we make money not art: robots Archives

March 29, 2005

Robot Maru gets a girlfriend

09:09 AM robots

The Korea Institute of Science and Technology have developed a "female" remote-operated humanoid dubbed Ahra. This counterpart to the "male" Maru robot has a feminine voice and different body color.


Like Maru, Ahra is a network-based robot, meaning a high-performance computer plays the role of an external brain. The couple are in effect two separate bodies with a single brain. Under the command of the computer the two help each other with tasks such as moving tables. When shaking hands with a human, Ara senses their strength and adjusts her grip accordingly.

Via Digital Chosunibo.

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March 28, 2005

US to create robot surgeons for the army

03:04 PM robots

The Pentagon awarded $12.2 million in grants today to develop robots able to perform full scalpel-and-stitch surgeries on wounded soldiers in battlefield conditions.

The unmanned "trauma pod" would be linked wirelessly to army command without giving away its position to the enemy, and has to be nimble enough to perform under fire.


The project remains at least a decade away from appearing on any battlefields. Surgeons will need to manipulate the robot in real time, using technology that prevents any delays between their commands and the robot’s actions.

Some of the initial technology is already used in hospitals, and the goal of the first project aims only to demonstrate that a surgeon, operating the robot remotely, can stitch together two blood vessels in a pig.

The first "telesurgery" system, developed in the 1980s, gave way to the da Vinci Surgical System, too bulky and dependent on too many humans to be used in battle, but currently used in about 300 hospitals worldwide to remove cancerous prostates, repair faulty heart valves and for other procedures.

Via The Scotsman.

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March 25, 2005


09:57 AM installation + locative + robots + sound

Robotica, by UK based artist Stanza, is an installation where robots are navigating the space to make music and visuals. As they move around they trigger sounds which are played according to their position in space. The movement of the robots also controls live web feeds from around the city to create 3d visuals.


Each robot wanders around a black and white map on the floor. It triggers position sounds and coded 3d via ultrasound in the room and in the robot.

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March 24, 2005

Autonomous outdoor cleaning robot

09:45 AM robots

This merry little machine is the SUBARU RoboHiter , an outdoor cleaning robot currently on show at Aichi World Expo. It cleans the floor whatever weather, is able to pick up a garbage can and is equipped with GPS, position recognition and a moving system using a laser sensor and triangulation.


RoboHiter can communicate with two of its robot mates to ensure a synchronized cleaning of fixed areas.

Picture from CleaningInfo.

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