Steve Jackson Games: Site Navigation

Gamer and Store Finder

Steve Jackson Games provides this locator to help you find game stores and players.

Looking for people to game with? Add your name here, and/or search the listings to find gamers near you. There are currently 1043 gamers in the database.

Game stores are great places to meet new gamers, and (duh!) buy games. You can search our database of 231 stores. If we have a street address for the store, a map link is included! (Maps only available for US and Canada addresses.)




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Find Gamers or Stores

You can search based on location in several ways: city, state, first three digits of a US zip code, and/or country. If you search based on a location but don't specify a game, you'll get everybody in that location. If you specify location AND game, it will find people who fit both. Any location search will bring up all stores in that location.

If you specify only a game, you'll get people everywhere who play that game, but no stores, since the store search is location-based.

If a "city" search doesn't do the job, try it again with "state" or the zip code, and see how that works out.

    State (US only):
    First 3 digits of
    ZIP or Postal Code:

    Show:   stores   gamers   gamers and stores   

    Store Feature(s):


    Gamer Interest(s):

    Game area
    Accepts special orders
    Deals in out-of-print games

    Awful Green Things Burn In Hell
    Car Wars Chez Dork
    Chez Geek Crime Lords
    Dino Hunt Dork Tower
    Frag Greed Quest
    GURPS GURPS Traveller
    Hacker Illuminati
    In Nomine INWO
    Killer Knightmare Chess
    Munchkin Card Games Munchkin Roleplaying
    Ninja Burger Ogre
    Ogre Miniatures Silicon Valley Tarot
    Snits! Strange Synergy
    Tile Chess Toon
    Transhuman Space Tribes

Steve Jackson Games
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