
New Development Concept

Your City Commission has been working the past year to develop a new development concept for traditional neighborhoods. The concept is based on creating a distinctive style incorporating the historic heritage of Longwood.

These pictures are a sample of the new development concept. The Longwood Hamlet incorporates a sustainable mix of uses into a safe, attractive, family friendly neighborhood setting. The new neighborhoods can easily replace the sprawl and blight along our major corridors. Large abandoned buildings can become thriving streets full of life.

The City has received word that negotiations are underway by a private party to purchase the current Pick N’ Save property. The picture on the upper right side shows how the Longwood Hamlet can fit onto the site.

What’s the next step and how is the City going to implement the Longwood Hamlet? The City Commission authorized staff to develop a set of development standards for the Longwood Hamlet. Staff will also begin meeting with selected developers in order to market both Longwood and the Hamlet concept. Your City Commission reaffirmed its position that the City WILL NOT USE eminent domain for the taking of private property for private development. The preferred implementation is private sector buy-in using traditional approaches.

What can you do? Give us your comments because input from the community is a vital part in making the Longwood Hamlet a reality. Please email us at Hamlet with your comments or suggestions.