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Sefer Gilgulim - ספר גילגוּלים

" Re-Incarnation " by Reb Chaim Vital

The "Chapters"- "Gates of Wisdom" of the book


Two Pathways in Life


As a brief introduction to this page of "TWO" pathways . As we understand this world is a world of PAIRS - the number 2 is significant in this world (see the section pairs in Spiritual laws from Tana Devei Eliyahu ) .

According to Reb Chaim Vital in Sefer Gilgulim, this means that there are ONLY two choices, just two pathways for you to go at each major junction in your life .

Many people often seek help at a time of trouble because they are in a state of confusion . They claim, that they have many decisions and many choices to make . In fact there are only two choices . One choice is the correct pathway and the "other choices" the wrong pathway . If a person is honest with themselves when they have "many choices" and need to make a decision, they will find that all the options except ONE, will have something in common . All "other options" except one are basically the same choice, just seem different, but intrisically and most importantly spiritually to ones soul - they are all the "same choice" !




I hope this gives you a little understanding to this important subject of "choices" in life

we have made this special point - as many have emailed !



We sincerely apologise for the delay in uploading the pages to this website .

We shall be working on uploading this English section of the Book of Reincarnation www.gilgulim.com website fully with Reb Akiva Shlita, Reb Moshe Shlita and our Rebbe in the week beginning Monday 14th March 2005 Adar 5765 . All the hebrew pages have been fully uploaded , and you will find them at the INDEX page of this website .

We have completed www.heavensregister.com a website of basic spiritual knowledge, understanding and change . Please see our new pages on CHANGE in the Heavensregister website . Also the very long, clear and amazingly excellent ABILITY to Change , and THINKING POSITIVE . All knowledge is taken from Sefer Shinuyim ספר שנוים . We have also made a start on www.tikunim.com - the Book of Corrections.