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PHP Related Links

On these sites you will find tutorials, articles, example scripts, PHP related tools, jobs, web hosting services, etc. We suggest you visit our mailing lists page for information about mailing lists on and some international ones. Our books page may also be interesting for those searching for PHP reading.

PHP Support Companies

Professional PHP Associations

PHP News

PHP Link Catalogs

PHP FAQ sites

Complex PHP Related Sites

PHP Scripts and Programs

PHP Magazines

PHP Video and audio

PHP Tutorials

PHP Setup and Authoring Tools

Companies that provide commercial tools for PHP

PHP Accelerators

PHP Merchandise

Non-English PHP Sites

Developers and Job Opportunities

Here's a list of sites with that publish PHP-related job listings:

For a more exhaustive list of job search sites on the web, take a look at's Job Search listings.

ISPs that support PHP

Looking for an ISP or hosting service that supports PHP? The following sites list some providers:

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