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Filmography by Genre for
David Angell More at IMDbPro »

Genre index
  1. "Frasier" [Writer] [executive producer] [in loving memory of]
        - Goodnight, Seattle: Part 2 (2004) TV episode [Writer]
        - Goodnight, Seattle: Part 1 (2004) TV episode [Writer]
        - Crock Tales (2004) TV episode [Writer]
        - Detour (2004) TV episode [Writer]
        - And Frasier Makes Three (2004) TV episode [Writer]
         (238 more)
  2. "The Pursuit of Happiness" (1995) TV series [Writer] [executive producer]
  3. "Cheers" [producer] [Writer] [executive story editor] [supervising producer] [story editor]
        - The Guy Can't Help It (1993) TV episode [Writer]
        - Please Mr. Postman (1989) TV episode [supervising producer]
        - Norm, Is That You? (1988) TV episode [supervising producer]
        - The Sam in the Grey Flannel Suit (1988) TV episode [producer]
        - Airport V (1988) TV episode [producer]
         (35 more)
  4. "Wings" [Writer] [executive producer]
        - The Gift: Part 2 (1993) TV episode [Writer]
        - The Gift: Part 1 (1993) TV episode [Writer]
        - Stew in a Stew (1992) TV episode [Writer]
        - Sports and Leisure (1990) TV episode [Writer]
        - All for One and Two for Helen (1990) TV episode [executive producer]
         (5 more)
  5. "Domestic Life" [Writer]
        - Showdown at Walla Walla (1984) TV episode [Writer]
  6. "Condo" (1983) TV series [Writer]
  7. "Archie Bunker's Place" [Writer]
        - Relief Bartender (1983) TV episode [Writer]
        - Barney Gets Laid Off (1982) TV episode [Writer]
  1. "Cheers" [producer] [Writer] [executive story editor] [supervising producer] [story editor]
        - The Guy Can't Help It (1993) TV episode [Writer]
        - Please Mr. Postman (1989) TV episode [supervising producer]
        - Norm, Is That You? (1988) TV episode [supervising producer]
        - The Sam in the Grey Flannel Suit (1988) TV episode [producer]
        - Airport V (1988) TV episode [producer]
         (35 more)
  1. The 'Frasier' Story (1999) (TV) [Actor]