icon