[ erys : resume : tech ]

rysmccusker at yahoo dot com
cell: (415) 215-1797
David (Rys) McCusker    
home: (415) 552-3810    

resume, rys, tech

This page describes various tech topics focusing on job interview topics.

index, threads, ag, fe, irondoc,

Every magnifying glass button below links another page covering the topic with more paragraphs beyond the introductory paragraph below. This page merely starts each topic covered on a separate page.

This button takes you to a sample code tarball page with C and C++ samples.

Summary - most of my threading experience is using standard pthreads under Linux on both single processor and multiprocessor machines, with the latter being problematic in performance because Linux seems to often context switch between processors in response to locks even without thread contention. So locks must be avoided for best performance in extremely high frequency acts like memory allocation, even when the lock granularity is so high that no contention is present. When possible, atomic integer updates can be used without pthread mutex locks, using atomic integer update code cloned from the Linux pthread implementation (which uses non-portable assembler). As long as thread safety is done correctly, the biggest problems with threads are:
  • using enough mutex lock granularity to avoid lock contention, and
  • avoiding unnecessary context switches between threads

[...threads continued...]

Mithril programming language research was given a shorter code name of Ag for silver.

IronDoc structured storage research was given a shorter code name of Fe for iron.

IronDoc's design was once a favorite topic during job interviews. The purpose of this page is to recreate some of those old whiteboard presentations, without requiring consumption of valuable interview clock time.


rysmccusker at yahoo dot com
cell: (415) 215-1797
David (Rys) McCusker    
home: (415) 552-3810