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Title: Big Fish Caught in Iraq
Author: Charles
Time/date: 6/18/2003 at 10:21:19 am
No. of comments: 36

Saddam Hussein’s presidential secretary has been captured in Iraq. (Hat tip: Caton.)

US forces in Iraq have captured Saddam Hussein's presidential secretary, Abdel Hamid Mahmoud, the fourth most wanted official of the former regime, a US defense official said.

Abdel Hamid Mahmoud Al-Tikriti, described by the US as a presidential secretary to Saddam Hussein and charged with his security, was captured Tuesday by the US military and the Central Intelligence Agency.

He is said to have personal knowledge of Saddam's whereabouts.

The US already has conducted an interrogation of Al-Tikriti, but it was not clear if he has provided any information.

He is said to have had access to information on Iraq's banned weapons program.

And in Tikrit, more millions of dollars in cash have been discovered, along with one of Saddam’s bodyguards.

Meanwhile on Wednesday, US forces raided two farmhouses near the Iraqi town of Tikrit, seizing millions of dollars in cash and about 20 people associated with members of the former regime's special security services, including a bodyguard of Saddam Hussein, a US commander said.

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