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It could work (none / 0) (#14)
by Hawk ( on Fri Mar 25th, 2005 at 12:10:56 AM PST
(User Info)
Using a turbine engine in a car could easily be made to work, if you were to scrap the idea of miniturizing an aircraft engine.  The mechanically driven compressor blades don't allow for any quick accelleration, admittedly. Electronically driven ones could. However, to speed up the actual turbine blades within a matter of seconds, obtain impressive horsepower and torque easily compared to a 2.4 l v8 engine,  a higher-forced fuel injection combined with additional cold air input, directed through a flameholder cone, would do the job perfectly.  Simply putting a turboprop engine to a transmission won't work- there's little control over it.  A recirculator would also be needed, like headers on a car, to recycle the partially burnt gas and reintroduce the superheated air to the collector turbines.  So, pretty much...  Have a high-pressure, continuous duty, electrically driven air compressor for your air intake, remove compressor blades, add fuel injectors to the base of the flameholder, put a recirculator leading from the exhaust of the turbine casing back to the entrance, and put that in instead of a piston engine.  Keep the alternator in there, keep the drivetrain (but you'll need to put it to a higher ratio, like 15 or 20 : 1 )  and use a manual transmission.

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